My first outdoor season summer 2014


Well-Known Member
I was asked to put together a thread of my season so far. I was initially planning on starting one when I started my seeds but between providing updates and balancing my job and the work required at my grow site I just didnt have the time.

I wont sit here and spend all day long on it but I will provide updates during the next few days and eventually catch you guys up to speed and see the whole process from start to finish.

For those who asked me to put one together, thanks for all the positive feedback and hope u guys like the updates. This is my first outdoor season and made a few mistakes a long the way but I have my garden dialed in now and ill be ready for my greenhouse project.



Well-Known Member
alright so back in November I decided to do an outdoor grower. With the help of a partner I was able to make it happen. I had to make a 3 hour trip up to gold country to scope out the land. Once I got there and saw what I was able to work with I decided it would be a perfect spot to throw down a greenhouse.

I decided I would put my plants in the greenhouse in early May. I was going to do a light dep and try to wrap up flowering in early August and then drop in some clones for a smaller second harvest. At the time of deciding all this, it was still the middle of winter so I didnt start cleaning up the land until late February early March. While I was waiting for the seasons to change I was drawing up ideas for a custom greenhouse I was going to build. I had an idea to go cheap and build my own and had a couple ideas drawn up for a 30x60 greenhouse.

While I was waiting for my drawings to come back and going to work 5 days outta the week, I was out collecting seeds for the grow at various dispensaries around the bay area. I knew I would have some TGA in my garden I just didnt know which strains I wanted to grow. Did some reading and research on a few strains and came out with all of these.

I also bought some tangie seeds once they were made available. Paid out of the nose for them but I wanted that plant for sure in the garden. I was able to get a 13 pack from reserva privade. with all these seeds and some freebies from some friends I had my genetics set.

I started popping seeds in late February.
