My first plant, am I fully prepared?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, this is my first post, about my first plant. For starters I'm not new to weed just growing. Indoor growing with Soil is my choice of method by the way. I'm going to tell you the steps I've taken so far, tell my if I'm on the right track or if I need something new. So far, in my discreet closet, reinfoced with a Lock Hasp and Master Lock, I have a small pot with fertilized soil waiting in the closet, in between the surrounding walls that are somewhat covered in Aluminum Foil. I have several bagseeds (regs) in germination, some are rapped in a layer of wet paper towels in a dark warm box away from light. More seeds are in layers on wet Paper Towels in between plates, inside a box and also away from light. I have ordred a 24" fluorescent light fixture and 2 24" Wide Spectrum 20 Watt Light. I also ordered 10 "Magic Bud" seeds that may take up to 28 days to arrive. They're stated to be "easy" to grow, found on A small plug-in fan is set up next to the pot and ready to blow on it for air, I have a feeling a much larger one is required. The temperature in the room is 70-85 degrees F*, around 80-85 with the lights on. I have water (bottled) handy in the closet. When my seeds have germinated I plan to put them 1/2" deep in the Soil. Then evenly pour room temperature water in the pot. Extra water may then drain out onto towels. For now since my fluorescent lights have not yet arrived, I have 2 lights, 1 a 50-Watt Reflector Light and a 40 Watt Houshold bulb in two different lamps, so that wen a germinated seed is planted and sprouts, that will be the source of light until my fluorescent lights and fixture arrive. So how is that for a start for my indoor plant, I'm on a somewhat tight budget, what do I take away, buy, or should do? Please help, thanks!

Keep In Mind: I don't plan on having 10 4-foot plants with crazy buds. I plan on having 1 single plant (male or female). If I grow a male plant, I will plan to harvest the Seeds.

Thanks for the help!
get the largest cfl you can and replace those 40 watts!!

if your lamp can output 40 watts then get a 24is (some rate at 23 and 22) watt cfl from sams or walmart maybe a harware store. it is the same as a 60 watt incandescent bulb. and if you can do 60 in each lamp then get the 42 watt cfl that is equivilant to 100 watts of incandescent bulb lighting. and the higher you go the better you get.

me personally i have 6 105 watt cfl's that are equivilent to 1890 watts of incandescent light. now don't be fooled, incandescent is nothing comparde to hps and mh lighting. these can be more effective than you think. even just consider that cfl's (the highest ones) run around 12,000 lumens (lumens are like the nutrients in light that plants need) each bulb (these are the 300 watt or 200 watt i foget. mine (the 105 watts each) are 8,400 lumens each. now consider this lumens don't add up. so i don't have 50,400 lumens with my 6 cfl's. i only have 8,400. but the more lights the more lux i have (lux is like gallons of light or ounces of light per sq foot). so i am cheating. i have like 11 large wattage cfls and t5ho fluros (total not each) and i am using one 150 watt hps for the lumens. see the 150 watt hps even though it is only 50 more watts than my 105 watt cfl, it carries with it 16,000 lumens. so i will consintrate my 16,00 lumens on the top colas, and the cfl's are for lux and are spread around the grow area.

oh did i mention that that a 60 watt ish bulb is about 1400 lumens or so? it might be 40 watt bulb or 100? i don't remember? but it is something like that. just to give you a comparison on how much better the bulbs of different classes are. remember lumens are the food that plants need to bud huge ass buds and grow good as shit. and lux is the ability to give the lumens to the plants per sq foot. wattage isn't really a calculatable factor, as my t5ho fluros get about 91 lumens per watt (this is better than almost any light on the market today). see my 3 t5's are 54 watts (which is low relatively speaking) but each produce 5000 lumens. and each is 4 feet long giving great ability for lux throughout the grow room. those are my lowest wattage bulbs, then goes my 8 (2 85 watt, and 6 105 watt) cfls at 8,400 each and then my one hps at 16,000

oh somethinig i heard online but not sure if it is true, but makes sense is that you take the total number of lumens, mine happens to be around 90,000 lumens. dived this by the sq feet of your grow room, i will have a 4 foot by 3 foot area to light. so 90,000 divided by 12 is about 7,900 ish lumens per sq foot. now, i think you need at least 3000 lumens per sq foot for decent or medium/small sized yields. so me running almost 8,000 lumens, with the fact that most of my bulbs are 8,000 lumens makes this grow seem like it should be successful.

oh did i mention i haven't actually started yet? i am still on my first grow.

i hope this wasn't too technicall or what not. just trying to help. oh and i'm stoned so i am rambling.
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oh and as a side note, you can't harvest seeds from a male plant. you only get seeds from females, males just pollen to make the seeds. but the males don't actually make them.. now if it is a hermie then that would be great for you, get some seeds and get some weed to smoke. hermies are male and female with both pistols and sacks (i forget what the sacks are called?).
yeah, i wouldn't type so much if oh, i didn't have to tell him how to plan his grow lights. sadly this isn't a person to person conversation. i post they post. sometimes i check back like now since i'm smoking, and sometimes i don't. i wanted to part with him some information that i had to gather from a couple of different sources with suggestions of using different combinations of lighting and such.

so yeah, sorry i type too much. maybe next time i'll call the guy up on the phone right?
Replace the aluminum foil with flat white paint if possible. Aluminum foil reflects more heat than light.

Are you using incandescents until your flouro's arrive? Hmm...

It sounds like you are giving it your best to cover all the bases. Don't give up, theres always a way. Good luck!
yeah, i wouldn't type so much if oh, i didn't have to tell him how to plan his grow lights. sadly this isn't a person to person conversation. i post they post. sometimes i check back like now since i'm smoking, and sometimes i don't. i wanted to part with him some information that i had to gather from a couple of different sources with suggestions of using different combinations of lighting and such.

so yeah, sorry i type too much. maybe next time i'll call the guy up on the phone right?
lmfao chill winston but yea man i didnt read it either but at least hes helpin man thas what this is all about
oh no iwasn't typing about the dude who made this post

i was typing about the dude just before that post, telling me and us we are typing too much.
oh and as a side note, you can't harvest seeds from a male plant. you only get seeds from females, males just pollen to make the seeds. but the males don't actually make them.. now if it is a hermie then that would be great for you, get some seeds and get some weed to smoke. hermies are male and female with both pistols and sacks (i forget what the sacks are called?).

thanks man, 3,000 lumens sounds good. and come to think of it, I forgot the name of the plant sacks too..
if you can call my stoner input help then yeah, sure. thats exactly what i'm doing.

actually, i know this sounds stupid. but i find posting about this stuff (lumens, calculations, lux, etc) like 4 or 8 times in different context of different posts helps me learn it. think of it like my homework. the more i can write it down from memory and be able to translate to someone else helps myself understand the particular situation that much better.

and to be honest, not sure if i posted this earlier about myself (as i am stoned), but i haven't grown any pot ever. except my first one that is like a week old, and three more that are germinating right now. but besides that i haven't ever harvested or anything. so the more homework i can give myself and post about things, the better it helps for me to rap base concepts around my head and learn. plus the whole board is really smart. there are some cool people on this board with really in depth posts and pics with descriptions. this is very helpful. most the time i find myself reding rollitup but i have found time to make a few posts i think i'm around 80ish right now.

fucking stoner rambling now. have great grows everyone.

lmfao you are stoned lol and good luck with the grow dude i'll stay in touch man help you out all i can.. download a book called the grow bible its shit hot