My first setup


Active Member
so i revised my plan a little bit after realizing i had no more money from buying supplies for my last setup. I was going to duplicate the silo stealth setup that was in a thread i saw on herev(sorry i cant remember whos setup it was)

But I now have a 60watt CFL with my homemade aluminum foil hood. Im growing inside of a 5 gallon bucket (which I now have in my closet) I put aluminum foil around the entire interior of the bucket. The plants (right now i have 2 seedlings that i germinated in there but i dont think im going to keep them together cause of root tangling) but they are in rock wool plugs inside a tuperware basket i made. There is extra rock wool inside the tuperware for the roots to spread out into. And that is sitting in the water (about 4-5 inches deep) with an air stone running under it.

My only question is whether i should have the air pump on pre-sprouting?
And should the air stone be right under the plant or just off to the side to airate the water a little bit.

another question too actually haha...when should i start with fertilizer?

Heres pics of my setup:



Well-Known Member
interesting set-up!

i would ditch the foil - flat white is better than that. if you want something cheap and shiny - use the shiny silver gift wrap.

your roots should not be getting any light so you'll need an opaque (can't see through it) container. each plant should have an individual container. you can use hydroton (clay pellets) to hold the rock wool in place so you don't have to waste your rock wool cubes.

But to answer your questions...
seedlings need water too - so yes, turn on your air pump.
use the airstone through the whole grow and as long as it bubbles enough - doesn't matter where you place it - the roots will grow all over the place.
you can start adding nutes in 3-4 weeks or after the 3rd or 4th node appears.

good luck and happy growing!


Active Member
thanks for the response

i forgot to mention that part of the little basket i made is an opaque butter tub that has a whole cut out of the bottom where the air stone is and 4 holes in the side for water to come through.

i covered it all in aluminum foil just cause i was worried about the entire plant getting light once it gets some leaves and i figured aluminum foil was reflective enough to get it to the whole plant.

I prolly also should have mentioned that i dont plan on growing a normal 10 month or so plant. Im just growing it to the capacity of my bucket and then flowering it. kinda a little bonzai. Just cause im in the parents house still and dont have the room for anything bigger. So im just trying to see how much i can get outa this little grow.

ill keep the pictures comin as they start to sprout.


Well-Known Member
cool. and while i don't want to preach to you - i should tell you that if you are growing in your parents house without their permission you are risking them losing a lot - including their house if you are caught. like i said - don't want to preach but it is something you should know.


Active Member
cmon...whats more important? some bud or ur parents home and reputation? haha

yea i know the risk
the risk is very high for me considering I have a my suspicious dad sniffing me like a flippin bloodhound all the time.

but Im doing a very quick grow...less than a month im planning.
My parents dont look in my closet because they 'know' (so they think) that my closet is a huge mess and i dont even use it for anything cause there isnt usually even any room in there.

Im slightly worried about my parents. but im home almost all day with the exception of my classes that i have early in the morning. and i have the light set on a timer to be off for the hours when u can tell there is a light on in my closet. So when im out at night they dont see anything and have no reason to look in there.

the cops arent a worry to me. I know all the local police and they know im a respectable kid and know that my parents are very respectable.

so the only possible problem that actually worries me is electrical failure and the possibility of it starting a fire. But im very paranoid about it starting a fire and i keep a very close eye on everything to make sure that doesnt happen.


Well-Known Member
like i said - don't want to preach and you certainly don't have to justify to me.

since most bud takes 8-10 weeks to mature AFTER switching to 12/12 - i don't see how you're going to finish a grow in a month though...


Active Member

My babies are comin up like true champs!
i checked on them when i woke up and they had still not broken the surface of the rock wool.
just checked them again and in just 12 hours they have allready grown almost 3 cm out of the rock wool and have their first two leaves!!!!

this is so exciting
my first plants!!!!

the temp stays at 87*F with the hygrometer at a little over 30%
...seems a little too hot but i think its partially due to the thermometer being sorta near the light. And the plants seem to be doing good so im not too worried about it.

Im going to make a second container so that they each are growing in their own container and there wont be any root trouble. Since im only doing two little bonzai-ish plants I dont think it will be a problem to keep them together in the setup as long as they are in seperate containers.

Only questions I have is whether I can start using fertilizers soon considering im doing about a one month grow for these two small plants?



Well-Known Member
this time (seedling stage) is the best time for high temps - but as the plant matures you'll want to bring that temp down if you can.

i will reiterate that it takes 8-10 weeks for the flowering stage AFTER you switch to 12/12 so even if you don't veg your plant at all it will take two months to get to a harvest.


Active Member
since most bud takes 8-10 weeks to mature AFTER switching to 12/12 - i don't see how you're going to finish a grow in a month though...

But these little bonzai plants that only yield like 8 grams are all done in less than 10 weeks i thought???

have i been mis-reading all of this info???

Total buzzkill if i cant do this in a short month or so.


Well-Known Member
But these little bonzai plants that only yield like 8 grams are all done in less than 10 weeks i thought???

have i been mis-reading all of this info???

Total buzzkill if i cant do this in a short month or so.
don't want to be a buzzkill but you might get 8 grams in 10 weeks. even if you do grow for less than that (say 8 weeks) that is still two months not one.

i have not seen anyone grow smokable bud in less than 8 weeks - but i am often wrong so will change my tune if i see proof.


Active Member

well two months isnt that bad either

i can do two months

im only doing this cause i want the satisfaction of growing my own bud and smoking it. Thats why i dont really care about how much i yield. I just want to heighten my appreciation for this wonderful plant.

And the thought of harvesting and smoking my own bud sounds pretty much fuckin amazing.

Email...I am greatful for your support in my thread
I hope you stick around to see how this baby turns out.


Active Member
that book looks great
but i am broke haha

i really getting excited about my grow.
day four and they have doubled in height!!!!
one of them even has four leaves now!!!

im going to start a grow journal for anyone who wants to check out how things are going.

so heres the last picture for this thread:
check out my grow journal for more.



Active Member
it is a very sad day for me.

the day i need to throw away my babies...

my parents have caught me.
they made me get my hair cut a week ago and they kept some of my hair. my moms a nurse so she had it tested.

i am fucked

the good thing is i overheard them talking about how they busted me. so i got a heads up to clear out the goods.
but it is a very sad day.

im gonna do an outdoors grow this spring in the park. on this island. hopefully that works out.

and i might set up my hydro system again...but for now i have to clear my name.

wish me luck friends...:-?


Well-Known Member
wow your parents are that up tight that they sent your hair for a drug test!?!

how could you possibly grow your own at home, when you cant even smoke outside your home!!!

its either time to have a talk with your parents, or move out!


Active Member
sry man the babies are no longer.

and im in the U.S.

Yea my once thriving little babies are now just dried up brown little stems :cry: