My First Small operation


Well-Known Member
Still no other seeds germing yet, so i added two more, i just have them in a damp (NOT SOAKING WET) paper towel on top my fridge.. I sure wish more would crack


Well-Known Member
you will need a pot that is at least 12" wide and 12" deep to achieve anything. I would try to find at least a 3 gallon pot, most of us here use 5 gallon pots or buckets.


Well-Known Member
you will need a pot that is at least 12" wide and 12" deep to achieve anything. I would try to find at least a 3 gallon pot, most of us here use 5 gallon pots or buckets.
wow, depending on the size you want your plants, you dont need a 5 gal bucket.


Well-Known Member
im looking to flower around 9-10 inches, so hopefully they wont be much larger than 2ft.
I was thinking 1 gal buckets?? yea or no?


Well-Known Member
well great news checked my plants and one is jussst barley breaking the soil i think by morning i may have a sprout, now for the bad news, still no other seeds have germinated, im starting to get a little impatient, hard to believe only 2 good seeds outta 10 but i guess i CAN happen.. I started 3 seperate seeds in a different container, i promised my self i wouldnt disturb either one for at least 48 hrs. hopefully then something happens...


Well-Known Member
well one more seed has been germinated and has been planted. Sorry for the lack of pic the only cam i got now is on this comp, some dick stole my decent one (Shady fags reason number #1 im eager to grow my own crop!!)


New Member
If you ae getting so little germination, either you are doing it wrong or the seeds you are using are trash. No offense.
Get two paper plates, put a paper towel on each side, dampen them, put seeds on one side. put plates together. Make sure towels stay damp. Wait two days.
I have a pretty good success rate like that.


Well-Known Member
its true some of the seeds could be garbage, its all bagseed, however, theres gotta be at least 15 different kinds of seeds from different bags, i honestly doubt im doing it WRONG. i do have them in a damp paper towel in a ziplock bag on my fridge maybe im just unlucky.


Well-Known Member
maybe i spoke a little too soon. lucky for me one seed has sprouted, pray to jah that is a girl. one more has germinated and is planted, dunno why the seeds are just poppin one at a time.



Well-Known Member
i put one soft white 42w cfl above the three pots ive got going now it is closest to the first one 2" and no more than 5-6" from the other pots which i think is ok for now because nothing else has sprouted


Well-Known Member
How many lights total do you have holy shit. lol every other posts your like i just picked up 2 more. lol. Take a picture of all the lights you have going


Well-Known Member
LOL Right now i just have 4 23 watt 6500k lumens and the 42w soft white. I do have a gang of other bulbs but currently they are not being used


Well-Known Member
YEAH YEAH YEAH... I just got my copy of Gnome's book's:Buds For Less!!!! Wooooo I imagine wit textile help+ everyone here, theres no way ima fuck up. i mean my soil and water ph is right around 6.5 ive got enough light lumens/per sq. ft, I really hope this works because im sooo sick of shady people and paying $300/oz.

Side note: Ive sorta stumbled across a schwag dealer who hooks it up. 1/4oz $20. So my thought processes is... Start smoking the cheep buds now, in effort to A) save money to buy better ferts, soils. but B) get my system adjusted to crappy buds so when i get my first crop. (Hopefully nicer buds than swag) it'll rock my socks off

sorry for lac of pics but until i get a better cam my cpu cam will hafa do


Well-Known Member
just a thought.....willnt the cardboard get mad hot and cause a fire? not bustin your ballz just asking b/c im tight on cash too and wanted to here someone elses view on it.



Well-Known Member
well im running about 76 degrees right now inside the box. believe it or not the wires to the fan and lights dont get hot!!! All my connections run to my power surge on top of the cabinet. I dont think it'll start a fire because only covered wire is touching cardboard. the box has been on 4 days straight, including a day test run and i see no hot spots or danger or my box lighting fire. im eventually gonna tape or velcro it to the wall outta the way once i get some plants flowering in the top part so i can put a top on. Id say a cardboard growbox would be ok as long as you're intelligent about where all the electrical connections are



Well-Known Member
Another planted sprouted today that gives me 2 with leaves, another 2 in pots should be breaking soon, on the advice of SeeMoreBuds I gave both plants that have sprouted 2 TABLESPOONS of water to just keep the roots moist

Pics for IOWN and others curious about how the lights are i got 6 running now 12 more to add for the top half of my box

