My First Setup & Grow


Alright I read over the forum and decided to join in and do a small grow. I will be transplanting tomorrow into the new system and hopefully it will work. If not I will keep reading and reading and learning til I get it perfect. The seeds are bag seeds but they have been doing good so far. I took some pictures of the completed project I will take a few more when I get it running tomorrow. It was a little dark I will replace these with better pics tomorrow also.

I'm using hydroton, 2 single air pumps (just in case 1 goes out), water pump, I'm only using 4 spots for this grow container, 2 bubble stones (weighted down by 2oz fishing weights thanks to the forum for that idea).

I'll be posting as the grow starts and continues. Let the good times grow....

I have a question though. How do you get the water pump to stay put, right now its kinda just laying at the bottom.



ok so after trial and error and reading more on the forum i decided to get rid of my original water pump and i am now using a 130gph fountain pump and a 6 tube irrigation control hub. I put the seeds in today and the system is running great. I will post a picture as soon as the spout comes up.


anyone know or had experience with any other nutes. I hate having to travel to get nutes or order offline everytime. My question is there any nutes that are avaible at walmart,lowes, or menards that work well with this setup. Thanks


Active Member
Some people say that miricle grow diluted down alot will work. Please don't do that.

You can purchase on ebay good neuts or make that trip. It is safe to buy this stuff. You buying a gallon or two means nothing to anyone. Give your little ladies the best.


thanks. Ya i bought a gallon of fox farm put it in the back of the trunk with the rest of the supplies and somehow along the long road trip (130 miles one way to the hydro store) the bottle was empty when i got back home (bad seal apparently). I got the set up ready to roll and the water is going to try and reduce the tap water contaminants. Just didnt know if there was something at one of the local stores that i could use. I'll just take the drive again its worth it.


Active Member
oh, empty bottle suck. All that money and nothing to show. Maybe you trunk would be a good place to grow.<g>

I have yet to see a good grow on here where they improvixed their solutions. I am sure there is someone that will argue the point, but not all the products are bunk or a waste of money. Some of the best results have been done with the simple 3 part General Hydro.

Good luck.


ya thats what i was thinking make a good grow space lol. Ya I decided I'm just gonna keep looking for something until i get a chance to make the road trip. I dont like ordering things online and having them sent here, specially since I dont know anyone and can send it to their house. Oh well if it don't work out this time around I'll keep going until i find something that suits me. Gives me more time to read the forum anyway.


Well-Known Member
Didin't the water pump come with suction cups attached to bottom of it?

If not, I'm sure there some kind of kit out there to attach things to the bottom of a rubbermaid container full of water..


the first waterpump had some shitty suction cups that just wouldnt stick to glass so i threw all that shit away and bought a 130gph pond pump from menards for 40 bucks and its got 4 cups on the bottom and sits there fine. Thanks for the reply though.

I was actually able to get some nutes from a local small mom and pop store and the grow is onnnnnnn. Soon as they sprout the journal will begin.


its been about 12 days since i began (i started from seed and let it germinate in the rockwool). Here are some pictures of my plants at 12 days. This is my first grow and am experimenting with several things to see what I get.

The stilts for the plants were put in due to stretching but one has a solid root now and i will be removing a couple within the next 2 days.




Active Member
its hard to tell but it looks as if your using 2700k soft light spectrum cfl's? you will get a lot of stretching using that spectrum . if you can go get some daylight cfl's 6500k and you will cut that stretching out. in veggin the lack of blue spectrum promotes stretching.


its hard to tell but it looks as if your using 2700k soft light spectrum cfl's? you will get a lot of stretching using that spectrum . if you can go get some daylight cfl's 6500k and you will cut that stretching out. in veggin the lack of blue spectrum promotes stretching.
Good to know i'll run out tomorrow and see what i can find. Thanks


Active Member
You might try that, but in my opinion, that can't be the only problem. I have three plants and they are all under only 27k's. They have three nodes, three inches tall and about 4 inches wide. I would actually like them to stretch out a little more. The growth is very compact and they have not even gotten close to the lights. This leads me to believe that 27k doesnt necessarily lead to stretching. In my opinion, if you just add more watts (it probably would be best to look for 65k unless you don't wanna replace them with 27k's when flowering comes) that will stop the stretching.


Well this is day 17 of the grow here are some pics to show how far they have gone in only 5 days. I added light to the sides and increased nutes as well as drain and refill on day 14 with 1 hour root air dry.

The one plant seems to be growing more than the others which i assume is natural. One of the plants has droppy, sad looking leaves so i added another light we will see if this helps.



Well-Known Member
Your leaves are looking kind of dry. What temps are you getting?
How is the root growth?
Next time you take the lid off could you take some root pics? I love seeing those! :)
Keep growing!