My first indoor AND CFL grow


Active Member
Been meaning to have alook at your journal man.

Great plant there, If mine look half as good i will be happy lol. ( atm they not look so good :P )

When you say its 305 watts, is that 305 watts of 2700k bulbs? or a mixture?

Hope you have a good harvest.

( And when will i be getting my free sample? )


Well-Known Member
Ya know they say the best things in life are free...Except weed lol.
I still remember asking my dad when I was young 'Dad, what does that bumpersticker mean.........Ass, gas or grass.......', but he never told me.
The worst I know of my dad doing was drinking at night after he got home from work, or drinking on the party boat all day when we went fishing, but when we took our boat out, I don't recall him ever drinking until we got into the dock coming home.


Got pics in my journal that I have been taking weekly. I think I have a little nute burn but they seem to be doing ok. Gonna switch on the timer today.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You were saying that your plant didn't smell. So I wanted to see what strain you had. Bag seeds I see now.

Was a pain in the ass to go back through your posts to find this thread. lol


Well-Known Member
how is your girl smelling i am curious? using a carbon scrubber? working good?
Hardly any smell at all.:cry:
Still the kinda sweet hay smell, but some days no smell at all.
Less than my last ones actually, and I intentionally didn't worry about the smell, I like the smell of growing better than the smell of burning actually.