My First Plant And Does It Have A Problem?


Hello to all good folks. I am new to the site - beautiful site by the way - and I would like to get your opinion on my first plant. She is 2 months and 12 days old. It started in my closet for the first month and a half and than I moved it outside to my balcony.
The first 2 to 3 weeks on the balcony were great. She grow so fast that I had to clip the center branch so it doesn't go over the rail line. I know it is not a good thing to do but I had no choice. It was matter of security.
Anyways, for the past week and a half she has gone from a healthy green to yellowish and semi curled leaves. Most of the original leaves have fallen off and what you see are bud sprouts(?)
Here are pictures and perhaps you good folks can tell me what is going on.
I do water it once every 4 days, do not spray water on the leaves during the daytime heat of Florida and have added "miracle grow" twice.
I am sure I have made plenty of mistakes, :lol:. Please let me know what you think.
Thank you in advance for any input.



Well-Known Member
how often do you water? and what size buckets? i have 3 gal. and water every other morning, but i am doing that for diff. reasons...if you let it dry out good first you shouldnt water it more then every 3 days...and when they are budding every 2 days...just giving you a general timeframe. they look over watered, and looking like you have some poor light penetration, or overfed.


Well-Known Member
ya...def. overfed. not light issue. let your soil dry out good for 3 days or so...then flush. mind you that the 3 days you let it dry out, the burn will probably get worse because the salts are building up, but after the flush it should look better. and after the flush your soil should be saturated, so i wouldnt see any reason why you should water again for another week. and then get on a good watering schedule. water them, and lift the pots...get a feel for how much they weigh when wet, and when they are dry they should be significantly lighter.


Active Member
hi there, im'e a nooby my self rearly on my first grow allmost done, i av 18 days left, i had a lot of yellowing on my leafs especialy bottom to middle, its like of nitrogon as its the (N) that keeps it green but u want rid of most of this come harvest, i made the mistake of not avin enough N in my soil to take it through flower/ ur plants look dam fine to me but u can see more than the camera shows n u get concerned, well like a sed yellowing of bottom 2 middle leafs including fan leafs is a nitrogen deficency, its fine to av l8 in flower/ u shud just correct it with any nutes that high in nitrogen, big plant by the way man, dont no anythink about outside grows, just done a lot of research on indoor grows but symptoms like yellowing of leafs and drying up and goin brown curled under are easy to diagnose !!!! ope things work out for ya man, happy growin n peace out !!!!!!!


Thanks for the replies, guys! As I said in my initial post I water it every 4 days using an old 1 liter Pepsi bottle, half full that I let sit overnight so the chlorine evaporates. I planted it in late April and I have added nutrients twice so far. Once in late May and again in late June. The soil is a 70/30 mixture of high grade potting soil and fine crushed corals from around this South Florida region with the top 2 inches being potting soil only. The weather here is brutal with high humidity usually in the 80/90 and temps around 90 to 92.
I'll go ahead and hold on to the water for a few days and see what happens. Here's a close up picture. the "hairs" are beginning to come out. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member will and should have had it on a feeding schedule...lack of food can do that as well...if you are watering every 4 days then overwatering isnt your problem, and i would go with...THEY ARE HUNGRY!!!


Active Member
yeah man like a sed earlier it is lookin like under feed/ but eh take a look at my album n you will see the exact same problem as u avand after a lot of reading and posting questions it come down to what we r saying, HUNGRY !!!!

like the lil pistols showin there faces !! allways a good sight for any grower im'e sure !!

the temps r borderline ok forsure the humidity is a be atch but out of ur hands,, give a lil more feed/ NPK/ MORE Pand k as one is for roots the other for flower nitrogen is for the green part of the plant/ stems leaves!!!!! good look my man !!!


f1bud, thanks man! You were right about the under fed. I bought a bigger pot ( twice as big) a nutrients. When I made the transfer you should seem what it look like inside. The roots we so many and so huge that it looked like a weave basket. Not one drop of soil fell on the ground, lol. Definitely undernourished, a miracle this thing has survived this long. I am sure with the pot transfer she will go into shock for a few days but will recuperate nicely in time for blossoming in a month or so from now. I'll post pictures of the progress. Thanks again for the good advice. Thanks again to all who minded this issue. Smoke on, brothers!!! :bigjoint::bigjoint: