My First Post Looking for some Feedback/Advice


Active Member
Ok. I am in the middle of my first MJ grow. I am looking to get some input on the flower box I have built .

I am starting with an old wardrobe that is approx. 38 in wide, 21 in deep and 60 in tall. It is kept in a room that is a constant 70-71 degrees. With all lights on its 78-80 degrees. in the box.

I will be using a 400w HPS in a DIY cooltube of the lighting.
I will also be using a couple 2700k CFLs as supplemental light for the lower branches. The entire interior of the box has be wrapped with mylar.

There have been 4 4in holes cut in the wardrobe. All have been fitted with PVC elbows with the interior painted flat black to act as lighttraps. 2 at the top in the back, one on each side at the bottom. One of the top holes will be the active exhaust for the box. It has a PC fan (that has been rewired) rated for right around 120cfm. The other top hole will be the active exhaust (same model fan) for the cool tube. The two side holes at the bottom will work as passive intakes.

There are 3 different timers being used. One for the lights(12/12), one for the cooltube(which starts a few minutes before the light comes on and turns off a few minutes after the light is off.), and one for the box exhaust(which runs 2 hours on/2 hours off thru the light cycle).

Today is day one of Flowering. I have 3 plants (2 female, 1 unknown) that are in the box right now. For the first 7-10 days I will be using no nutes. After that I will use Earth Juice Bloom for every other waterup until 2 weeks before harvest.

One day a week I will Not use the vent fans. I will have 4 DIY CO2 generator (sugar,water,yeast) bottles to flood the girls with a nice tasty bit of CO2.


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Active Member
Once the current dark time is done I will get a couple pics of the completed box. I probably left a few things out...:joint:

SO I am looking for input for anything I may have forgotten. Or if you just want to see how bad I mess this up :mrgreen: Drop by and say hello. I'll have the scotch ready :spew:the papers here :joint: .


Active Member
Things have been going well. The unknown plant ended up being a male. :cry: But 1 of the 3 isn't bad . I see some design problems (Vent hole placement, fan size) I will have to fix on my next box but the current box will suffice for the current grow.

Even though this is my first grow I have decided to add UVB light for 6 hours in every light cycle. Right n the middle. Some people don;t really recommend this for first time growers but this whole thing was to experiment with. So I figure what the hell. More Pics in a few days.


Active Member
So I mentioned that I needed to change fan size for the box. It's not what you think. The model of fan that I am using has ended up being more powerful than I need. I suppose I could wire a dimmer switch into it to help out. Instead, I think I will just get something that moves a little less air, and use what I have for my next box. I ordered 2 24" UVB bulbs for supplemental lighting. I expect by the middle of next week they will arrive. well thats it for now.

Oh Round 2 is coming along I will get some pics of those plants as well.


Nothing posted here is actually true in this reality...but in SOME reality out there it is probably happening right now.


Well-Known Member
I'm planning something similar but even smaller (2' x 2' x 3'). I was thinking about using a couple of small axial fans for ventilation. What are you planning to use for odor control, or do you not anticipate that being a problem?


Active Member
Hey elbarto, Thanks for stopping by.

I am using PC Fans that I have rewired. What I am using works great its just a little too noisy. The more I thought about it, I have decided to wire in a dimmer switch for now instead of buying new fans.

As for odor control, at first I wasn't going to worry about it. That was until I went into my basement and was overwhelmed but the smell. I had an air purifier/ionizer($100 at sears. no ozone generator) that I wasn't using. I threw that in the basement on a timer and there were no more problems.

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Nothing posted here is actually true in this reality...but in some Alternate reality out there it is probably happening right now.