It's basically a Sulphur toxicity bro.
Even tho the molasses say unsulphured, there's sulphur.
The "unsulphured molasses" is just produces a different way.
But leaves yellow a little harder than they should going into the final weeks.
And excess of S brings on early senescence which is when the plant starts to turn on its leaves pretty much.
I lost the majority of my fan leaves as my plant was trying to fight back. Newer, smaller ones grew in their place, which I'm sure hut the yields a little bit.
I did this by adding too much Molasses to my AACTs, and trying to use it as more simple food for the bennies(microbes being brewed) in the tea.
I was pushing and pushing until I pushed to far pretty much.
My first batch came out swell tho! All across the board! I used it
HEAVILY on that batch as well bro and I've got good flavors from the organic aspect I'm pretty sure, but not just the Molasses bcuz I over did it ya know?!
I've resorted to only using about a tsp of it per gallon, just to be safe. Haven't a one prob with my second batch, and they're all about 3 weeks from Harvest!
Still TOTALLY green, and I haven't had to remove
ANY leaves!
But with that said, I don't thing the M did anything special for my buds. However, I do think it did it's part in the AACTs for sure! The ladies loved em, with exception of the one that I put too much Molasses in and should've tossed.
But it'd be dope if you could post a link to where you read it!
And no doubt about the paper bags bro! Im a noob still technically yeah, but I'm trying out lots of shit just to get it all under my belt ASAP ya know?!
And I've cured 3 different harvests so far, three different ways and I'm most please with my last attempt, which involved hanging for a couple days then pulling down a little early and jarring, then burping for a day, then bagging them for the day and burping and bagging and so on...
I'm really try to get the to dry as slow as possible, but without mold so I keep moving them around!
I've noticed that the smell is lingering around ALL THE TIME with this last batch rather than going from something to nothing, then back to something again(in regards to how the smell changes during ther cure).
But the paper bags allow the buds to dry out pretty good, but not to fast. They allow the outside to get a little crispy, but still have moisture within.
You'll notice when you jar them for the night and there's much more moisture in them again, and you'll be able to bag em and burp em for another couple days!
It's been working good so far bro!
And as far as the dark period before harvest, I didn't give a couple days of dark of anything because everything is in one room flowering.
But what I did do, was harvest the plants after their 12 hours of darkness. So in the am when I turned the lights on for everyone else, I just took the plant I was gonna harvest out and didn't give it that days supply of light.
I read what you read as well and took it that I should harvest in the morning haha