My first SCroG. Woohoo..


I am growing my first ScroG ever and loving it. 5 weeks into flower.

Prior to this I was just using low stress training and and my absolute best harvest yielded around 120 gram of a single 250w CFL bulb. With this ScroG I expect to set a new personal record and yield a 100 gram or more on a 200 watt bulb.

I will post some pictures when I get home and are looking forward to some feedback from you guys. I am always trying to improve.

In that regard I am wondering what the upper limit for a CFL grow would be, when it comes to watt/gram ratio?


Your opinion is VERY welcome, Mr. Belvedere. Because I have actually been named, shamed and called a liar on this very board for claiming to have gotten around 120 gram from a 250 watt grow.

The reaction I got was horrible, especially from one user. He downright called me a liar and calling me names like "JohnnyBigballs" etc. The dude downright said that ”if I did what I claimed to have done, then he was a talking monkey".

To the poster who said that: If you are reading this: It is not very nice to accuse strangers of lying.. And it is not a very nice personality-trait to think that noone else can accomplish more than what you are capable of. To think that your own skills is the pinnacle of what is humanly possible is... well. I wont even comment on such mentality. Sorry to come forward like this, but your reaction back then towards a newcomer on this forum was NOT ok. Maybe 0.33g/watt is the upper limit to you, but it is not ok to name and shame people, just because they are able to get better yields than what you can accomplish.

Sorry to the rest of you for this rant, but I had to let it out, and now back on topic:

I am now growing another batch. This time under a 200 watt CFL. And I expect to break the 0.5g/watt ratio.

Pics of my 200 watt single bulb CFL grow 5 weeks into flower:

What do the rest of you guys think? Do you agree with Belvedere that it is possible to yield a 1/1 ratio with CFL? And what do you think would be a more realistic goal to strive for? For me personally with no sidelighting and very limited closet-space I will be exalted for anything over 0.6g/watt (as I have a hard time seeing much more roomfor improving the setup due to limited space). If I had a bit more space, and put up some sidelights I would definately aim for at least 0.75g/watt. I'm growing on 0.4 square meters and the bulb could easily cover more than that. I also only use a basic nutrient, where some "top-max", rootjuice and whats not would help aswell.

I actually believe that a 1/1 ratio would be (close to) possible in a 100% ideal environment. If Mr.Belvedere has seen it done, who am I to question :)
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Well-Known Member
Yes it is good to keep positive and ignore negative posts with no value. Hopefully the forum will be a better place. Your plants look great. My only suggestion is that you have too many large fan leaves, these large leaves are blocking light to the bottom of the colas. So you can cut them off (a few a day) so that you thin out your canopy and achieve better light penetration to all parts of the plant. In bloom cycle the fan leaves are not critical to have, the less the better. The fan leaves you decide to keep should be the ones on the BOTTOM of the colas. In other words, prune the large fan leaves at the top of the colas. You will increase your yield and have great light penetration to the entire cola.


Thanks for the feedback. I hear very different things about pruning the fan leaves. You and a lot of others says "prune for better light penetration to the colas", while other people say "dont.. They are the power-plant in your well.. plant. It is the leaves that produce the energy for the cola to grow"

Both arguments makes perfect sense to me... :confused:


Well-Known Member
Yes, you should always leave "some" leaf on it. During veg there is no reason to take off leaves. But during budding you actually want all the energy to go into the cola flower bracht formation, and the small leaves on the cola are all you need. Of course always leave at least two big fan leaves per one foot of plant. Just my two cents.
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Well-Known Member
Your opinion is VERY welcome, Mr. Belvedere. Because I have actually been named, shamed and called a liar on this very board for claiming to have gotten around 120 gram from a 250 watt grow.

The reaction I got was horrible, especially from one user. He downright called me a liar and calling me names like "JohnnyBigballs" etc. The dude downright said that ”if I did what I claimed to have done, then he was a talking monkey".

To the poster who said that: If you are reading this: It is not very nice to accuse strangers of lying.. And it is not a very nice personality-trait to think that noone else can accomplish more than what you are capable of. To think that your own skills is the pinnacle of what is humanly possible is... well. I wont even comment on such mentality. Sorry to come forward like this, but your reaction back then towards a newcomer on this forum was NOT ok. Maybe 0.33g/watt is the upper limit to you, but it is not ok to name and shame people, just because they are able to get better yields than what you can accomplish.

Sorry to the rest of you for this rant, but I had to let it out, and now back on topic:
Jesus. Cry much? Incredible that you took the time to tag this post on my profile.

I stand by what I said. If you yield 250 grams of manicured, dried and cured flowers from 250 watts of CFL, I am a talking monkey. And in the interest of accuracy, I called you "Billy Big Balls."

Pics or it didn't happen. Also, our discussions were a year ago. Try not to hold a meaningless grudge, kid. You'll be happier for it.


woah wait.. Did I ever claim to have yielded 250 gram from a 250 watt bulb?
At least stick to the truth.... In the interest of accuracy...

You called me a liar for claiming to have gotten 120 gram of a 250 watt bulb. According to you that is an impossible accomplishment.


To get the facts straight (since you try to lie yourself to justification). Quoted from the thread in question:

For CFL growers, I would suggest the upper limit is close to .3 grams per watt, NOT the average. If you yield anywhere near that ratio (or over it), you're during remarkably well. To yield 100 grams (dried) off of 300 watts of CFL is a tremendous result, and exceptional rather than commonplace. Once you start completing grows, you'll see how outrageous it is to expect 1 gram per watt with CFLs.

I took a look at Came99's sparse grow pics - if your grow netted you 120 grams of dried and cured bud, I'm a talking monkey.
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But I'm just glad that I don't have my head so far up in my own arse, that I can't comprehend that other people can do better than me in some regards.

"Noone can solve a Rubiks Cube in less than 15 minutes, and not a single person on the planet can use chopsticks properly". Yeah, that would bring me far...
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Well-Known Member
No need to fight and argue, lets be adults and try to help each other! Time spent fighting is less time growing :)


The keys of very high gpw with CFL:

-Select a pure indica super high yield strain that grows one highly compact cola. MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THE STRAIN!

-Old schools SOG-Cram as many colas per square foot as possible (using very tiny containers)

-The "12/12" from clone method (old school SOG concept before plant numbers mattered)...this controls "the stretch"

- using key old school SOG principles (removing almost all fan leaves)

Quote: DrBudGreengenes....
Thank You.....and remember for the 2.7 grams per watt you would need for all 27 plants finish 21 grams dried...that would be in a Perfect situation.
Which I have not achieved as of yet but I am working on it

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That is indeed impressive.. Sogging is unfortunately out of the question for me, since I don't have any room for a seperate vegging cabinet. On a future grow I do plan on making another "net" that I can install over the canopy with smaller bulbs on small flexible clip-ons. More lower wattage bulbs will give me better lumen/watt than one big bulb, and I would also be able to optimize the light way better.

As for SunnyJims expected reaction to what you just posted: "Human Lies"

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It probably will, but I would love if you would answer the following two questions:

What is your thoughts about the article that Belvedere posted?
Do you still consider ~0,3G/watt to be remarkable well and close to the upper limit of a CFL grow?


Well-Known Member
Please guys stop the bickering, U both made perfectly valid points. Let bygones be bygones and work together. Thx