My First HydroGrow Show


Well-Known Member
Alright So I am exactly half way into my first hydro grow and I figured I would start a little journal to see if anyone has any advice.
First:My last soil harvest

great bud but kinda low quantity.
For my new grow I switched to a 4x4 hydro table under a 1000w HPS using General hydroponics nutes.

A buddy drove up to canada and got seeds from the seed bank in toronto.Warning: your best bet if you go there (In the shittiest part of Toronto) Get the seeds from the strains that the owner Mark personally grows We got 10 NLxSkunk 10 G13xBudda 10 Hindu Kush The NL and the G13 were strains that mark grew the hindu kush one he orders. All 10 NL and G13 sprouted and only 1 Hindu Kush so beware.

A Little While Later:
Yes I did
They grow up so fast....


.....A week and a half into flower I culled the males

the row on the edge is are 2 NL in the front Hindu Kush In the back
The rest are g13xBudda


THe g13xBudda
I am nearing up to 3 weeks into my Flower and the little buds are looking BEAUTIFUL (will post pictures later today when the light comes on) My biggest problem one of my NL's seems like a slight hermafradite..I noticed a pollen sack along the main stem I checked the whole plant and that was the only one I found so..I am just going to cut them off as they appear and hope I get them all...
Looking back over the last pictures I took, I am massivly impressed with their development in the last 10 days. Here Take a look:

Also My Northernlights x Skunk are budding soooooooo Goood:
Woah, this is a pretty pro grow right here! *jealous*
Thanks a lot! I Have put more time (and a lot more money) Into this grow then any of my other grows and I am just exctatic that the plants are paying me back...Hydro is the WAY to go. I havent missed carrying buckets of water downstairs everyday that is for damn sure
4 Weeks into flower....

The buds are developing great. I am just super excited about the yeild I might get off these

I gave 2 of the plants (g13xbudda) a slight nute burn but I adjusted down and I am hoping they recover
Also the Hindu Kush seems to be behind the other plants quite a bit I am guessing that plant is going to have to go awhile after the others are harvested
good job i love the 4x4 with a 1000 wt that is what i use when i cant do a big grow. next time try a sea of green and keep the plants closer and trim all the bottom branches that are little just grow colas then you can git so many more plants i do 36 in a 4x4 just a thought. i think you would be way more happy with your turn out not that you did a bad job keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just so everyone knows....the grow went great.......I got I would esimate a pound and a half.........the day after I harvested, my house was broken into....they took it all.....the worst expirence of my life.....I later found out who did it ( it seems like someone is selling oven dried dank for 100 dollars an ounce) and I set their fucking car on fire. I would post pictures (yes I did take pictures from across the street, where all the other onlookers were standing) of the thing burning to the ground but I think that would be a dumb idea security wise. I Am back up and running, and now NOT ONE PERSON knows what I am doing. I just want to send a message to all new growers out there (the old growers already know) you can't trust anyone. Seriously, you can't. There is no benifit in having anyone know. In my case, a guy wandered up and saw the room while my roomate was home. My roomate thought it wasn't a big deal and never told me about it. I am telling you walking into the room and seeing all the weed gone was the most devistating experience of my life, expecially considering just the day before i had spent 9 hours trimming. I seriously almost threw up. Be careful people, there are a ton of bastards out there that will take your 4 months of hard work and dedication in 5 minutes. You live, you learn.
i love your set up and ur grow. Im sorry it turned out the way it did. anyways i would like to know if you could give me some more details about your set up and what you did during your grow. specifically like how long did you veg for? and what system you use. basically just more details. i would love to make a set up like yours. Your help would be very much appreciated. your grow was simply amazing. Good luck with everything