My first indoor grow


I've started my first indoor grow and also started a journal on here. I've run into a few interesting problems. The most interesting one is the fact that 12 germinated seeds with good looking taproots have failed to sprout after a week. Please check it out and give me some pointers or comments or whatever. This is only my first indoor grow, and my outdoor grows were all done very passively so advice is very welcome.

Thanks in advance.


I actually planned on growing from clones but my friend harvested his crop two days before I had my setup ready. He started another grow the same day and I got some of those seedlings from him as mentioned in my journal. I'm hoping those seedlings take off so I can just go for clones from now on.


Active Member
yea man, it would be a good idea to keep a mother plant. that would shave off a few weeks in veggin your plants


I'm not too awfully concerned with veg time. Once I get started I plan on having a new crop to harvest every week. This is all for personal use so I won't need many plants at the same time to pull this off. I usually go through a half-ounce in a week. I'll likely go through a full ounce a week when I don't have to pay for it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you don't have any humidity domes over your seeds. It seems they need the humidity to properly root. Maybe that's the issue.


Active Member
hey i read your journal and i noticed this " One of the seeds I planted in the small pot has sprouted a little. Two round leaves are right above the soil now. The rest are still unchanged." the two round leaf's are right above the soil? maybe you put them in to deep?

what i suggest you do is when you put seeds in paper towel let them grow like 1/2 inch to 1 inch then plant them doing it to soon or to late stuns them for some reason.

when i did soil i would just put the the root in the soil and try to keep the leaf out of the soil or if they are still connected to seed with a root popping out leave the seed a little out so it sprouts easier


Well-Known Member
Humidity should be 50-60% minimum really for the seedling stage. Too dry conditions in combination with extreme heat cant be good.

All the best with your grow mate, at least you seem to be enjoying what you're doing :-) :peace:


Yeah, I got the humidity and temp issues under control now. Average temps of 71 - 75 degrees Fahrenheit and an average of 55 to 63% humidity, fluctuating throughout the day. This is noted in one of my journals.