My first log. CFL Stealth Dresser Bagseed


Active Member
ok after a smooth start and a rough finish with my dresser i finally put my sprouted seeds in the dirt and under light.

heres the guts of the box

total watts will be 312-364 (26w 1750 lum) with 16in x 30in of canopy space

duct tape of course :P

2x 3 light walmart vanity fixtures

6x light y splitters

home made fixture for lights with fan from inside a old ps2 to blow across them and old pc case sides for reflectors

foil for wall refectors (i know foil gets dissed but i dont care it was on hand and better then bare wood)

8x cfl 6500k bulbs for veg ( might add 2 2700k bulbs for 10 total)

12x cfl 26w 2700k bulbs for flowering (depends on temps if ill add over 12)

120mm pc fan exhaust

2x unknown pc fans to blow across plants

11x 1 1/4in intake holes

2x 16qt sterlite tubs for pots (winter is starting cant find any square pots :( might split these into 2 sections)

bagseeds from some really nice mids 15 of 16 sprouted :) expecting some deaths and males hoping for atleast 4 fems in the end

random soil mix of dirt from the yard, vermecille, hoffman brand fertilmix (random stuff of my moms i found in the garage) soil will be changed when i transplant

grand total approx 180$ +stuff i found around home alot of mistakes and 3-4 days of work. still need to find a 5 inch vent or something for the exhaust and filter.

well thats all i can think of for now. wont be much to show for few weeks prolly but heres some starting pictures

15 little seedlings waiting to pop out of their first sight of light :)

all lights turned off outside box no leaks except the holes for the handles that will be covered when i put them on :)

and finally a link to the dresser


Active Member
i decided to throw some saran wrap over the cups and to my amazement atleast half of them sprouted above the dirt a few hours later :) also threw in my only female that i had outside over the summer. if this plant revegs i may just keep it for for cloning she takes abuse like no other. shes had a rough journey starting as soon as she germinated. i let the roots get to long in the paper towers and when i pulled it out about half of it broke off. she still spouted and began her life under a normal 65w house lamp being burned several times. she grew about a foot tall with like only 4 sets of leaves. i had 3 plants survive and put them outside she was the only female. one of the males i had high hopes for it smelled so bad and started turning purple. i tried to leave him with the female no more then 2 feet apart and to my dissapointment not 1 seed. i got lazy on taking care of them and they dried out several times but pulled through. she was trampled by something and flattened to the ground. but sure enough instead of dying all he branches just started growin upward. i ended up being to late on the transplant outside though and she only had flowers for about a month before the frost started. i considered it a loss and decided to leave them to wilt away. been about 2 or 3 weeks since i seen them but what do you know she was still a little battered but still alive so i brought her in. this will be a great plant for me to learn scrogging with cause i know she can handle the stress. also when digging her up i whacked off quite a bit of roots it was 6am and no light. then when i repotted her i pinched every branch left to bend them down and keep her at the lever of the cups with seeds. anyways im stoned rambling and energetic i need to find something to do lol. still no reasonable pictures my brother is bein a asshole on the camera still :( so stay tuned peoples a few more weeks and things will start to get interesting with worth while photos of plants that aint just sprouting :)


Active Member
all but 2 seeds have come above the dirt so i guess ill consider this day 1 :) i know theres not much to see yet worthwhile but comments and suggestions welcome :) dissing on tinfoil or cfls unwelcome

quick edit. 1 of the last 2 sprouted up and i decided to check the last cup that hasnt. i dug around in the dirt a little bit and to my suprise there was no seed ^^ i think it was the cup that fell over the seed must of fell out and got scooped into the trash with the leftover dirt i didnt get back in the cup. so down to 14 expecting about half males and maybe a death or 2 so i should hit 4-6 female plants i wanted to end up with :)

1 more edit i swear im going crazy ^^ i replaced the missing seed cup with a seed i had in a jiffy pot cause i only had 14 cups. its the only one that hasnt sprouted still so i dug around int he dirt to check and no seed again >< i dont know what the hells going on lol but ya down to 13

also very familiar signs of my plants from outside during the summer. 1 clear head started already with 2nd set of leaves poking out dark green fat leaf purple/red stem. thats exactly like the one that ended up male over the summer i tried to keep and pollinate my female. hopefully this one ends up female


Active Member
all of the seeds are doin great. cut the temps down by 10 degrees after cutting out 3 solid intakes instead of 11 small holes. that was one hell of a task with the floor board unremovable and the vents in the corners ^^. sitting around 80 degrees with only exhaust fan on at 6 volts (was around 90 before and needed exhaust+light fan+intake fans on to get around 80) playing with it some more to tune in the combos and how much each one and volt settings chang temps


Well-Known Member
nice man looks like a pretty decent setup for CFL, you should add some T5's their full spectrum and produce bigger budz then with just cfls and their cheap like 30 bucks each, plus they are cool and they come in a range of sizes, and they can all be hooked up together so you only need to use 1 power cord, look int oit you may be surprised, talkin from expirence they work wonders for small grows with limited budget


Active Member
nice man looks like a pretty decent setup for CFL, you should add some T5's their full spectrum and produce bigger budz then with just cfls and their cheap like 30 bucks each, plus they are cool and they come in a range of sizes, and they can all be hooked up together so you only need to use 1 power cord, look int oit you may be surprised, talkin from expirence they work wonders for small grows with limited budget
30$ each or 2-3$ each? hmm i think ill stick with the 2-3 hehe. besides ive reached my budget limit already doubled the original budget plan and putting a stop to it now. i have everything ill need except possibly a new exhaust fan and some nutes.

anywho small update everythings doing fine and i think my plant from outside is reveging ok. all of the seeds are sprouting their 2nd set of leaves. 1 runt i may toss if it dont turn around here soon


Active Member
they have more then 1 leaf so i figure id put up a picture. their looking really promising im excited :) i swear i see small trichs forming already i rubbed a leaf and got a little stink goin :) only a picture of the biggest one the rest are damn near the same except a couple runts

day 3 from first leaf


Active Member
so any comments? hows it lookin for 3 and a half days after breaking the dirt. ive been looking through other journals for early pictures and it looks ok to me. just wondering if its behind or average. couple other ones have bigger starter leaves but the 2nd set are smaller then the one above


Active Member
i got tired of having the big ass pot for my plant from outside so i took it out. whacked off the good branch and gonna see if shell clone/reveg. gonna suck if i lose that plant but oh well i can move stuff around in there again :) and i get to practice cloning in plain water with really bad odds lol


Active Member
decided to transplant today figured it would be a good time while their still small so i can get rid of the majority of the old soil. i cracked open the cups and what do you know friggin roots shootin all over the place :( i was kinda forced to abuse them pretty bad hoping they dont get to set back from it. added in 2 soft whites for a little mix now at 10x 26w bulbs waiting to see what temps settle at


Active Member
oh i gave em a shot of my own piss to ^^ maybe thats what encouraged the growth even after a brutal transplant. i remember the very first pot seed i planted i was 13 had it in half of a 2 liter bottle outside. i peed on it as an attempt to keep away bugs and stuff lol. it grew really fast and bushy so i figured it was the piss. anywho did a little reading around to verify for sure and seen its good for nitro so their gettin golden showers now lol. im only mixing a small bit in the water im not pissing right on them :P


Active Member
their not as perky this morning maybe effects from the transplant kicking in. still looking ok though except the runt i left in a cup cause there was no room in the tubs for it. his leaves are drooping a bit and growth kinda stopped unlike the rest. think its goin to the trash soon if it dont start catching up. my branch im attempting to clone from my outside plant is looking promising. the bottom leaves yellowed but the top is turnining green and lookin good

picture of the same one ive been posting. still growing after the rough transplant and getting a golden shower lol

quick edit the runt took atrip to the trash can. 3 down and then there were 12..


Active Member
great growth spurts last night for all but 2 of them. hopefully their just stunted from the transplant and catch up to the rest. a few are showing their first real nodes and have growth from them. will put up a couple pictures later


Active Member
ok picture time


today.... DAY 6 from sprout

and another plant yesterday....

today.... DAY 6 from sprout

quick edit filled int he rest of the sockets with 2700k bulbs so now its running 8x 6500k and 4x 2700k. need to see what the temps end up might have to take off the light traps for more air flow


Well-Known Member
Hey bro! how are the temps doing. Your setup looks very good, stealthy to the max. Im going to try a similar setup like you with ventilation, i seem to be having issues aswell with temps as i have filters on my exhausts. about 85-87 degrees now. Keep me updated and good luck with the grow dude!


Active Member
actually im playing with fan speeds and placement right now im sittin around 83 with all 12 lights on. i need to make my intakes just a little bit bigger still but i havent felt like it cause i need to take everything out and get underneath the dresser. the exhaust is still getting just a little bit of restriction but its from my light traps they make the intakes smaller. im really not worried about the temps though unless it gets up to 90 then ill start to take action lol


Well-Known Member
actually im playing with fan speeds and placement right now im sittin around 83 with all 12 lights on. i need to make my intakes just a little bit bigger still but i havent felt like it cause i need to take everything out and get underneath the dresser. the exhaust is still getting just a little bit of restriction but its from my light traps they make the intakes smaller. im really not worried about the temps though unless it gets up to 90 then ill start to take action lol

any update on temps?


Active Member
it bobs around 82-84 which is fine with me for now. it seems turning up the exhaust over 6v makes it hotter so i need to figure that out. its still gonna get alot colder here the cold air going in the box might help cool it down more over the next month till the temps get as low as theyll be till around april. will have the daily pictures in about 4 hours i just turned off the lights. ohh ive been doing a random cycle by the way i turn off the lights for 4 hours every other day