My First Real GREENHOUSE thread So-Cal Style!

okay so gopedxr and i have gotten together to form a lil collective with some of our pot head friends. we got a 4x4 tent inside that is growing 2 mother kush plants and 6 others getting them nice and big for the greenhouse outside.

we copied doublejj exactly with how we did the greenhouse. just a 10x20 portable carport canopy. it has a clear 6 millimeter thick visqueen plastic for the top that lets more than 90% of light through. we then got some shade cloth from home depot and used that for the walls. its not a traditional greenhouse because ours isn't 100% sealed. it breathes big time which is great for the summer here in so cal. and winter too.
not 2 much money invested either so far. maybe a lil more than half a grand so far for the greenhouse, tent and light.

we are going to be doing it big.

the plan is to grow the plants inside the tent until they are 2-3 feet tall and have nice root systems then they are going directly into the greenhouse to finish. we could flower until feb i think.

our 2 sour diesels in the greenhouse are about 4 feet tall now. they are starting to flower so should be done around new years. :)

here is a picture of the greenhouse while we were building it.

we then lowered it to half height to be more discreet until we grow bigger plants.

here are the 2 sour diesels that are in it now for a christmas new year harvest.

beginning of installing the shade cloth walls.


here is the inside roof,clothesline rafter supports to keep it from sagging

here is a link to the other thread we are on
here is a link to double jj greenhouse that we copied


any comments are welcome. good or bad. constructive or destructive dont care. i want all the input i can get from what we've got going on so far. we're getting ready for next years season. i cannot wait! :blsmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Copying, is the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you!

You guy's are gonna be suprised with what comes out of there

Good luck bro

P.S. Like Treeman said "Keep those bricks handy"!
Copying, is the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you!

You guy's are gonna be suprised with what comes out of there

Good luck bro

P.S. Like Treeman said "Keep those bricks handy"!
oh yes doublejj. you are the man when it comes to growing massive plants. ive been following your thread since the beginning. now you have some young kids trying to do what you are doing. yours looks way better cuz ours is empty. but pretty soon come april/may we will have monsters.

yes, we plan on raising it as the plants grow taller. so far to cover the whole thing with shade screen we've used 3 rolls of 6x20. 1 roll each for the long sides and a half roll for the ends.
we really need to build a fence. because some fucking kids during the day time sneak around the neighborhood. so we need to build one fast rob. other wise we going to get jacked. my neighbor across the street just came over and warned me. and another neighbor came over earlier telling me the same thing. what the fuck is wrong with people. nobody knows about it in my neighborhood and i dont think they have seen anything. but fuck..


New Member
Looking sweet, many props bonghitter.

You might want to put a couch in while ya can, I gotta feeling you're gunna be spending a lot of time in there! LOL
Here's a toast to a plentiful 2012 harvest (I took a drink for you too)