My First GrowJOURNAL. woOo.


Active Member

I said TWO little Ladies..because im HOPING FOR TWO!!!!!!!.
the little hairs just sprouted about a day or two ago at tops..the baby seedling..still too far away to tell..


Well-Known Member
i always liked to refer to them as girls and in the female context, even in the seedling stage

NC if those are stipules, and i dont know why it didnt occur to me that they fill in just a little while before sex shows, then with a microscope you should be able to tell sex in the next few days if you look real close


Active Member
okay well im gonna get my camera and a magnifying glass and see if i can get some good shots this mornin after my wake and bake bro!

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
im pretty sure they are stipules... because none of my plants have shown actual hairs intill new growth was goming out of the my littles one thats 24 days old has only hairs on the top nodes and thats the only node with new growth developing
idk they couls be females but so far all of my plants looked like that andi had a male


Active Member
okay..try not to sound like such an ass sometimes come off kinda assholish..just to let you know

but thanks my nigga.

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
okay..try not to sound like such an ass sometimes come off kinda assholish..just to let you know

but thanks my nigga.
hahaha, sorry but i think i said not trying to sound like a dick at one point in one of my posts lol
i just try to get the point across in the least amount of words lol

i love that diagram
i know this is the best diagram lol
its so simple also...but has taught thousands probably


Active Member

Well Today i got home from another beach trip..and My mom had showed up randomly and saw my girls..she pulled them before i even got home..this sucks ass..

WHYY!!!!!???? :(

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member

Well Today i got home from another beach trip..and My mom had showed up randomly and saw my girls..she pulled them before i even got home..this sucks ass..

WHYY!!!!!???? :(
damnnn, are you gonna give it another go or just stop???
If you start over i think it would be a great time to fix what you did wronge in your first grow...
Plus if you start over you have no option but to grow indoors because its wayyyyyyyyy to late for outdoors...
also do you live with your mom, or did she just visit and than pull them


Active Member
Its kinda hard to explain with out giving out too many details lol..

but she comes and there's really no telling when she just might stop by. lol

this fukin sucks!!!! my friend told me while i was gone he confirmed female on my biggest. this sucksssssss


Well-Known Member
big bummer dude, i lost track of this for the few days i was tripping, really sucks man, i was enjoying following your grow....


Active Member
i know! im pissed! and now im sick thats why i havnt been on.. but im not goin anywhere im still gonna be checkin out everybodys grow and still learning. How you been bro? anything new up top?

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
i know! im pissed! and now im sick thats why i havnt been on.. but im not goin anywhere im still gonna be checkin out everybodys grow and still learning. How you been bro? anything new up top?
NCKUSH, Havent heard from you in a WILEE. Hope everythings alright.. try to get back to RIU!! peacee


Active Member
HEY NC KUSH wuts up bro i havnt hurd from u in a LOOOONG asss time i actually JUST read what happen to ur ladies aw man im so sorry to hear that bro .. THAT FUKEN SUXS BALLS MAN!! it prolly felt like sum1 ripped ur heart out instead of ur babies... are u plannin on giving it another try again? dont give up bro!


Active Member
Whatup Fellas.

just had alot of stuff go on in my life.
but i would like to start up again. idk if i will be able too.


its better to have light time at night (thats so confusing sounding but im sure you know what i mean), but i noticed your box dosnt even have a top to it, so how will you be sure its dark in there?

if you want to keep it light at night because it keeps things cooler, you should introduce your first hours of dark tomorrow morning or afternoon

yo, I have my lights on during the night and that's one of the reasons(temps), other benefits include(when using hps lights) less chances of a circuit overload cause no one is using shit at that time(or less than they would during the day), and other shit I can't rmbr right now cause I'm stoned