My first outdoor grow PICS


Well-Known Member
thanks for the comments everyone... yes they are in constant sun so I am def hoping for some monsters! Im hoping for a nice little orchard of trees rather then plants! lol I got the clones from a buddy, an older cat, who def knows his shit. He is the one who gave me the soil combo and any other info i've needed. This guy grows outdoor every year and his plants are literately the size of trees. Ive seen some of his plants that are about 10' tall and about 12' wide, maybe even bigger.... I kno my shit wont get that big but I kno that the genetics are there. He has plants 6' tall already this season.... I will try to see if he will let me take some pics of his opperation and i guarantee you will all be amazed at the size of his crop. Anyway, enough comments about the feds and the helicopters and all that crap. Like I have already said no one will mess with me as long as i am legal. No I dont think I am above the law, im not tryin to be an arogant dickhead, and yes I know that the cops can do whatever the fuck they want, but im pretty confident that i will be just fine. I will def keep everyone posted wit pics of the op. Every day I go out to the garden they look bigger and bushier. Thanks for the props everyone.


Well-Known Member
isnt it??

this business of growing needs to take a turn for the cheaper if the REVOLUTION can start, ;)



Well-Known Member
if you live in california it is possible to not spend a single dollar on growing pot
compost your soil, use seaweed as a fert leave outside with water..all natural


Well-Known Member
haha, im not that bad.... lol
i live out in the country, there is an irrigation ditch that runs along the side and turns and goes along the back of my house, on the other side of the 10-12' ditch are just a bunch of fruit and nut orchards. I have 1 neighbor but unless he jumps my fence with the pit bull in the back yard he wont see much... so im not really broadcasting im just not completely hiding it. As it gets bigger im going to put a nice size fence up around it all, but at this stage im not super worried about it. Pics coming soon! Later


Well-Known Member
I just took more pics while out watering! But I have to go to work so I will get them on later on today. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Wow, looks great, I can't wait to see how they turn out!

I can't wait until I know which of my plants are females so I can start growing from clones!!


Well-Known Member
here they are!!! :mrgreen: I just went ahead and posted all the ones I took, hope its not too many. I think I will just start posting pics every week so that everyone can watch the progress. It is crazy how some of the plants are so short and bushy and others are monsters! I only have one MK Ultra plant in the bunch and I am not super happy with the size and look so far, most of the crop is Humboldt Purps. I had one of the Purps was a REALLY slow starter but it is getting big in a hurry now. Do you guys think I should number the plants so that we can watch the progress of each plant week by week? Any other ideas for us to keep track, throw em out there... Let me know what you think!



Well-Known Member
shelly, shelby, becky, debby, sally, kayla, kaylee, sarah, susan, taylor, BERTHA!!, pearl, gem, june, july, april, candy, cindy, kelly ... notice all girl names lol


Well-Known Member
10-4... I will come up with some names and label them and re-post some pics with their new names


Well-Known Member
10-4... I will come up with some names and label them and re-post some pics with their new names