My first harvest ever!!! *pics*


Well-Known Member
great Job on Yer virgin Grow. Many many people do not get these results, I know i didn't. If you practice long enough at anything you'll get good at it. I had my time with CFL's though and I prefer the HPS, but that is just me. I Prefer it to the MH for sure. Man just a hell of a nice first time. PROPS


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys!!!!

the smoke's great!!! I didn't expect so much for my first grow, but now i'm really excited!! :joint::joint:
it's way better than any weed i've ever bought...:) That is, not counting my trips to

the taste's great, and the high is just what i expected it to be. i harvested, using a microscope, when most trichromes were cloudy, and i got this energetic, heady high!!

later today or tomorrow, i'll start a thread, a journal that i'll be updating with pics and all quite often. I think i'll be using the same journal, for both my cfl grow and the hps grow.... the comparison will be side by side!!! i'll make sure to let y all know, so you can see what i have going on and give me your input and suggestions!!

cheers everybody......


Well-Known Member
nice man, 35 grams i was wondering what you were gonna get. tryin to ballpark mine just cut down two of 4 on my first harvest. can't wait to see how much i get! rep!


Well-Known Member
I pulled over 4 oz w/ CFLs a few months back (see signature). I use HPS now, but it is indeed possible to pull over 2 oz / plant with CFLs. I've seen others with more yield as well.

Nice 1st time grow OP. Congrats!


Well-Known Member
Thats a great grow. I love it! I just started my next grow, Only on day 3. I think I am gonna give CFL Light setup a chance. Did you find that the stems grew to tall with that type of light? Or was it ok if you just kept the light close to the top?

Let me know how much you yield off of that. Pretty impressive for your first grow. You got a green thumb! Make sure to puff one for me. And when mine is done, Ill puff one for you!

So, what did you decide to do to cure it? Results?


Everything I say is fiction. I do not grow or participate in any illegal activities. I do not condone marijuana use. We would only use marijuana for medical reasons anyways.


Well-Known Member
thanx a lot man!!! i'll give you a shout when the time comes...

Besides my next grow, i'll probably have another grow going. A friend of mine who doesn't know shit about growing, wants to grow his own weed, and he asked for my help. Money is not an issue for him, and i know he wants to do something good. He wants me from the beginning, to design his grow space at his home, tell him what to buy exactly, seeds, lights, nutes, everything. I told him that if i'm doing this, i want one third of the crop mine....and he agreed. I'm thinking i should do it. what do you think??
Also, i believe i can achieve some great results.... in my appartment i don't have the space....but he has a whole house on his own!!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Dude I'm not trying to judge you or anything, but if that is your "FRIEND" then you should do it for nothing. I mean he's paying for everything, and since money isnt an issue then he's probably going to have some good quality equipment, nutes, and other accessories. so you could probably set up shop at his place with quite a few of your plants and while you tend to yours it can be somewhat of a tutorial for him(he can learn from watching you). that way you can grow you some stuff in a larger space than your apartment, and at the same time show your "FRIEND" how to grow some weed for himself. But as far as charging him a third of his crop, man i think that's kinda weak. Cause really think about it, thats your boy right, and if you're doing him a solid by showing him the ropes, then you know he's going to celebrate his harvest by smoking with you. So really you're going to probably end up smoking more than a third "with him". But there is a possibility that he might resent you "charging" him and after that initial crop, and after he gives you your "THIRD" he probably wont fuck with you on that level after that. remember he has a capacity to grow more than you(larger space) so there is a possibility that on down the line you might be in a situation where you might run low, or run out, and you might want your boy to break you off something, and for the fact that you "CHARGED" him for some free information might make it harder for you to ask. But i promise you it will also make it "easier" for him not to offer. So hey man just keep it real, cause its called karma man, it does come around. But before i go just look at it this way:How would you feel if someone charged you half to a third of your FIRST crop for some information, and later on you found this site with hundreds of people that were willing to tell you "ANYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW" for free.
LIke i said I'm not judging, i just believe in doing unto others, as i would like for them to do unto me.



Well-Known Member
I see bananas and seeds.
next time pluck the bananas and check everywhere early.
I do a weekly search with a pair of tweezers intill harvest.

nice first grow!
i would smoke that yes but u let it grow to long and u had a ph devioncy thats why the leaves were turning yellow on some of them and leting it flower that long your gonna get a really stony high but i mean theres alot of hairs and if its jack herer you know it will be good


Well-Known Member
ehhh your wrong first grow 420. His plant actually didnt go long enough. It should have 25 to 50% amber hairs depending on if he wants a more couchlock feeling. Also, the yellowing of the leaves is not a deficiency its just what happens at the end of flowering your buds suck all the nutrients out of the fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm not trying to judge you or anything, but if that is your "FRIEND" then you should do it for nothing. I mean he's paying for everything, and since money isnt an issue then he's probably going to have some good quality equipment, nutes, and other accessories. so you could probably set up shop at his place with quite a few of your plants and while you tend to yours it can be somewhat of a tutorial for him(he can learn from watching you). that way you can grow you some stuff in a larger space than your apartment, and at the same time show your "FRIEND" how to grow some weed for himself. But as far as charging him a third of his crop, man i think that's kinda weak. Cause really think about it, thats your boy right, and if you're doing him a solid by showing him the ropes, then you know he's going to celebrate his harvest by smoking with you. So really you're going to probably end up smoking more than a third "with him". But there is a possibility that he might resent you "charging" him and after that initial crop, and after he gives you your "THIRD" he probably wont fuck with you on that level after that. remember he has a capacity to grow more than you(larger space) so there is a possibility that on down the line you might be in a situation where you might run low, or run out, and you might want your boy to break you off something, and for the fact that you "CHARGED" him for some free information might make it harder for you to ask. But i promise you it will also make it "easier" for him not to offer. So hey man just keep it real, cause its called karma man, it does come around. But before i go just look at it this way:How would you feel if someone charged you half to a third of your FIRST crop for some information, and later on you found this site with hundreds of people that were willing to tell you "ANYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW" for free.
LIke i said I'm not judging, i just believe in doing unto others, as i would like for them to do unto me.


Zen, it's been almost a month since me and my friend started our new grows, and in that time I found out that you're absolutely right. It's going great, and i now have no intention of asking anything. I'm sure we'll enjoy our weed together, when the time comes. I'm giving him advice, whenever i can, and to be honest i kinda like it that i have someone here to talk about growing, because when it was only me growing, I didn't want to talk to much about it.
Thanks a lot for your writing!!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all guys!!!!!!!

now i have a new grow, 4 plants under cfls. One of them, the jack herer, is younger than the other three and now i'm waiting for it to grow a little more before switching to 12/12. I can't wait too long though, because the other three are almost ready to flower. (for cfls i mean...) I'm training them trying to have an even canopy later on, and waiting on the little jack herer to catch up.

Any comments, advice or anything else are very welcome. For the latest photo update please follow the link in my signature!!!



Well-Known Member
im trying to get an ounce or more dry from one plant im growing with cfls also. my question to you is how tall was your plant at 25 days, how tall was it at 77 days of flowering? im lsting mine beginning today. its day 14 of veg. she (hopefully) is 4 inches tall with 5 sets of fan leaves and at least 2 5 point fan leaves at every node in the undergrowth. needless to say she is indica dominant and very bushy.
im going to use 6 26watt 2700k cfls to flower her. either that or a hps(if i can get one for a good price my birthdays in a few days)

thanks alot. i was very impressed by your results


Well-Known Member
thas amazing with cfl i never would have thought did you use just reg cfl thorught the whole deal ?


Well-Known Member
im trying to get an ounce or more dry from one plant im growing with cfls also. my question to you is how tall was your plant at 25 days, how tall was it at 77 days of flowering? im lsting mine beginning today. its day 14 of veg. she (hopefully) is 4 inches tall with 5 sets of fan leaves and at least 2 5 point fan leaves at every node in the undergrowth. needless to say she is indica dominant and very bushy.
im going to use 6 26watt 2700k cfls to flower her. either that or a hps(if i can get one for a good price my birthdays in a few days)

thanks alot. i was very impressed by your results
I believe you can get an ounce off of your plant, even if you go all the way with the cfls. I think you did good starting to lst it. Cfls are poor in light penetration so, you'll get to better results if you have more tops on the same height. Although it'll be good for you to know, before switching to 12/12, if you're gonna go through with the cfls or you're getting an hps. If you're going to use hps, i would let it veg longer, letting more tops grow big, and then turn to flowering. If you're planning on using the cfls till the end, i would start flowering in about a week.
I don't remember exactly but I think that mine, at 25 days, she was round 10 inches tall, and was round 25 inches tall, when i harvested.

I now have 4 plants in veg, and i started lsting 3 of them, because the one remaining is younger than the others, so i'm waiting for it to grow a little bigger before switching to 12/12. You can see some pics from 5 days ago if you follow the link in my signature. I'll be posting some more later today.



Well-Known Member
thas amazing with cfl i never would have thought did you use just reg cfl thorught the whole deal ?
thanks man!!! yes, i just used cfls throughout the grow. I have a new grow going on right now, using cfls again, and this time I'm expecting much better results!!!
