My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

Check out this link :

It's a satellite photo. That's how big brother spys on you now. :lol: :leaf:

Seriously though. I'm sure that's what the Helicopter seen today. :shock: :spew:
thats the price we pay for having good technology i guess. whered you get the pic? google earth or something?

i havent been keeping up with any grows for a while now. i need to start reading journals again. hows your shit going? got any bug problems? r u just sprayin em with neem and BT?

this spring im gonna build a hoop house out of pvc and make a big greenhouse for my mj and other assorted plants. also i plan on releasing a bunch of predator bugs in there.
Check the link, it's people getting busted in central cali. Seems like even with a large farm, bigger than anything we grow, you can get off by having a few recommendations and cooperating, and giving up your crop.

I won't give up a crop to rippers, but you better believe I would hand it over to law enforcement to cover my ass.

Bonghits I recommend following Collective Growers advice. He has experience far far far more than we have. He was growing long before the laws changed in '96, and he'll probably keep growing for a long time still. This is not is first large scale grow either, not even close.
That pic was from the link posted with it(Nor Cal) About recent raids.. Everythings been going good here for the most part. There's always some kind of bug problem isn't there. Haven't had hardly any caterpillar damage to speak of. The BT and spinosad seem to work if done on a regularly basis. The plants have mites bud they are way undercontrol with not much time left. Been using Azamax as needed but as little as possible. I did see a small bit of web on a bud the other day but I noticed it before I sprayed and then sprayed a couple of days later. Now that I know what mites are I can see them/signs a mile away. Funny thing is they are all over the yard if you look for them. I put a plant in the sun by the sidewalk and seen them running across the cement to the plant. The Tomatoes have them so I spray them too. And just a little bud rot on the Sativa. I have some big bushes in the yard that have powder mold I've been spraying with milk. We have three plants left to harvest with some time to go. We chopped a diesel on Sunday. We are drying in the flowering room and put the plants that were in there flowering in the garage grow room outside to finish in the green house along with about seven other new 15" clones and autos to flower. We all ready have three little guys in the green house in mid flower.:peace:
wait you dry them in the flowering room? like with the lights on? i thought it wasnt good to have a lot of light on them after chopping
:wall: :lol::lol::lol::lol: ! The lights off :-P I took it out and hooked the scrubber ducting together to scrubb smell and keep some air moving. ;-)
hey tws joeseph and i were checkin out the hindu nugs u gave me and we found a nice primo seed. you think its a seed from it herming? should i try to pop it? im coming down tomorrow and i think rob and i are goin clone shopping.and soil shopping
Hey nice little find ! We found one in the tripple berry too. I haven't found any out of either. Probably a good seed. I gave you some of both. How'd you'd like it ?
k i am going to try to germinate it tonight! i got about 12 seeds so far trying to germinate them the way you showed me so ill see how it works out for me. i just have terrible luck with seeds. i grew 2 great seed plants but they turned out to be a male. they were perfect until the lil bananas starting growing.
Triple Berry was great, I got a puff on it and it was real smooth and tasty, got me good and stoney, drove home going like 30mph, lol.
Speaking of Tripple Berry, The clone went into a real bucket the other day. Graduated from the beer cup. She's set for take off here.Should be able to get some decent clippings in a cuople of weeks. The vegg room is going pretty good. I think I got our PH figured out. I hate PH'ing water by the gallon. What a pain in the azz. I either have to get a Big drum and do alot at once or buy bottled water.
man i want a triple berry! her presents are so pretty and all around pleasant.

jozi, i brought in the sfv og and am checkin it out. its pretty healthy. i took a nice branch from the middle for a clone. goin to take one more. i think i got the cloning down this time. ive learned a lot about cloning and how to do it. so i havent done anything i did previously and so far everything is good.i use starbucks cups as humidity domes for individual cuttings. i turn them upside down and put the lid on. and i can set them ontop of the other plants to get close to the light. so far so good. not for batch cloning more like 2 or 3 at a time. damn i got about 13 seeds trying to germinate ontop of the light in the humididty dome and got 3 more fresh clones trying to root.

im nearing my limit.

man today helicopter banked and circled my backyard a good 5 or 6 times then left. don't law have anything better to do then flying their choppers busting grows. i think they were just looking for somebody cuz it happens often. but still...
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