And that's the only one you have flowering now? The original one I gave you is the one that hermied right? Her sister is about a week from being done, been keeping my eye on her looking for male flowers like the mother but so far so good. Do you need me to bring another one? Looks like I might have 1 too many right nowCorrect, it is a clone of the one that you gave me. She was originally put in soil from the cloner on 9/28, then transplanted outside about 3 weeks ago, so she got a full month of veg, i LST'ed the crap out of her, so she is on;y 24" tall, but there are probably 8 or 9 tops on her.
BC that is such a beautiful plant man....I am amazed at the purple in there and those buds look so sweet....Very nice work. I am sub'd.E-Dawg aka Blackberry aka Purple Kandy Kush, aka that purple shit, lol. Day 55 flowering ( or 62)
She looks done to me, after Baja checked it with his scope yesterday the amount of amber has mutlitplied immensely.