My first Indoor Grow, all Help Appreciated


Active Member
Ok, yeah I think the temp in the room may get about 40-50 at night so maybe heater at night for awhile, I know it gets so cold out there I have to wear a sweatshirt and socks and bundle up at night, even with the light on, it gets DAMN cold at night, oh yeah I got a couple questions, if anyone can help thatd be great

1. Im on 18/6 light schedule, when do I switch to 12/12?? plants are around 2 mo old give or take either way
2. Clones, can I take a couple clones off without damaging these plants? and if so, can i take them now? or wait?
3. I still havent gave these guys full dose nutes yet, I been scared, been doing half of recommended dose, should they be getting full strength recommended dose now?
4. Topping, when do i top these babies??

If you guys need more pictures without the HPS, I can do that too... if that helps, thanks


Well-Known Member
Ok, yeah I think the temp in the room may get about 40-50 at night so maybe heater at night for awhile, I know it gets so cold out there I have to wear a sweatshirt and socks and bundle up at night, even with the light on, it gets DAMN cold at night, oh yeah I got a couple questions, if anyone can help thatd be great

1. Im on 18/6 light schedule, when do I switch to 12/12?? plants are around 2 mo old give or take either way
-when you feel they are big enough, keep in mind when switching to 12/12 some strains can double or even Triple in size... Also do all transplanting 5-10 days before switching to 12/12
2. Clones, can I take a couple clones off without damaging these plants? and if so, can i take them now? or wait?
-if its big enough to see a clone, its tough enough to have a clone taken.... you can take them now without harm.
3. I still havent gave these guys full dose nutes yet, I been scared, been doing half of recommended dose, should they be getting full strength recommended dose now?
- mix up full strength nutes, then feed them once, wait until new growth appears to see if the leaf tips are getting burnt, if they are... dial it back abit. only way to know for sure is to push em a lil, cant just "imagine" the plants limit, you have to find it.
4. Topping, when do i top these babies??
- if you have been vegging for 2mo already... personally i think your a lil late for topping, if you want to top, do it a couple days before you transplant, eg... 10-15 days before your planning to switch to 12/12

If you guys need more pictures without the HPS, I can do that too... if that helps, thanks

1. Im on 18/6 light schedule, when do I switch to 12/12?? plants are around 2 mo old give or take either way
-when you feel they are big enough, keep in mind when switching to 12/12 some strains can double or even Triple in size... Also do all transplanting 5-10 days before switching to 12/12
2. Clones, can I take a couple clones off without damaging these plants? and if so, can i take them now? or wait?
-if its big enough to see a clone, its tough enough to have a clone taken.... you can take them now without harm.
3. I still havent gave these guys full dose nutes yet, I been scared, been doing half of recommended dose, should they be getting full strength recommended dose now?
- mix up full strength nutes, then feed them once, wait until new growth appears to see if the leaf tips are getting burnt, if they are... dial it back abit. only way to know for sure is to push em a lil, cant just "imagine" the plants limit, you have to find it.
4. Topping, when do i top these babies??
- if you have been vegging for 2mo already... personally i think your a lil late for topping, if you want to top, do it a couple days before you transplant, eg... 10-15 days before your planning to switch to 12/12

and yah, Get a heater.


Active Member
1. Im on 18/6 light schedule, when do I switch to 12/12?? plants are around 2 mo old give or take either way
-when you feel they are big enough, keep in mind when switching to 12/12 some strains can double or even Triple in size... Also do all transplanting 5-10 days before switching to 12/12
2. Clones, can I take a couple clones off without damaging these plants? and if so, can i take them now? or wait?
-if its big enough to see a clone, its tough enough to have a clone taken.... you can take them now without harm.
3. I still havent gave these guys full dose nutes yet, I been scared, been doing half of recommended dose, should they be getting full strength recommended dose now?
- mix up full strength nutes, then feed them once, wait until new growth appears to see if the leaf tips are getting burnt, if they are... dial it back abit. only way to know for sure is to push em a lil, cant just "imagine" the plants limit, you have to find it.
4. Topping, when do i top these babies??
- if you have been vegging for 2mo already... personally i think your a lil late for topping, if you want to top, do it a couple days before you transplant, eg... 10-15 days before your planning to switch to 12/12

and yah, Get a heater.

Thanks Oakley1984!!, that pretty much answers all my questions, literally,...

How do I know when their big enough? Id like to turn them on 12/12 now, and if so I would like to top them, but dont know exactly where to cut, maybe I will google a topping video and see... thanks for your help!


Active Member
Alright guys, Im done thinking about it all stoned, and Im gonna do it today, im gonna top and clones these guys and then switch the lighting to 12/12, all in one day, but i need your guys help through this, below I have some pictures, almost all of them are labeled and show where I was thinking about cutting, my White Widows look like crap, my Super Grape Ape's are doing VERY well, which i don't understand because they both get fed the same time and are under the same damn light!! anyways, a few questions I have and maybe some of you can stick around and check this thread throughout the day to help me out!!

1. I will be topping and cloning today, I should wait 10-15 days before switching to 12/12 right??

2. I have Bloom, Micro, Grow nutes, should I give these guys a does before or after cutting? or does it matter?

3. It has been getting TOO COLD in the garage, I will be moving this grow to an indoor spare bedroom MUCH WARMER, GOOD or BAD idea??

any help would be greatly appreciated, Ill be waiting by the computer for your guys replies with the scissors in my hand!!

SEE PICS BELOW, ALL LABELED!!IMG_20120105_200034.jpgIMG_20120105_200610.jpgIMG_20120105_200603.jpgIMG_20120105_200537.jpgIMG_20120105_200515.jpgIMG_20120105_200343.jpgIMG_20120105_200239.jpgIMG_20120105_200216.jpgIMG_20120105_200207.jpgIMG_20120105_200156.jpgIMG_20120105_200131.jpgIMG_20120105_200125.jpgIMG_20120105_200114.jpgIMG_20120105_200104.jpgIMG_20120105_200054.jpgIMG_20120105_200615.jpg


Well-Known Member
1: yes, you should wait awhile before the flip. The topping cause stress to the plant and from my understanding you want as little stress as possible when making the switch to flowering.
2: not sure on nutes and clones yet. My understanding is that the clones should be able to.handle whatever the.mother was able to handle. I would say do it after.
3: depending on your living situation, absolutely move them inside! You'll have much greater control over everything!

Side note: I'm only on my first grow, so take my advice with a grain of salt :)

Good luck buddy!


Active Member
Thanks alot, I will wait for the flip to 12/12, but another question, Is it okay to top them and THEN move them inside?? or will that cause stress on the plant because of the tempature/enviroment change??


Well-Known Member
Topping them isn't going to stress them out very much. Moving them inside might. How warm is MUCH warmer? Are you able to keep the temps down during the light hours if you move it inside or will there be an excessive heat problem?

I wouldn't flip to 12/12 straight away. I would go ahead and top them, move them inside, and see how they like their new home first. It's hard to diagnose problems on flowering plants compared to veg. If they move inside and start having issues it's easeier to deal with. I would just wait, probably a week, no need to wait 2 weeks. If they are still looking good and happy after a week, they are fine.


Well-Known Member
Topping them isn't going to stress them out very much. Moving them inside might. How warm is MUCH warmer? Are you able to keep the temps down during the light hours if you move it inside or will there be an excessive heat problem?

I wouldn't flip to 12/12 straight away. I would go ahead and top them, move them inside, and see how they like their new home first. It's hard to diagnose problems on flowering plants compared to veg. If they move inside and start having issues it's easeier to deal with. I would just wait, probably a week, no need to wait 2 weeks. If they are still looking good and happy after a week, they are fine.
Yeah, listen to him ^


Active Member
Well.. most of my clones died.. oh well.. but the plants are looking good.. they are getting VERY dark green.. is this good??


Well-Known Member
topped, cloned, moved inside, ... i put the clones under the hps light and put my plants around them, do u think my outer plants are gettin enough light?
they are probably getting enough light bro. How high is your light above canopy? Just be sure to rotate em around everyday, just to be sure all potential budsites are getting good light now and again.


Active Member
Like.. really dark green.. but look good..

But i need HELP TODAY.. i got some more clones the other day.. but I have to switch my HPS to 12/12 today for my main plants.. How do i keep the clones growing when I do this?? keep them under hps for the 12 hours its on the under a flourscent for 6 hours?? i only have 1 hps light and a shitty shop light that has 2 flourscent tubes in it..


Well-Known Member
clones dont need very much light dude! I have mine under 2-23w daytime cfls and they are doing just fine. The hid would probably be too much light for them. Throw em under a few cfls or something 24/0. do you have them in a dome? High humidity is important for new clones!

Also, What are you trying to root your clones in?


Well-Known Member
I am a little confused on this one. Are you taking clones from your plants or picking up new rooted clones from somewhere else? New cuttings from your plants don't need shit for light. The less the better to an extent. A weak ass CFL will make them very happy.

If you are getting rooted clones they need a veg area. How are you going to keep plants that are going to grow with your flowering plants by moving them in and out everyday? That just doesn't make sense. It doesn't take much for a little veg space if you aren't going to be growing huge plants. If you have the space to move them out for 6 hours, why not just build them a new little home with some CFL's or a T5 or something?


Active Member
Yeah you guys are right.. Forget the clones and cloning for now until I get a Veg Room and Flower Room.. for now this is my first indoor grow and I should focus on my MAIN plants at hand.. here is some pics from last night.. notice the dark green.. and one of my plants has yellowtips pretty bad.. I raised the light up quite a bit.. and switched them to 12/12 last night.. I put these plants in the spare bedroom from the garage last week and one plant grew 4 inches in that week... the droopy plants have seemed to pull out of their droopy stage since the move to indoor... that room stays warm.. not hot.. but warm.. I keep the window halfway open and 2 fans blowin in there so I think that keeps the temp down a little.. i think they like the warmness of room rather then the nipple freezing weather of my garage.. since the switch to 12/12 should I be giving them any "specific" nutes... i got the Xnutes lineup of Micro, Grow, Bloom, and I got FoxFarm "BLOOM" and then I got some Bat Guano 1-10-1 (I know.. my nutrient selection sucks).. but is there any nutes I can add for flavor? or bigger buds? Ive heard of "BudCandy" nutes.. is that a sweetener? is it safe??.. I want my White Widows and Grape Ape's to come out good.. So id like to slam them with some good nutes before they get done..



Well-Known Member
Ah man, they are too dark. We need to figure out why. What have you been feeding them? What is the soil? I know I can look it all up, but I want to make sure nothing has changed and I'm not missing something.

They seem in general, overfed. It doesn't look terrible, but we need to address how much and how often you are feeding. I can say that you're pretty much done with "grow" nutes. Lots of N in those bitches already.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, could be too much N bro. Might want to do a little flush to be sure the unused N/salt buildup in the soil doesn't cause problems.