My First Party Cup Grow. Northern Lights X Buddah. (Pics)

This is my first ever grow. I decided to do a CFL grow with two plants in party cups.
I am new to all this so any advice or comments would be appreciated.

Northern Light X Buddah
4x 26watt -6500k
2x 42watt -2700k(not in use yet)
Rubbermaid Bin
3 Fans - 2 Input, 1 Output.
Pro-Mix PH adjusted.

Average Temperature: 85F - 90F (Need to bring it down)
Average Humidity: 40 - 45
Planted January 12th.

Pictures- January 15th.(Day3)



Looking good so far, but your temperature is a little hot and will start to affect your leaves and leaf production.. try getting a little pc fan and rewire it to your box.. you want your temp from 70-85 degress but 75 being ideal..

I started with the same amount of lights on my current grow..
check out my current grow fer good pics and info.. link below.. ----vvvv
Looking good so far, but your temperature is a little hot and will start to affect your leaves and leaf production.. try getting a little pc fan and rewire it to your box.. you want your temp from 70-85 degress but 75 being ideal..

I started with the same amount of lights on my current grow..
check out my current grow fer good pics and info.. link below.. ----vvvv
Yea I've added more fans but I still need to bring the temperature down more. Need to get more fans.



Try taking the foil out, because it does not act as too good of a reflector and puts off way to much heat.. plain white paper would work better, and is a cheap replacment..
If you have a little money go out and get some mylar for some reflectors..

That will definately help your rooms temperature lower if not a little a whole lot.. So try that and let me know if there is any change
January 23rd - Day 11

Try taking the foil out, because it does not act as too good of a reflector and puts off way to much heat.. plain white paper would work better, and is a cheap replacment..
If you have a little money go out and get some mylar for some reflectors..

That will definately help your rooms temperature lower if not a little a whole lot.. So try that and let me know if there is any change
Thanks I'll try that. Do you think Chrome Tape will work? I might try the white paper.



Ive never personally tried chrome tape, but I would think the problems with that is that if its not setup completely straight then it will not reflect light well.. Also it may also create to much heat

Plain white walls or plain white paper soaks in the heat instead of reflecting it.. The paper just reflects the light, no heat
Ive never personally tried chrome tape, but I would think the problems with that is that if its not setup completely straight then it will not reflect light well.. Also it may also create to much heat

Plain white walls or plain white paper soaks in the heat instead of reflecting it.. The paper just reflects the light, no heat
I have switched to white paper for now and seen a great improvement in temperature. I have also seen a change in growth. Going to try to get some Mylar soon. Thanks MCG :smile:.



Good to hear that my tips worked for you..

Plants are looking good lets hope their both female..

Ill be checking your page so keep updating..
By the way noww i got 5 seeds going in my veg room check out with the links below ---vvv


Nutes can be introduced around the 2nd week. You need to introduce them gradually, start with 1/4 of the recommended dosage and work your way up to full strength from there.

You reall need to transpant those. I think you're in the Solo cup for way too long.
Nutes can be introduced around the 2nd week. You need to introduce them gradually, start with 1/4 of the recommended dosage and work your way up to full strength from there.

You reall need to transpant those. I think you're in the Solo cup for way too long.

good luck on your grow bud! i will subscribe! looking good so far!! your way ahead of mine!