my first sprout grew but died. need feedback


Active Member
the leaves were burned by the light being i think about '12 close to the plant. Now I know my mistake and growing two buckets. In one bucket, has about 4 seeds in it or 5 i think, but its a good thing I put toothpicks around the seeds I planted so they wont end up growning so close. Now I know how to use the light and temperture for the plant. But needing some info on water and fertilizer and ph level for the soil.

water, where can I get a ph level water kit and is it important to use this? fertilizer, what type or name brand is best used for weed plants and also if thats important? and last the ph level soil thing, where can i get it that and also, is that important to use?

Im using miricle grow potting soil with 40w round light like you would use to have it clamped on your car while your working on it. It sprouted using this light but burned the leaves because it was close. the room is about 68f-70f
at night and 75f during the day. I dont worry to much how cold it is because the heat of the light can warm it.


Well-Known Member
i hate cfl's so i wont recomend them... Discount Hydroponics is where i go for light...also i dont understand what you mean by buckets...also depending on your grow box i would go for a 400hps or mh...but bigger is better as long as you have the aera...


Well-Known Member
You can't put multiple plants in the same bucket. The roots will tangle and fight for growth space in the soil and all of them will die. Please separate ASAP in 16 oz. party cups! Your growth temps are fine for now, but your lights are completely wrong and not enough. You need at least 1 or 2 45w CFLs (the spiral ones) per plant to start with. You can get them from HD along with the lamp reflectors. Cheaper at Walmart though. pH is very important. You can buy everything you need from High Tech Garden Supply as well. I don't understand what you're using toothpicks for but you don't need them... Wouldn't use Miracle Gro soil either. You need to do a LOT of reading in the GROWFAQ up top before you ask any more questions.


Well-Known Member
In one bucket, has about 4 seeds in it or 5 i think, but its a good thing I put toothpicks around the seeds I planted so they wont end up growning so close.

i would germinate the seeds first so i could find out if the seeds were viable. then i would plant them in separate containers- using plastic cups with holes in the bottom would be fine for sprouts to start. i know you weren't asking for this advice, but i can't help it after reading your description of where they are. what you see above the soil and what you see below the soil are two entirely different things... keeping the roots separate from one another is much more important than worrying if the leaves bump into one another.

water, where can I get a ph level water kit and is it important to use this?

go to walmart or some store like that... you should be able to get a simple pool test kit for a few bucks. then, test your tap water's ph and also check for chlorine. i found that there was no significant reading of chlorine in my tap water, and the ph was perfect, so taking it from the tap also means that i don't have to let it sit out to let chlorine evaporate and sitting water also unfortunately gets rid of the beneficial oxygen in the water.

fertilizer, what type or name brand is best used for weed plants and also if thats important?

i use the fox farm brand stuff called "grow big" ... at least for vegging... i have to do some reading about what i need to do for flowering.

and last the ph level soil thing, where can i get it that and also, is that important to use?

use good soil, keep your water ph balanced, and i doubt you'll have to worry about it

Im using miricle grow potting soil

some people use this successfully, but it sucked for me. in general, my plants have been way happier since i changed my soil, and have grown like crazy. if you're going to use mg, make sure you mix in some perlite or something to make it easier for drainage and for the roots to grow.

with 40w round light like you would use to have it clamped on your car while your working on it.
you will never ever grow anything with this light. read more about lighting and invest in some cfls if you don't have the bread for hid.

good luck!


Active Member
you will never ever grow anything with this light. read more about lighting and invest in some cfls if you don't have the bread for hid.

good luck!

thanks a lot. got to rethink my stragety and grow again. thanks a lot, its helpful.:blsmoke: