My First Legal Medical Grow

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Acapulco Dream


Venom OG


Grape Kush F1


OG Herojuana


Pollinated Grape Kush F1







Acapulco Gold Harvest


I changed the res for the chemband, got a heavy duty construction grade tub from Home Dept for 13 bucks, it is 27 gallon capacity. I rigged it up, miced up fresh nutes and let her rip. 25 Gals








Acapulco still going


Speed Bump
Making another trip to homedepot today, the roots of the chemband have encompassed the 5 gal bucket, looks like a 5gal sandcastle of roots!! Gonna upgrade her to a 18gal rubbermaid roughneck and hope its big enough.
Wow, the largest rootball I ever grew was the size of the waterfarm station. only about a foot square, got about 280 grams from her I think.
Shes gonna really produce for you. Dig that training. This will be good.
Making another trip to homedepot today, the roots of the chemband have encompassed the 5 gal bucket, looks like a 5gal sandcastle of roots!! Gonna upgrade her to a 18gal rubbermaid roughneck and hope its big enough.

I was wondering when that might happen lol. Hope its working out well for you.
I changed her main container today, actually only took less than 30 mins to drill the new holes, and transfer her from the 5 gal to her new 18 gal home. System is working exactly as before, just more space for her roots. Gonna retie her tomorrow night when I have time.


Oh Jesus that is one hell of a DWC tree. Definitely the defining tree of your grow this season. I love that noding, freaking excellent outdoor plant.
Does she growl when you get too close? Just curious, wondering if you are metering your feedings now and what you are feeding the portly lady.
Does she growl when you get too close? Just curious, wondering if you are metering your feedings now and what you are feeding the portly lady.

Hose water, and bloom and micro from Hydroponics. She was on grow and micro from the same line. No thermometer, no meter, i know its wrong, but its working so i cant complain. My tap water has done pretty well for me in the past year and half, no point in changing shit now.
Very Nice. I have a Canon EOS Rebel T3 camera and I wanted to know what size of lens I would need to get so that I can get pics of calyxes like that?
I'm so glad you didn't give up on that AG, I have one waiting for you. I had to "top" it because it was almost 3ft tall in my little veg pot, she desperately needs a transplant and some TLC, been neglecting her but she'd do great with a transplant and some nutrients

The RED Kushes are already ready for trasnplant into soil too, just 14 days after starting them. I'm gonna put them in soil this week and start another batch. I also have a BK98 that rooted today, glad I'm able to keep her around, I even thanked her and fist pumped when I saw the roots, lol
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