My first log. CFL Stealth Dresser Bagseed


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haha j/k :P big news update this morning i did a partial transplants. not exactly a transplant though i cut out the empty 1/3 of each tub slid the rest of the plants over so their in the center of the tubs now then filled in the empty edges. also I SUCCESSFULLY CLONED WITH PLAIN SOIL!!!! im so happy lol i was doubtful but 1 of my 6 attempted clones rooted. i didnt even give them the attention they needed i was trying it for the hell of it. they never got misted and only got a splash of water in the dirt ever few days. a a few of them dried out and died but the 1 rooted and a couple others still look ok just no roots and dry. i also tied everything down again in new spots to make a nice even canopy. ill put up pictures in a couple more days when theres enough hairs popping out to show up on the camera. if i can come up with some money soon im gonna setup a small veg cab to keep whatever clones root


Active Member
Extremely jealous of your grow thus far. I started mine around the same time and they look pathetic. Proly like yours did after a couple days. I'm starting some new seeds and probably tossing the old plants. Learning from my mistakes I guess.

Gonna keep an eye on your grow. They're looking awesome. Great female turnout!


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking really good. Nice and bushy and branchy. Interesting what you said about your scrawnier plants going male -- I had the same thing on my last grow. I only had one plant that looked rough early, then went on to be female. All my other "strugglers" went male. I do think there's something to the "stress = more males" theory. And the "stress" isn't necessarily from a mistake by the grower - it can be differences in genetics and sensitivity even within the same batch of seeds.


Active Member
i got some brer rabbit blackstrap molasses today it looks like good stuff it had near or over double the nutrients per serving compared to the other one at the store. theyll get their first feeding of this tomorrow when the lights go on. still holding out a few more days on the pictures till their worth it cause i have no batteries or money to get new ones and the ones in there will only last 1 picture session and upload time hopefully


Active Member
gave them the molasses today when lights came on. they kinda stunned from moving them in the tub to be more center but their starting to sprout a few more hairs and picking back up now. ill put up pictures tomorrow if the hairs are visible on the camera. oh i threw in a little bone meal and mixed it in the top of the soil


Well-Known Member
Everything is sounding good man!
i managed to have 1 of my clones live to! Put it straight into soil after the noise from the air pump was winding me up, left it at the back of the cupboard and just forgot about the 2 of them.

Came to check on them around a week later and one had rooted, i pulled the other one up and it had a fucking gnat fly larva inside the stem, but the other one is rooted and growing now...

however i came into a problem which hopefully you can help me on mate,
my timer fucked up, leaving my lights on from 12 midnight till 6 pm, instead of turning off at 12 midday. I've turned them off now at 6pm but i dont know whether they shud be going on again at 12 midnight tonight or if i should leave them till 6 am tomorrow, but the thing is, its too cold at night for the lights to be off. What shud i do?


Well-Known Member
Everything is sounding good man!
i managed to have 1 of my clones live to! Put it straight into soil after the noise from the air pump was winding me up, left it at the back of the cupboard and just forgot about the 2 of them.

Came to check on them around a week later and one had rooted, i pulled the other one up and it had a fucking gnat fly larva inside the stem, but the other one is rooted and growing now...

however i came into a problem which hopefully you can help me on mate,
my timer fucked up, leaving my lights on from 12 midnight till 6 pm, instead of turning off at 12 midday. I've turned them off now at 6pm but i dont know whether they shud be going on again at 12 midnight tonight or if i should leave them till 6 am tomorrow, but the thing is, its too cold at night for the lights to be off. What shud i do?
Assuming you're still in veg stage, which it sounds like you are, just put them back on your normal cycle. They noticed the change, I'm sure, but they'll forget it and be fine.


Active Member
just set it to what you want it to be now worst case you make a hermi but just pluck off the nuts and give it a chance to get used to the new schedule and hope it goes back female.


Active Member
my god this camera sucks down batteries like their nothing i only got 3 pictures before it started dying and turning off. anywho here they are the first tub is 4 plants and the 2nd tub is 3 plants. 3rd picture was an attempt to get the hairs but this cameras not so good for closeups. how ya like that u shape in tops on the 2nd picture :P that was my extra bushy plant i was following on here from the start it had 8-10 tops i forget now lol. should be nice and purty in another week or 2 probably wont put new pictures till the buds are clearly visible

Day 14 of 12/12 - day 46 total



Active Member
the tops are finally starting to look like little buds ill put up new pictures again in about a week


Well-Known Member


Active Member
opened the door this morning to be greeted with pink hairs on 1 of the plants :) i would assume their genetic and not condition caused pink hairs because its only 1 plant. also another clone has roots just 1 small one about an inch so far but its a start :) setup a small cabinet to use for vegging the clones nothing special just 1 26w bulb right now no venting yada yada. kinda broke atm and no more light socket plugs left so its just a temporary for the rooted clones to not have to be on 12/12


Active Member
till whenever the other plants are done i have no room under the lights. literally covered every inch with tops and already have a few spots low on light. im just gonna abuse the hell out of the clones to keep them small and bushy. next run ill be able to do just 2 or 4 plants and cover the whole area with tops like the 7 do now. trying to find someone with a decent camera to borrow so i can get atleast 1 set of good pictures of the buds and pink hairs :)


Active Member
good news and worrying but not bad news. good news plants are coming along awesome trichs starting to pop up everywhere and the 1 with pink hairs is lookin so pretty :) bad news i found some mold on top of the soil not to worried cause its just a few spots on top of the soil and nothing on the plants. gonna lay off the molasses a little bit and see if thats what did it cause i havent had any problems like that up untill now everything is being done the same but adding molasses. still trying to borrow a decent camera from someone but the only one i found is my cousin that lives about an hour away
Bro I'm a huge fan of your operation here very nice I will be following in your footsteps now and will be using your thread as a bench mark for my personal grow good job son you are a regular green thumb haha here in Seattle were famous for the grow house opps but you would be siprised how many of us have our little cabs just like yourself and we are number 2 in the country for the best buds