my first plant


Well-Known Member
cheetahs rule of thumb is - do not grow bagseeds! i made that rule after my first grow...which was from bs :cuss: the fuken shit was lookin killah and was smellin that way too, but it was crap. best of luck!


Well-Known Member
got one church fem that popped outta the soil today and one normal power skunk. had an accident witht the other church and waiting to see if she pulls through.keep ur fingers crossed 4 me


Well-Known Member
why would you plant a seed from shitty weed cheetah? my rule is i dont grow anything i havent smoked! how do you know the seeds your buying are from "white rhino "or whatever ?? no laws protecting you from getting ripped off! im sur high dollar seedbanks are trustable but some of these smaller seed places are shady!! they could be selling you schwag from the door!~


Well-Known Member
whats up blazed?? how u doing? and i would just like to post some pics, and i just want to say that the plant that i strated from seed on 12/12 looks amazing looks way more dank than the other one, getting close i cant want!! here they aree first for pics are off the one i veged for 3 weeks, rest of the pics are off the 12/12 girl i was talkin about , enjoy:hump:



Well-Known Member
damn bro looks great. i just wanta stick it up my nose lmao. im doin aight my plants r lookin good so far . here's tha link to em keep up tha good work peace


Well-Known Member
and blaze the smell on the smaller plant im not going to lie man it realy smells like pineapple like no joke