My First set of babies!

So i just puchsed 12 clones from the clinic: 1 white widow, 1la conf, 1 ak,1 hindu,2 bubba, 2bubblegum,1 purp k, and 3 OGs.

i was told they had just rooted and they will be showing soon(1.5" rockwool). i have been keeping temp about 68-75F and RH in between 78-85%, except for at night, like now where it is 70F and 67%RH.

They are in a dome with holes but plastic wrap and 2 48" Fluoros 40w at about 2" above dome (ranging 4-6" from clones)

ive had them 2 or 3 days and the OG that was upset from the beginning looks like it gave up but im not sure. The purple kush is big but leaning but not too bad, looks really strong. i mist the inside of the dome whenever i c it dry (5 times a day) is that too much? and the cubes were dry so i watered them a bit. any effect? i just wanna plant these babies but should i wait till they yellow? im going to do soil.i am seein signs in some, will upload pics soon.

o yea...they are like 7-10days in rockwool.

any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated. :bigjoint:


Active Member
well it all depends at the dome they are in . usually spray 2 times a day . it should be a 80% of humidity or smth like that .
if u see the dome dry than what u doing is pretty fine .

after vegging for two weeks in rockwool they are pretty much ready for a transplant . u should see the roots popping out
this means they are pretty much ready for transplnt .
Because of how slow they have been going, i wanna just assume i got the clones at 5 days old..making them 11 days today. The LA Conf rooted and was transplanted to soil 3 days ago, 1 OG was 2 days ao, and a Bubblegum just spit out a root today so i will be moving her after this post. I have been seeing new growth in them all cant wait till they all root.

I feel things are going pretty good for them, the Purp is losing color in leafs and stood more straight up but i see no roots yet(im not worried) the OG that was leaning from them beginning is still really droopy but i straightened it somewhat(fingers crossed) main worry now is how can i expect from these..i know im waayyy ahead of myself, but i just wanna know
i just updated and accidentally deleted it so im going 2 tryta be short..i wanna assume i got the clones at 5 days old, making them 11 today..the LA Conf rooted and was transplanted 3 days ago, 1 OG 2 days ago, and a Bubblegum just rooted so ill transplant after this post. I feel things are great in the dome, new growth everyday and the Purp K has stood up more and is losing its leafs colors(good right?) im just waiting for them all to root.

The OG that has been stubborn from the beginning has its days but i just stood it up some today, hoping that it improves. I feel pretty comfortable with them now but i wanna know maybe a round-a-bout idea of what i can expect to yield..i know im waaayyy ahead of myself but it doesnt hurt to dream..all soil grow

2-48" fluoros..soon 250w metal halide..then 400w hps(flower)


Well-Known Member
Wayyy ahead of urself. Patientce. Focus on keeping the leaves green. Then start thinking about harvest. Good luck, smoke well.
yea ur rite..well to my surprise a Bubba rooted right after i posted this so i just rooted that baby..well hopefully the rest root soon!
quik question if any1 can help..i have tha veg plants on a 18-6 schedule but are in the same room as the clones(24hr lights). what i have been doing is just covering the pots with another pot and covering the holes to block the light..everytime i take the top off to give them light again, The LA Conf is wet on its new growth(like sweat) this normal..the others dont but the LA Conf is looking the best! Is this okay?? i will be able to do it all right(lights really off) on friday, but today is i ok till then?
