My First Party Cup Grow. Northern Lights X Buddah. (Pics)

started flowering with 2 (40 W) 2700K lights on Feb 15 , 12/12, added bloom nutes , Pure Blend Pro Bloom at half dosage. I have to buy a another box , my babies are touching the top :(, so I put a chain to let them grow side ways until I get the box. But soo far its great :bigjoint:.



New Member
Been a while since I updated, got a bit TOO lzy:P and bssy, and Im thinking i got a male....:(? can u guys tell me to confirm
yup thats for sure a male! and its that far! DANG!!! AS soon as i see pods I YANK em out! if you got females around him u might be screwed wit seedy buds but if they are good strains grow those seeds and you could get some DANK females!!!


Well-Known Member
Thats rough man. Better your odds if you are using bag seeds by starting multiple plants. I run mine 12/12 out the gate so I dont waste my time vegging males. Ps. those are mighty big party cups you have there lol Happy smoking!