My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!


Well-Known Member
Ya buddy that sounds good what time you wanna shoot for? I am down for when ever. When do you wanna go? Just call or text i wll be ready! Thanks man tomorrows gona be fun!


Well-Known Member
If money is an issue my bank is open on Monday and I am just as local as the rest of you. Let me know if you need someone to pick them up or front it. Just don't blame me if all the best ones have a cut missing when I get them to you, bwahahaha :twisted:


Well-Known Member
I wont be here.. i was supposed to leave to San Diego today.. But got postponed till tomorrow.. Thats why I wanted to get this done because I am heading out of town.. and cant leave them how they are ..

My dads in the hospital again .. hope he does ok .. kinda puts a bummer on the trip ..


Well-Known Member
Framed up our green house and rain shade for the winter Friday night and Saturday, :leaf: I all so think we are getting some light pollution on the taller tops since they have grown just about the back fence height and gets the street light pollution. My dumb azz neighbor 2 houses down and behind us put up a huge cfl security light that was flooding the back yard. I fixed that a while back by extending the fence height on the side fence. The street light is much higher and it is about a block away but comes in. I bought 2 black shade screens 6 x 20 and had it all nicely stapeled to the top and halfway down one of the sides. I had that finished yesterday when the sun was mostly gone. Today during our full sun I was not happy with how much it blocked out the sun.:-( and still had some slight light pollution at night time . So now I have 60.00 of black shade screen i don't need. Anyone need some ? Make me a offer or trade.;-) we will be covering with black plastic at night .

Ayways heres a few pics,I'll update my thread to. :weed:



Well-Known Member
Wow!!!! Maybe thats why there so big or are they flowering? Sooo biggg. I got the plants handeled but if you wana chill tomorrow hit me up we can hit up andrew or joseph. Thanks again joesph i owe ya guys!! Smoked my first joint of my harvest its not bad. Its real sticky but not the smoothest.


Well-Known Member
Congrats Gopes.. nothing like smoking your own.. and it will only get better :) .. And WOW tws .. UMM ya thats all I got :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks alotta really excited to try some new stuff. I havent had anything as good as chem dog since the last time we hooked up. Thanks again man my g 13 is kinda airy not so dense.. My others lookin good!


Well-Known Member
Im glad the others look good... I think the Alien is similiar to the chem.. but stronger.. not really dense but its pretty potent.. heres a budshot andrew took for me from what he donated towards .. fucking edison LOL :)

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Well-Known Member
Wow!!!! Maybe thats why there so big or are they flowering? Sooo biggg. I got the plants handeled but if you wana chill tomorrow hit me up we can hit up andrew or joseph. Thanks again joesph i owe ya guys!! Smoked my first joint of my harvest its not bad. Its real sticky but not the smoothest.
They are flowering but I noticed some funny looking streatch and feather leafs on a couple of tall tops. Congrats on your harvest. Wait for the cure !

Congrats Gopes.. nothing like smoking your own.. and it will only get better :) .. And WOW tws .. UMM ya thats all I got :)
:weed: yep ! Hey my Alien OG and Querkel clones took so I put Your Alien outside to flower.:leaf: Lost our Hindu clone we took before flowering and took a small budding clipping from it again and it took fast. Yea ! almost lost the Hindu.:-P

Thanks alotta really excited to try some new stuff. I havent had anything as good as chem dog since the last time we hooked up. Thanks again man my g 13 is kinda airy not so dense.. My others lookin good!

Nice !:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I want big fat pretty dense potent buds : ( My cotton candy and apricot look good. Wondr were i could get those seeds or clones again........


Well-Known Member
So do i. My G 13 is mainly goin for dobations i got a few toys to buy haha. i cant seem to find my pipe what a bummer!!!
so far so good for getting the farm complete today. hopefully :)
my car still is messing up couldnt get it to the mechanic yesterday only on tuesday. so who knows. still goin down tomorrow though.
oh and tws, i got some alien og from alota and it is some strong stuff. thick, white smoke, diesel chem sweet smell, sticky as hell, lil expanding in the lungs cant hold it in for long so you will probably be pleased with it. i wish mine were still alive! just thought u should know the smoke report on what you have growing so you can be pumped for harvest. lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bongs ! Alota said he'd save me a sample. I'll have to get with him. You guys get your teens squared away ? :joint:
its nice stuff.
im so lit right now off 2 bowls. i coughed some but not unpleasant cuz i forgot about it now lol.

the tent gets pretty warm so i put a fan inside. now its pretty cool. the pots have dried out almost already. way faster than outside. the two sh!tty looking plants i had outside but brought in are looking great! all green and growing. not flowering anymore :) .the only seed left is doin fine! grown some but not fast like i see everyone else's. maybe because rob gave me used soil he thought was good stuff lol. ya one seed left out of like 9 hah cant believe goin to need lots of water pretty soon. :) set up my 5 gallon water bottle pump. that thing is great.


Well-Known Member
oh man, sorry to hear about your seeds. I'm haveing a tough time too with a few seeds. I put them out in the sun and I think it's to warm but my cfl in the nursery is full.
ya i tried growing the seedlings in the sun but none grew right they all stretched and died except one. so i put it under the t5 and its been growing. just slow. i lowered the light and it seems better now.