My First Outdoor NW

mostly the larger older fan leaves are what to appear to be dieing off I was told. and it happens this time of year with some varietys I think.
PM is Powdery Mildew.
You want to treat before it spreads to the buds. Neem Oil works great. It's like a liquid miracle.
oragrow let me know when your 9 week strains are done. im trying to figure out if 9 weeks of flowering time total.. for an 9 week variety ,on a good year of less rain around late october like the 20-23rd..?? in Oregon, thanks man
@atvman84, will do.
just a update. afghan black domaina, seems to be doing well.


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Looks awesome man!
We are getting one of them DRY oregon years again this year so far! However the Almanac is calling for above normal rainfall for next year :( for the PNW
thanks, Just watching them grow. Probably scrog the afghan black domina next year, that is if I like it.
Any thought what is going on with my leaves a lot of the leaves around the top bud sites are turning this color is it a deficiency or cold weather turning it colors fuck I don't no any help would be great thnksimage.jpg
thanks, Just watching them grow. Probably scrog the afghan black domina next year, that is if I like it.
Ya hey, here is the flower production on mine.. around 4 weeks or so into budding roughly


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Sorry if this has been discussed, I haven't been online consistently enough to keep up with the threads regularly.

I'm wondering if any - or how many - of you Oregon outdoor growers are not planning on covering your girls at all?

I have three areas in the yard, one is totally covered, one is top and N/NE/E covered (the direction the Gorge storms come from), and one is a random experiment, just a girl out in the garden with no protection, no spray, and no fertilizer. (So far that last one is the most mature of all of them, in terms of bud growth.)

This is my first outdoor and I've basically been told covering them is mandatory, but from the pics I'm seeing not everyone is doing it, so I'm curious if its part of the plan to do it as the rain gets stronger and the buds get thicker, or are you "going commando"?
Hi @Humanrob ,
My grow will be uncovered. Just keeping an eye out for bud rot anyway covered or not.
After this years harvest, will determine what I will do, with the same strain next year.

Hows the gorge? saw that fire is there, hopefully you, wife and property are safe.
Hi @Humanrob ,
My grow will be uncovered. Just keeping an eye out for bud rot anyway covered or not.
After this years harvest, will determine what I will do, with the same strain next year.

Hows the gorge? saw that fire is there, hopefully you, wife and property are safe.

Thanks for that, I'm not in the Gorge, just at its "Gateway", so we get the wind events coming from the Gorge more intensely than the rest of Multnomah County... but luckily no fires down this far.

I've lived on two properties at two different times that had outdoor grows, one in the west foothills of the Cascades, one in the east foothills of the Coastal range, and both areas (at least in those particular seasons) saw hard rain in October. One grower was more experienced, and had a system with hoops to cover and uncover them, and did so every night (starting in late Sept or early Oct) to keep morning dew off of them, and whenever it rained. The other folks lost a significant amount of branches after a hard rain because the weight of the water soaked buds just snapped them. After that, they tried to cobble together some covers.

Neither of those locations have the winds I have where I am now, it really limits the functionality of plastic sheeting. I've already had to redesign one cover because something as small as 20mph winds (we had about two weeks ago) was pulling it off the structure. Only my second winter here, but its my understanding that 30+mph winds can be "normal" before October is over. It's not continual, but "wind events" can go on for 24-72 hours.

Next year, everything will be done differently.
I like "wind events" wording.:)
I hear you on rain soaked buds and broken branches.
I need a hoop house minimum 10ft tall x 15 - 20ft long. however finding funds for such a project are non existent.
good luck on your grow.... as the seasons change.
Another option that helps is either caging them or scrogging them, because either the vertical fencing or growing though horizontal fencing will help support them. Each of those (I've got both going on this year) presents some challenges in terms of accessing the plants, but each also has advantages. That said, just tying them up like tomatoes can help.

I look forward to watching your grow through to the end -- good luck to you too.
I have the some bamboo stakes, tying with twine and surrounded the plant a in June, July. Mid August used 6ft steel fence posts and nylon trellis to surround the plant. Nothing on the top.
It all depends on my newb skills at securing the plant.