My first outdoor grow (Nirvana)

G Project

Active Member
Let me explain everything for you understand.
- Pics 1: Two Short Riders (Auto-Flowering) and One Northern Light
History: The Short Riders were created at home with just four hours of direct sunlight. Were about to die with lack of light, then moved to the outside. Stayed for two weeks in the same state. They were adapting to the difference of the house to the outside. But this month inside the house, grew them only six leaves, starting with the first two. That is, as if they had started all abroad.
Northern Light has been created within and relocated abroad after four days from seed. This Northern Light has nine weeks of life.
Then, these three plants were planted outdoors, with the natural cycle of nature.
These three began to bloom at the same time. Therefore, it is because they are following their normal cycle, right?
- Pics 2: "The" Master Kush
History: It has also been created within the cycle of light 24 / 0, the end of two weeks was transferred to the outside. This plant is abroad in a month. Began to bloom exactly at the same time as the previous plants.
- Pic 3: "The Dwarf" Northern Light
History: It was created on the inside as the others, but this was four weeks. Transfer it to the outside first that "the Master Kush" and started to bloom about the same time.
- Pic 4: "The Three Sisters" Master Kush
History: They were created with "the Master" were transferred but only 1 1 / 2 weeks later and began to blossom after a few days of "The Master" has begun to blossom.

Summary: I think you are correct when they say the they will re-vegetate. But the first 3 that are there from the beginning should not be to blossom, or at least the Northern Light should not. I bought the test pH and pH down. When did the test could not believe the water was at pH 8. But this test is not very accurate because it has variations of 0.5. The local water has a lot of calcium so the pH is too high.

This is clear? If you have any question ...


G Project

Active Member
since my pH is correct they are loosing the yellowing, that's wonderful.
But, the Northern Light which is in the middle of the 2 Short Riders in "The Jungle" are very wilted and the fan leafs are yellow.
This Northern Light continuous flowering and she is there from the beginning of her life. How the Short Riders are auto-flowers I need to give them nutes for flowering stage and the northern light will eat those nutes so will she continuous flowering?

How many time will they get back on track? about 6 weeks?

The Northern Light "the Dwarf" is re-veg because her leafs on the "buds" are curling.

What the bigger problem about the re-veg? can they be hermies?



Last year my dads Purple Erkle looked like that, turned out grandma was using Miracle-gro everyday. we flushed for 3 dayes & went to 1 Miracle-gro watering a month, & used Chelated Iron for the yellow leaves. the plant stopped the curling & got a deep green. Hope this helps & good luck.