My first "official" grow thread with pics, and questions (comments are appreciated)


Well-Known Member
Hey PJLoudPack..first off welcome to RIU..hope you enjoy your stay indefanitely as I have so far.

Second thank you for the compliment on the best advice I can give you is STUDY STUDY STUDY

Don't know if you want to college or HS or whatever the case may be but their had to be one test you had to ace..I mean really had too..think about growing as a constant test..and never one you can really pass b/c their are so many different ways to go as far as technique what is an acceptable watt per gram ratio etc. Everything that you read will eventually come into play if not now someday..guarantee that.

I agree with SnowCrash's list although if your long term/short term goals are not medical then please feel free not to answer that one. Also "LIGHT TIGHT" is no joke...I'd say whatever your plans are I'd at least have enough money to buy even a small 2x4 tent..I like Hydro-Hut's myself..but that's b/c it's the only brand I can actually go up too and touch and feel and see..I like the quality so why not.

Find a good hydro shop either near you (that's the ideal way to go...just so you have an "oh shit" place to go if need be and free advice is good too) or find a good place online to buy your supply's and ask as many questions as you can here. Lots of people to ask for help just gotta do it the right way.

I like your T5 idea..that's what I did for Veg and wish I would have gone with a four footer instead of a 2 but oh time. I'm not familir with technaflora but isn't that the recipe for success by Hydrofarm...if so I take it your doing hydroponics and not soil...the only thing I could say is I trust hydrofarms equipment but can't say either or on thier nutes.

You will need a light to flower with..I'd say minimum 400 Watts...I'm doing 3 plants at 430 and want to get another 430 and do 6 more (I can easily five a fourth under the lights right now just no fourth to fit..yet ;) )

You'll need more stufff that I can't really think of right now..It's 0700 and I slept terrible so I had an early wake and bake..hope all this makes sense too you if not feel free to PM me.


Well-Known Member
hey 420 - your clones look like they're going to make it!! Good job.... and nice recovery after losing the other 2. Your other big girl looks fantasic too! Everything else going okay - with the exception of your inclimate weather?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
When will advertisers learn that it never works. They just get banned and their posts deleted.

Report these posts and let's get this garbage out of here.


Well-Known Member
Pics later today after I resize them


So in total I lost 5 clones out of 12...I probably could have gotten at least one more but they really are quite the shitty little clones. Hopefully my next round of clones (if these things even make it that far) I'll hopefully have some lovely visuals by Kiki. I got my two purple wrecks last weeks which seem OK..but I also got another super skunk which looks honestly piss poor. I have no clue if it's going to make it or not.

All in all though the main girls are just chugging away. I almost feel bad about having to cut them down soon. I just hope I'm able to get at least 4 of ones I took to really take off..that would give me six which is 2 lower than I wanted for my next run but things can't always work out as planned,


Well-Known Member
Pics later today after I resize them


So in total I lost 5 clones out of 12...I probably could have gotten at least one more but they really are quite the shitty little clones. Hopefully my next round of clones (if these things even make it that far) I'll hopefully have some lovely visuals by Kiki. I got my two purple wrecks last weeks which seem OK..but I also got another super skunk which looks honestly piss poor. I have no clue if it's going to make it or not.

All in all though the main girls are just chugging away. I almost feel bad about having to cut them down soon. I just hope I'm able to get at least 4 of ones I took to really take off..that would give me six which is 2 lower than I wanted for my next run but things can't always work out as planned,
I believe too much heat was the downfall of some of your clones and you've already taken care of that. When the plant first roots it's at its most vulnerable, lets not forget though that it is a weed and it will survive. You may shock the things a couple weeks back but they will pull through man, just have to be patient. I'm finding it really easy to be patient with my veggers now that I have a flowering room to look at.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I have about 10 clones right now and I started with like 30. Where you take the clones and the time of life really come into play. I took all my clones about 2 weeks into flowering and had to reveg them. Some of these plants, now 4 weeks from cloning, are just barely starting to show new growth.

Revegging clones (monster cropping) is a really slow, arduous, process in where you might lose a good 70% of the clones you take depending on genetics and stability.

Stay the course with the clones and you'll get the hang of which branches produces the healthiest copies.


Well-Known Member
Hey all just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about the internet for the last 3 days now..I think it's been quite some any rate I have a gillion emails from this forum to catch up on but I"ll get everything up tonight/tomorrow morning..thanks for being patient..

PS...."I"m going to need a bigger boat" LOL..just the way I feel about my grow operation after meeting some real good, cool, chill people around here..very stoked about the potential of things to come.

PPS T0rn and both have amazing gardens and should be extremely proud of what you've done...I'm just pleasantly surprised at my results but it's due to a large part from you too..the fact that you keep cheering me on is also encouraging. Thank you both for the nice words.


Well-Known Member
Hey all just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about the internet for the last 3 days now..I think it's been quite some any rate I have a gillion emails from this forum to catch up on but I"ll get everything up tonight/tomorrow morning..thanks for being patient..

PS...."I"m going to need a bigger boat" LOL..just the way I feel about my grow operation after meeting some real good, cool, chill people around here..very stoked about the potential of things to come.

PPS T0rn and both have amazing gardens and should be extremely proud of what you've done...I'm just pleasantly surprised at my results but it's due to a large part from you too..the fact that you keep cheering me on is also encouraging. Thank you both for the nice words.
anytime 420 - we're all here for each other.... glad to see you back up - I too was off for 4 or 5 days... so I know what you mean... but cheers for me - as out 19 new clones.... so far 14 have rooted!! I'm so excited! If you figure out how to send a clone through the mail let me know - and I'll send a couple from west to east!! 8-)


Well-Known Member I"ve been really really busy..on top of my busyness my net went down for a good 3 days..but I"m back...

The main girls are doing great...Sat maked week 4 of flowering another month or so and I should have my first far I have to say I think I'm going to be very happy with my donkey dick colas but I blame that on the fact that in all honesty after all the stuff I've learned over the week the only way to go is 1000 watt. Plain and simple.

All my clones I took died...chalk it up to experience...fortunately I've met some people (they may or may not be considered hippies depending on your definition) They have a solid grow op (medical) going and I've been helping on their...a lot. Hence my busyness...but this was the "contact" that I needed to make in the real world..learn, help out gain as much as I can when and how I is great but there's nothing like working with people in the real world.

Back to the clones...I was able to get another 11 and can get any any time I need them and they have payment all I have to do is work their help out..this week was azatrol (got spider mites from someone and they are now infested as I am as well :( ) but I"m also going to be helping keep track of records and what not..and I have a place to just hang out too...all in all everyone wins.

I have a lot of work to do money wise and time wise to a degree but look for bigger and better things next few grows.

I'll update this thread with some bud porn tomorrow.

Happy growing.


Well-Known Member I"ve been really really busy..on top of my busyness my net went down for a good 3 days..but I"m back...

The main girls are doing great...Sat maked week 4 of flowering another month or so and I should have my first far I have to say I think I'm going to be very happy with my donkey dick colas but I blame that on the fact that in all honesty after all the stuff I've learned over the week the only way to go is 1000 watt. Plain and simple.

All my clones I took died...chalk it up to experience...fortunately I've met some people (they may or may not be considered hippies depending on your definition) They have a solid grow op (medical) going and I've been helping on their...a lot. Hence my busyness...but this was the "contact" that I needed to make in the real world..learn, help out gain as much as I can when and how I is great but there's nothing like working with people in the real world.

Back to the clones...I was able to get another 11 and can get any any time I need them and they have payment all I have to do is work their help out..this week was azatrol (got spider mites from someone and they are now infested as I am as well :( ) but I"m also going to be helping keep track of records and what not..and I have a place to just hang out too...all in all everyone wins.

I have a lot of work to do money wise and time wise to a degree but look for bigger and better things next few grows.

I'll update this thread with some bud porn tomorrow.

Happy growing.
Score!! 1000w is the winner!! Thank you very much 420 -- I have only 1000s..... I'm glad to hear about your new friends..... sounds like a great hookup for you.... so are you going to pull more clones again???


Well-Known Member
yea at some point but I'm also convinced that an aero cloner of some sort would be ideal..even if it's homemade...too many variables for my liking with the cubes.

PS thank you for that kind offer of sending clones..much appreciated hun.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
.this week was azatrol (got spider mites from someone and they are now infested as I am as well :(
It is this reason, and this reason ALONE, I never fuck with anyone else's plants.

Spidermites are like herpes man. And I wouldn't step foot into another grow room without a body condom.



Well-Known Member
It is this reason, and this reason ALONE, I never fuck with anyone else's plants.

Spidermites are like herpes man. And I wouldn't step foot into another grow room without a body condom.

well said SNOW.... + rep! you're absofuckinglutely right!


Well-Known Member
Clones are small enough to make a dip for, if you do get more clones make sure to nuke the shit out of it before introducing it into your garden. I've received the borg from a clone before and if you're unaware or didn't inoculate the clone as a precaution the problem can get out of hand really fast. An easy way to never have the problem again would be to always start from seed, but that is more inconvenient in my case. It's easy enough to go to any one of the 20 dispensaries that are local and pick up a clone. It wouldn't be sitting in clone form at a place of business if the cutting wasn't already fire. With seed it may take you 10 or so beans before you find a keeper pheno, and that's after weeding the males out.

Easy enough to make a bath of 'death to all crawlies' and literally dunk the entire clone in and swish it around to ensure proper coverage.

Stoked to hear about the 'job.' It sucks they aren't paying you but you are receiving some perks and it is a foot in the door. Grats man~


Well-Known Member
Yea shit forgot to take pics yesterday...busy day. The spider mites do suck balls but they have a perpetual garden going so it's not like they can stop for a week and really give these bastards the proper death squad they deserve..So it's a slight PITA but with work it will be manageable...hopefully. I do like the idea of dipping an entire clone but if you dip bucket and all into another bucket wouldn't you lose a ton of your medium (in my case soil) Or are you saying pre-transplant.?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
They can kill every thing in that room by using a toxic ppm CO2 level every day for about 10 minutes.

I'm talking like 10,000ppm of CO2, or about 1% of the atmosphere, 50,000ppm is enough to kill a person so be careful and don't breathe deeply in the area when doing this.

You can rent a CO2 tank, do the cuft math on the room, and figure out how many cuft of CO2 to add. Then turn off the fans and gas those bitches. This method will kill damn near every bug in the room and isn't any harder on the plants than pesticides.


Well-Known Member
Yea shit forgot to take pics yesterday...busy day. The spider mites do suck balls but they have a perpetual garden going so it's not like they can stop for a week and really give these bastards the proper death squad they deserve..So it's a slight PITA but with work it will be manageable...hopefully. I do like the idea of dipping an entire clone but if you dip bucket and all into another bucket wouldn't you lose a ton of your medium (in my case soil) Or are you saying pre-transplant.?
Usually pre- most clones you get will come in a rockwool block. I'm not saying to put the whole pot in the bucket, flip the plant upside down and get the foliage and crap in there. You could then put a little on the top of the soil/block whatever. I didn't mean to pt the pot and all in the death bucket, just the greenery and swish it around.