My first plants, help me with my budget ass situation


Active Member
Ok this iis my first post on this site as i have just recently become a member, and may i just say i am honoured to be a part of this thing. I have been browsing for a couple of days and man you guys know your shit!
But now i want some presonal tailored help from you Green gurus.

I got 5 seeds from a buddy as a joke realy but i decided what the heck, i want to grow some. This is all good and dandy but i have several factors working against me.
1. I live in norway. This is not actually as bad as some people may think cause we get really long days of sune here. right now we have sun light from 530 to 2130 or 930 pm for the americans.
2. I am going to have to grow using natural liight but indoors. I cant afford a full set up and dont have a garden to use so my plants will be a hybrid of indoors and outdoors and my techinique will have to refelct that.
3. I AM BROKE so very very very broke. You dont know what broke is until you live in Norway ans have nothing. What thsi means is i need the most budget solutions to everything from pH to the plant food.

Now keep in mind that i am not expecting some crazy ganj that will floor me with a joint, but anything i can do thats simple cheap and easy and will improve anything is welcome advice. also this is purely for personal consumption as i have a serious medical conditon called "corpus sansTHC" so i dont need a buisness plan.
hope i get some replies thanks guys:joint:


Active Member
I am not an expert, but if you check out the hempy-bucket thread there are experienced growers making those pigs fly.
What supplies do you have?


Active Member
i have 10 plant holders, 5 small 5 large.
lots of sunlight
5 seeds that i am trying to germinate, its been 4 days and only one has cracked
a pH mesurer for my water, but nothing to actually balance it with. any cheap and easy fixes for this would be great. i know vinegar can help lower pH but what raises it? chalk?
one small area that is easily curtained off to make a flowering room

thats about all i can think of.that i got. thats for the link though buddy.


Active Member
10-4, I tried perlite straight off with seeds and it didn't work to well. Too much light I think.
Google or GrowFAQ the ph up, as I'm not positive but dolomite lime rings a bell.
Other than that it sounds like you're ready to rock, especially with the length of day so far north. If everything goes right you should get a descent amount at harvest.
What are you using for fertilizer?


Active Member
have no idea what kind of fertilizer to use..... any suggestions about what i should look for in a fertilizer? and when should i start using it?
i told you guys i ahd no idea what i was doing

PS i have been germinating my seeds for like 4 days and all i have to show for it is cracks. i can see a white shoot inside one of them but its been that way fior like 2 days now and the shoot is not comming out. I have them on a plate whit wet towels over and under amd a bowl on top for darkness. i boil the water before i use it and i have them about 5 feet away from a heater on very low. the currrent PH of my tap water is 7 so its totaly neutral.
any advice?


Well-Known Member
i have 10 plant holders, 5 small 5 large.
lots of sunlight
5 seeds that i am trying to germinate, its been 4 days and only one has cracked
a pH mesurer for my water, but nothing to actually balance it with. any cheap and easy fixes for this would be great. i know vinegar can help lower pH but what raises it? chalk?
one small area that is easily curtained off to make a flowering room

thats about all i can think of.that i got. thats for the link though buddy.

vinegar to lower

baking soda to raise


Active Member
Check out the grow faq, they have a lot of organic fertilizer recipes that look like you can do on the cheap. Worm castings and the like. Also if you have access to a farm or field with live stock there should be a lot of crap in various stages of decomposition. Don't put anything really fresh in your soil. I can't stress enough the grow faq. All the info you need.

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
If it's bagseed the dark brown seeds with what look like tiny veins on the shell having a greater chance of germinating than other light green underdeveloped seeds. Perhaps you chose some weak seeds?

Well-Known Member
Ok this iis my first post on this site as i have just recently become a member, and may i just say i am honoured to be a part of this thing. I have been browsing for a couple of days and man you guys know your shit!
But now i want some presonal tailored help from you Green gurus.

I got 5 seeds from a buddy as a joke realy but i decided what the heck, i want to grow some. This is all good and dandy but i have several factors working against me.
1. I live in norway. This is not actually as bad as some people may think cause we get really long days of sune here. right now we have sun light from 530 to 2130 or 930 pm for the americans.
2. I am going to have to grow using natural liight but indoors. I cant afford a full set up and dont have a garden to use so my plants will be a hybrid of indoors and outdoors and my techinique will have to refelct that.
3. I AM BROKE so very very very broke. You dont know what broke is until you live in Norway ans have nothing. What thsi means is i need the most budget solutions to everything from pH to the plant food.

Now keep in mind that i am not expecting some crazy ganj that will floor me with a joint, but anything i can do thats simple cheap and easy and will improve anything is welcome advice. also this is purely for personal consumption as i have a serious medical conditon called "corpus sansTHC" so i dont need a buisness plan.
hope i get some replies thanks guys:joint:
read how I do it...there must be all kinds of free got a dog? I hear they eat fish in norge...wood ash is carbon...any livestock nearby? pond weeds are high in immediately available nitrogen. is ther any volcanic soil around?


Active Member
I am a first time grower and am finding that 42wt CFL's, about 8-10 bulbs in a 4ft tall, 4ft long, 18in wide grow room with intake and exhaust fans can be built under $125 dollars american, on top of that my light bill has been under $60 dollars running 24hrs a day. Soil nutrients are easily ordered online or at any specialty nursery (most stores don't carry specific NPK ratio soils) you want one with an NPK of no less than 20-12-20, but best is 20-20-20. I hope this helped and good luck.
