My first harvest


Well-Known Member
Thanks RIU posters, any info you need is here!

150W HPS scrog


(plus there was one other pretty good bud not shown, cut early being watercured...)


Well-Known Member
Thanks I wonder how nice it would've look if I hadn't picked the crap out of the smaller buds over the last couple of weeks? ;)

I made my own Aerospring, which is DWC with misters spraying the roots.


you have harvested to early pal, they look like they could have gone a couple of weeks longer, but as it stands I dont have any smoke and you do so a big well done....


Well-Known Member
you have harvested to early pal, they look like they could have gone a couple of weeks longer, but as it stands I dont have any smoke and you do so a big well done....
With this heatwave they've been getting overheated. Reservoir temps approaching 90 degrees sometimes. It was only a matter of time before they got moldy, and they've been showing signs of heat stress. I have another crop ready to go into flower, but I'm thinking of whacking them out and upgrading the ventilation and waiting until September.