My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
the red kush looks really good, they all look like they are overdosing on N a lil bit but im sure you knew that and are handling it.

keep up the great growing BC


Well-Known Member
Lookin good boss, how u get the name mamdude? lol
My mom recently passed away from cancer!!! She was a big stoner, she purchased my 1st order of seeds about one month before she passed. I had a bunch of bagseeds and planted one in memory of my mom aka "MamaDude". She passed away exactly one month from when I harvested the plant so she never had a chance to smoke the weed I grew for her. The cancer just took over so fast!!! I have a jar of my mom's ashes in my tent looking over my grow now, she was my everything!!!!

Here is a pic of my 1st ever grow.....MamaDude Plant.


Im sure BC would agree she was some bomb ass smoke too!!!!!




Well-Known Member
bkb sorry to hear that story bro -im sure she is in the right place now wit no more suffering -

a shame cause the rest of the contract we signed up for when we come into this world is great

just that last page in fin print -the one that says we all die -nobody gets out alive -

thats the pisser thats why we all have to live every day we are stll here -live to max and love

stay strong -live right and you will see her again


Well-Known Member
Chopped the Sour OG tonight, cant remember how many days she was... 105 G wet, So So harvest, more than I expected, and free light though, so wth.


Well-Known Member
That should be just about right. I can't remember how much I flowered her mother for but she was one dense, sticky, and STINKY little bitch.

I'll take that PC case btw


Well-Known Member
Ok I flipped the switch on her on 12/31 so she flowered for 73 days.

On a side note the Kushs' got switched the same day, but they took a lot longer to show sex...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I just checked my sheet and it says I chopped mine at 61 days.

None of the clones I have look like they are anywhere near ready to flower too...


Well-Known Member
Yesterday before lights out 2 of them had roots already spreading out. I have the grow room door locked until I turn the lights back on this afternoon, but will still need to exhaust any fumes from the No Pest strip before I actually go in there to garden.

The rooting process slowed down a lot since it got warm so i started throwing ice cubes in there to help speed it up a bit.


Well-Known Member
Bill what material do you use to make your smart pots from -reguler felt or what -material used for smart pot looks like sum woven plastics or sumtin -



Well-Known Member
Bill what material do you use to make your smart pots from -reguler felt or what -material used for smart pot looks like sum woven plastics or sumtin -

The material that the actual SmartPots are made of is different than what i use, I couldnt find the exact same material, which is why I went with the felt, not wool, but synthetic polyester. Closest I could find to the same consistency as the original material. IMHO though, my pots work better then the smart pots or geo pots... based on observation.


Well-Known Member
I remembered what it was, do you still have the other 6" fan? I wanna see if using that one instead of the 4" makes a big difference

Also, I think I just remembered someone who might have P-91 seeds.... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
So my buddy got some Skywalker yestreday, and voila I got 2 seeds from his sack. First time we have found seeds in some skywalker, so I am pretty stoked.
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