My first hopefully successful grow

Hello every one welcome to my first real attempt at a successful grow, right now i have 4 feminized seedlings less than 2 weeks old, i have 1 ak47, 1 white widow, 1 fruity chronic juice and 1 sour AK, i was really looking forward to trying some white widow but I'm not sure that it will happen because at the moment my white widow seedling seems to have a bit of nitrogen burn and i am not sure that it will make it. I am using a some what modified version of vic's super soil. 2.8 cu ft promix 1.0 cu ft ffof 8 cups Bone Meal 0 10 0 4 cups Blood Meal 12 0 0 25 lb pure worm castings 1 0 0 7.3 cups green sand 2 tbsp per gal 4 cups powdered dolomite lime 4 cups kelp meal 0.6 0 1.5 Epsom salts 25% perlite 8 cu feet total In the veg room i have 8 25 actual watt 6500k cfls on home made reflectors, i know the material is not that reflective but its more for keeping the lights out of my eyes when i am viewing them from above, i also have a hygro-thermometer and a stationary desk fan in the room, the avg temps have been between 80-85 degrees and the humidity has been around %11-%15. The future flowering room for these plants is a 4x4x70" cab that i am in the process of building my self, it will contain a 1000 watt HPS, 400 something CFM centrifugal fan, 6 inch ducting a carbon filter, and a 4 plant independent scrog system.


Alright so the plan was to build a 4x4x70" grow cab with scrog crates and i did it! I must say i am very impressed with my work considering i have absolutely no carpentry experience what so ever, after doing all of the math and some careful planning every thing is more less perfect, straight, and structurally sound. The whole thing probably cost me about $120 and took me about 8 hours total to build by myself, the price is excluding the cost of tools which were a drill and a jig saw, it was $86 for the wood 5 4x8 sheets of 1/2 inch particle board and 15 2x4s, $14 for a box of 3" and 1 1/2" screws, 10$ for L brackets and $6 for some door hinges. I had home depot cut 95% of the wood because they told me it would be free, i bet they were sorry for that after they were done because there were a lot of cuts, anyways always make sure to ask the price per cut before because the people who did it for me told me that some of the employees will charge 50 cents per cut. As you can tell my cab is clearly not ready just yet i still have a few more things to do such as paint the cab white, mount the lights and ventilation equipment, hang the door, cut out the 6" exhaust port, mount the chicken wire for the scrog screens, and make the whole thing air and light tight. The design of my grow cab and scrog crates is pretty simple but very effective, I am going with scrog because i am some what limited on my vertical growing space and i want to be able to achieve optimum yield's. The base of my cab is sitting on 2 48" inch 2x4 legs mounted on their sides, in the bottom below each of the 4 crates there is a 5x5 inch intake, and on each side of each crate i have cut a 2x5 inch hole to help with air flow, these 4 5x5 intakes will all be light proof because my crates will be resting on top of them on legs, and i figure the plants will get a good amount of air flow since it will be flowing from directly below them. The scrog crates are 22x22x24 i realize i might have went a bit overboard on the height but i figured i want massive plants so i might as well let them get 1 foot tall before they hit the screen, and the reason i built them separate is because i want to be able to use scrog and still have the ability to pull my plants out to inspect them, maintain them, rotate them, or even go for a perpetual harvest if i decide i want to do so. I also realize i might have went a bit overboard and lost a bit of my canopy by using 2x4s to frame my scrog crates but i wanted structural integrity since i will have to lift the scrog crates by the frames with 5 gallon pots in them. I plan to use caulk to seal all of the seems and weather stripping to seal the door when its shut, i have recessed 2 door hinges into the 2x4 stud on the front and will use a pad lock hinge to secure the door shut on the other side. So what do you guys think, any comments or suggestions?


Better kick up the humidity, they need more than than, like 45-50%
too dry. mon. get it up to 30%, at least, but not above 50 or so.
How should i go about doing that with out a humidifier, can i put a shallow pan with water in the room to increase the humidity by evaporation? Also do you guys think that the low humidity could be causing what looks like nitrogen burn on the white widow?


Well-Known Member
maybe..............the largest one in pics is the only one that should maybe get a little fert. the others are too small. a humidifier. you won't get that low of a humidity into range passively.
Okay so the first two pictures are ak-47 which has grown a remarkable amount in just 3 days but also now seems to be showing signs of nitrogen burn, the third picture is fruity chronic juice which seems to be moving a long at a medium speed and look reasonably healthy a side from the drooping which is probably being caused by the excess nitrogen, and the last 2 pics are of white widow which is not looking so hot but has lived threw the burn thus far. I have been misting the plants 2 times a day since i got the spray bottle on the 14th and i have not changed the soil because i live an hour away from any gardening store and have not been able to make it down there due to snow.

How long will it take for these plants to be able to handle the amount of nitrogen in the soil if they don't die? I know its 2 weeks until they leave seedling stage and enter the vegetative stage but if the plants are being stunted by the nitrogen toxicity and not killed will they continue to become more resistant to the nitrogen until they can grow or will they remain at the mercy of it stunted until they are removed from the soil and allowed to grow out bigger?

The white widow is not looking so good but i do believe that it still has a chance to survive.

What do you guys think i should do since i can not get new soil for the time being should i flush or just ride it out?

