My first harvest ever!!! *pics*


Well-Known Member
Well, here's my first harvest ever.
That's one plant grown under cfls, vegged for about 25 days, and flowered for 77 days!
i'm a bit confused regarding the way of drying and curing, since I heard so many different approaches and opinions.
Any help and suggestions, are highly needed.

Here are some pics:



Active Member
Looks pretty good. I'd smoke it. bongsmilie

Btw: That plant is so strange looking, I know some people that probably wouldn't be able to notice that it was marijuana even if they saw it. (Before that plant started budding like crazy at least)


Well-Known Member
that look damn good man. +rep.hope you enjoy it! what was your light setup like?


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good. I'd smoke it. bongsmilie

Btw: That plant is so strange looking, I know some people that probably wouldn't be able to notice that it was marijuana even if they saw it. (Before that plant started budding like crazy at least)
i'd smoke it i can't wait for it to dry....:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
that look damn good man. +rep.hope you enjoy it! what was your light setup like?
thanks man!!! it was my first grow, and i'm really excited!!
here's a pic to show you the light setup. There were two cfls above the plant, and some more on the sides.



Active Member
so this was 25 days veg, an 77 flowering?, gotta say it really inspires me to go get some cfls. how many grams per watt? what strain? were the buds really fluffy and light, quick-burning, but incredible tasting?


Well-Known Member
so this was 25 days veg, an 77 flowering?, gotta say it really inspires me to go get some cfls. how many grams per watt? what strain? were the buds really fluffy and light, quick-burning, but incredible tasting?

It was my first grow, and i just used bagseed.... i learned a lot during the whole process, and for my next grow i'll order some seeds but i don't know what exactly.
I haven't tried it yet, but especially the main cola, and 4 other buds look pretty dense!! and the smell's wonderful....
i don't know yet how many grams it is... i'll weight it as soon as it dries and let you know!!



Well-Known Member
lets be honest,bag seed looks like all you need,if you find a method that works for you,stick to it.looks like you got a couple ounce from it at least???


Well-Known Member
and another thing,if you've got that many lights try bending it (if you have the space)or the FIM method,that way you'll get big buds allover the plant or with the FIM method you'll have two top colas


Well-Known Member
yes, a couple of ounces is what i expect... we'll see!! :)

you're absolutely right about the bending and fimming or topping... i thought of it, but since i found out it was a female, i decided not to do anything to her for this first grow, to see what happens, and in my next i'll make some changes and see the differences!! For sure, in my next grow, the plant will be either trained or put a screen above and go scrog. it will be topped too...



Well-Known Member
yes, a couple of ounces is what i expect... we'll see!! :)

you're absolutely right about the bending and fimming or topping... i thought of it, but since i found out it was a female, i decided not to do anything to her for this first grow, to see what happens, and in my next i'll make some changes and see the differences!! For sure, in my next grow, the plant will be either trained or put a screen above and go scrog. it will be topped too...

haha i know what you mean about not wanting to touch it,i didnt dare do anything on my first grow,but now what i do is i have an 'experiment plant' with each grow,jus to see what happens.
the bending works like a treat,the tops are ready first so what i do is i top them n them leave the lower buds longer n lower the light to them,mine doubled in size within the first week.
Trial and error basically
if you need any help give me a shout,il b happy to give you a hand!


Well-Known Member
very good. have to say, nicely grown with cfls.

my 1st grow was cfls. i used the hang upside down and a fan to keep the fresh air moving around them. dont let the buds touch each other when hanging. then when the stems snap, cut the buds off the stems and put them in a air tight jar to cure.


Well-Known Member
very good. have to say, nicely grown with cfls.

my 1st grow was cfls. i used the hang upside down and a fan to keep the fresh air moving around them. dont let the buds touch each other when hanging. then when the stems snap, cut the buds off the stems and put them in a air tight jar to cure.
that's exactly what i did. I left the intake and exhaust pc fans on, and another fan blowing below the hanging buds to enhance the air circulation. I'll be checking often to see how the drying's going, and when they feel dry outside, i'll put them in glass jars, to even the moist, then open till they feel dry on the outside, then seal them in the jars again etc etc...


Well-Known Member
haha i know what you mean about not wanting to touch it,i didnt dare do anything on my first grow,but now what i do is i have an 'experiment plant' with each grow,jus to see what happens.
the bending works like a treat,the tops are ready first so what i do is i top them n them leave the lower buds longer n lower the light to them,mine doubled in size within the first week.
Trial and error basically
if you need any help give me a shout,il b happy to give you a hand!
thanx a lot man!!! i'll give you a shout when the time comes...

Besides my next grow, i'll probably have another grow going. A friend of mine who doesn't know shit about growing, wants to grow his own weed, and he asked for my help. Money is not an issue for him, and i know he wants to do something good. He wants me from the beginning, to design his grow space at his home, tell him what to buy exactly, seeds, lights, nutes, everything. I told him that if i'm doing this, i want one third of the crop mine....and he agreed. I'm thinking i should do it. what do you think??
Also, i believe i can achieve some great results.... in my appartment i don't have the space....but he has a whole house on his own!!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
absolutely do it,why not,your getting something for free.however you set the grow depends on what you want,ie do you want quality n quantity etc.
'Marijuana Horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible'
by jorge cervantes
Get this book,it has absolutely everything you need to know,it is literally a bible.Explains everything from start to finish.even tells you how to make hash.iv learnt everything i know from this book.

if your mate has a whole house free then you need to be aware of the neighbours,lamps and fans make noise,plus you need to think about the heat given off,helicopters have heat senses on em that can detect heat from a rat so the best thing is to set up preferably underground or in a small room or something.
one thing i wasnt prepared for was when to harvest,recently found out that a pocket microscope does the trick n you harvest when the really tiny trichomes are a milky amber colour(which by the way you CANNOT see with the naked eye or magnifying glass),that way you can make sure you get a high smoke rather than a downer.
im rambling now so il shut up,as i said,that book tells you everything you need to know,plus theres pictures to make it easier

K xx


Well-Known Member
lets be honest,bag seed looks like all you need,if you find a method that works for you,stick to it.looks like you got a couple ounce from it at least???
Yeah, but the point to learning to grow is so you 'CAN' produce Sensei buds from strains that are difficult to grow, but wonderful to blaze or even just knowing that you grew the most sophisticated weed you can get. And didn't have to buy it. Just my 2 cents.

I got seeds from Nirvana and Attitude last month with no problems (sorry just remembered one of the strains I got from Nirvana 'Aurora Indica' didn't germinate a single seed, but all the attitude seeds came in branded packages unlike the nirvana in generic baggies and all the Att seeds popped ok) just so you know bro. They are reliable.

Excellent looking buds btw