My First Semi Serious Grow


Well-Known Member
ok so i put some vinegar & washing up liquid in a bowl and put a few bowls in my room


Well-Known Member
Oh lol cool, I think you'll be impressed by using this method, so far it's been doing the job for me I still haven't seen any but like I said I sure hope they didn't have time to lay their eggs.


Well-Known Member
Got side tracked with other threads....well SX1 is dead now...tried your method and it didnt work so i tried someone else's and it killed the plant..o well :(

the retard is now in a new pot, seems to be perking up a bit
SX2 is a nice bright shade of green, and is starting to fill out abit along the stalk
#2 is at the same stage as SX2, a slightly dark shade of green, also filling out


are they the right size ect.. for there age considering they are not being given nutes yet and they are being grown under cfls?

When should i start adding nutes and what ones?

On sx2 and #2 some of the lower leaves are dead and have been for a couple of weeks, there has been allot of new growth so i dont think there is a problem so i was just wondering if i could trim the leaves of and what it would cause?

i have circled the leaves that im talking about, cant see them to clearly but just a general idea of where they are and there size.

Uploaded a pic of sx2 and #2​



my first set of leaves that were on the bottom go brown and die, so I just pinch and pull em off.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about your plant dying, the soap and vinegar worked for me but then again I wasn't infected, so far I haven't seen any lil white eggs people talk about in the soil also there hasn't been any flying around since.

I'm going through the hole veg stage with no nutes except for a couple plants I'm feeding MG to help them catch up to the others, so far it's working, I hear fox farm products are good, I'm planning on getting some of that tiger bloom by them, if you must start feeding them nutes, I would wait at least a couple more weeks.

Those plants for their ages look about right and for being grown under cfl's also I wouldn't go clipping any leaves let them grow, if they die they will fall off naturally, by clipping them will only cause more stress, also try 24/7 light for faster growth.

I just started a journal for my cfl grow, if interested check out the following link,


Well-Known Member
nah i dont plan on using nutes, maybe some for flowering to give the buds a boost :)


New Member
OK... glad i stopped by. What was all the business with the dish water?

... and who killed your plant?

i got pizza. Fill me in what's going on... and i'll try to help out when i get back.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey I upgraded to some fly strips good for all the flying lil bastards, only buck 50 at home depot, thought you'd like to know.



Well-Known Member
Im not sure of a exact temperature, but there is a 18" fan in there that comes on when the lights come on and every 15 mins for 5 mins when the lights are not on.

Moro opinions on the plants plz.
dude u gota keep the fan running even when the lights are off not juss when they on, and also what do u have for air surcualtion, best thing to do is to have cold (not to to cold) air being pumped into your grow room and another pumping air out and mad fans on it.


New Member
You've overnuted slightly... at least from the pic's I just looked at. I go through a lot of threads... what medium you growing in etc, if you don't mind me asking... and you having to repeat yourself.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the fan is on all the time now and has been for a week or so now
i aint added any nutes yet, just using some compost that my mum brought, i think its just abit of over watering cause them pics were a few hours after i transplanted em to a new pot.
I got nw pics to add but my computer wont recognize my phone so ill try again later.


New Member
Ive told you already im not using any nutes yet lol.
They are in the compost already... i don't think you're going to need to feed them for a while.

Only trouble is, you don't know the exact levels of the nutes in the compost. I'm sure glad I don't grow in soil.:mrgreen: