My First HPS 150W Closet Grow. Advice Much Needed!


Active Member
This is my first time growing i have a 150 hps grow light with a bubbleponics/ top drip feed setup (homemade) I still dont know sex yet but this is the 4th week from seed and i need all the help i can get im really confused as to what is the feed for the plants. Sooooo many different mixtures and kinds i dont know what works best. I have heard of nova flora products etc. but im clueless in the whole nitrogen amounts etc. please help explain them to me. List some good brands that i can use to produce u best bud possible! Ill update pics every week thanks! Fun blazin' up!


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Ill try and help ya out. I haven't run but one male plant in a dwc setup but I will be switching to it my next grow. Do you have any nutes yet? If not I would go with the humboldt nutrients 3 part or gh 3 part and maybe a rooting and flower booster additive. A guy I've been chatting with, fatchubbs77, has a grow currently going with it and says he never worries about ph or nothing. Most fert companies will have a feed chart and generally u can go by them imo. I kno the one plant I grew with humboldt grew fast as hell and I never worried about ph. Check out his grow and if u catch him on chat with him. He has been very informative with me


Active Member
im thinking about going wit general hydroponics , either floranova series or the simple 3 part they have i just purchased a ph up and down by general hydro so im all set on ph balance but i want more info on the boosters, is it ok to use the boosters during the process of using other nutes?


Active Member
ok cool thanks all the help is needed im picking them up tommorow so when i do ill post pics weekly so u can see whats going down shit if i could i smoke u up now if i could lol


Active Member
i am now using the flora grow 3 part series already showing results of better color and leaves lifting up


Active Member
some of my leaves are actually dropping and the outsides of the leaves are curling inward is that root rot or fungas causing it cuz its turning a slight yellow but its still growing need help bad


Well-Known Member
im thinking about going wit general hydroponics , either floranova series or the simple 3 part they have i just purchased a ph up and down by general hydro so im all set on ph balance but i want more info on the boosters, is it ok to use the boosters during the process of using other nutes?

Ok. I would say go with GenHydroponics Flora Nova "bloom". This is an excelent all in one nutrient that CAN be used for the Entire life cycle. It has enough Nitrogen for vegging. I have been growing for a few years now, and have tried many products. And I too am using Flora Nova bloom. As far as bloom boosters go, only use them in 12/12 (flowering) The bloom booster I use right now is Botanicare's Hydroplex. Many people ,especially beginers ,try to over-do it. many people buy 5 or 6 or more different supplements, nutrients, boosters, sweetners, all that crap. I have learned "less is more" I only use 3 products the entire grow. FloraNova Bloom, Botanicare's Hydroplex, and Genhydroponic's Pineapple sweetner. And as a good rule of thumb, always start with less than what is recomended on the bottle. One product might say use 5ml per gal...But that is assuming you are just using plain water and that particular product only. But if you use 5ml per gallon x 3 products, you might end up with 10-15ml per gall of diff elements and could very easily over-fertilize your babies..(if that makes sense)....i hope this helps some man....

Check out my current grow, This grow is using the excact 3 nutrients I mentioned above


Well-Known Member
some of my leaves are actually dropping and the outsides of the leaves are curling inward is that root rot or fungas causing it cuz its turning a slight yellow but its still growing need help bad
Sometimes droopy leaves indicate overwatering....The leaf curl usually indicates heat stress... How much water do you feed them, and what are your temps? how close is your light from the tops of your plants?

When I was using top feed buckets, I put the watering pump on a timer, and only watered for 15 minutes, twice a day...And once the roots grew down and were just sitting in the solution, I knocked it down to watering 15 mins only once daily....


Active Member
thanks everyone here are my week five updated pics and its not looking too good i think i overfed them and the leaves are dying and turing yellow and curling. I flushed the system and reduced the amount of nutes i have been giving them. The ph is right around 6.5 and i would like as much advice as possible. The roots are growing rapidly still and there is still new growth i just dont want anymore tips to burn and wilt please help here are the pics fpor week 5 sorry they arent the best my cell phone kinda sucks.


Active Member
temp is always between 70-75 degrees and i use a bubbleponics and top drip feed which the top feed is only used once a day for about 10 mins. Im using about 1tsp per gallon which its 10 gallons of water which it was about 8tsp for each solution but now i have reduced it to 6tsp per solution if that makes any sence . and the 150w hps lamp is about 6-10 inches above the plants is that too close?