My First PC Stealth Grow Box

So... as the title says this will be my first PC grow box, as a matter of fact my first grow box period, so any help would be helpful and much apreshee8ted... I'm new to this site so be easy on me, I don't know what the fuck i'm talking about :P

But anyways basically i have cleared out a PC tower and covered the walls with that reflective stuff you can put in your windshield (I'm kinda regreting this because its hot as hell in my car now), if your readying this in hopes of getting any kind of knowledge towards building your own box, i would suggest going alot further than you would think you'd need to keep light from seeping out of your box (I still live my parents so i'm planning on keeping this as stealth as possible)
I used the fans that i pulled out of the PC for an intake (Located on bottom right in my pictures and blowing directly on my plant for the hopes of reinacting a natural cool breeze on my plant giving her a strong stem) I also have an exhaust fan (top left) up by my bulbs (3 CFLs i found around my house) in hopes to blow out all the hot air (which rises) out of my box
Also incase you are wondering i'm just starting with bag weed in order to get a kind of know how on growing, because my friend bought some white widows from nirvana and is gonna hook me up with a couple of clones (I'm not taking any of the seeds right away from him because i'm still sceptical about the whole buying illegal seeds off of the internet, so i figure by the time his clones are ready there would have been plenty of time for me to be less paranoid about some pigs busting in my house)

Well I haven't really ran into any problems that i couldn't solve myself yet, i have germinated my seed and it's growing as we...(I) speak. Ummmm... i heard that at first start you wanna keep the soil nice and damp, I've been doing so but i have gone threw alot of my rain water (using this cuz i heard its got the perfect PH) due to evaporation, i saw where someone had put a plastic bag over there pot to work as a tent so i'm gonna try that
so im gonna stop now (sorry about such a long post)

But again any tips would be much appreciated (rememberd how to spell appreciate :) )



Active Member
cool man, i have a mother in a homemade pc box. sound like your ventiliation is good, your cfls do you know if they burn at 6500 or 2500, is says on the box but you have to search for it, you need the daylight bulb at 6500 or else three cfls will get too hot in your pc box.
a tip for light leaks that i use is to put colored tape over them so it looks like you have a flashy computer with led lights.
dont keep your soil too soggy when there little or they will have problems like damping off, just dont let it dry out either or it will be over for the little plant.
rain water is good outside, but can bring pest and disease into your indoor grow, i would suggest buying springwater by the gallon if your tap water has a bunch of salts or chlorine or other things.
clones are the way to go, they are already sexed and mature, and can be flowered immediately in a pc grow
one tip i have is to bonsai the heck out of your little plants, top them as soon as they pass the seedling stage and have vigorous growth and continue to top them regularly, you may also have to prune the roots so they dont get root bound in that set up, good luck with your grow man


Well-Known Member
i'm def. subscribed, i'm planning on doing the same. i'd suggest looking up other pc stealth grows to get some feedback and advice. hope all goes well
My CFLs--- I'm not really sure they're older bulbs because they've been in lamps and stuff around my house for awhile now so the box has been trashed, I could'nt really see on the bulbs themselves because is sooo bright and didn't wanna turn them off because i have them on 24 hr lighting (Is that good for this stage) but if i were to guess they're 6500 because its not unbarably hot in there (my intake is blowing on my pot pretty hard so i think thats helping alot). I put a tent over it and its staying alot moisturerererer now.

I'm thinking of cleaning out this old dresser i have in my closet tho and once i get a good female going in this PC i may move it to a simular environment inside of my much taller dresser, and just start clones in this PC box (I love to smoke, so the more bud the better :P)

As for scalping my plant when it gets strong are you meaning like start cloning it or does that make it grow at a shorter height or something??
Oh and what do you mean prune my roots?
Oh and on my rain water, i filtered it threw a t-shirt (seemed like a good idea) and am using a spray bottle, and its set for a good 2-3 weeks now. Do you think bugs could still be an issue?

Heyguy901, i'm glad somebodies listening to me, and i hope we can learn from each others "projects", I've looked up a good bit of other ppl's boxs and most of them seemed to be pretty successful the only problems i saw were heat or lack of food or w/e in the soil,(the soil i'm using said up to 9 month feed, so i think i'm good on that for now) but those are somethings i'd watch out for when making your box


Well-Known Member
yeah def. as far as heat goes i see people put only 2 fans (intake, and outtake), which imo i think it's a bad idea, you have such a small cramped space i'd atleast have 3 but i'm thinking about 4. and i know stealth is the key, but they're some ultra quiet fans out there. as far as soil i think i'll just do a soiless organic mix. you can buy liquid organic fertilizer and even if this is my first, i think i can pull it off. but if you brew it as tea's that's where experience definitely comes in hand. but i figure that since i'm not using hps or mh lights the least i can do is give it really really good nutes
how have you powered the fans and the lights? maybe a picture of the wiring please =) im the same, live at home with parents and at the moment ive been using a sub box which isnt the best for air circulation. cheers =)