My first growing box need some help...


ok so im pretty new in growing and i wont to start with small box. Thats what i have in my mind:
the measures of the box : w:60cm h:193cm d:43 cm
i wont to use dwc system now i have few questions:
1. witch bucket i should use? many plant should i grow(1-4)?
3.witch seed's(i thought about white rhino) should i buy? the climate here is really hot 27-35 in summer and now summer.
4.witch ventilation system should i buy?

thx for help


Well-Known Member
No offence but, are you underage, or you just don't know english well? Because even kids in europe talk english really good, so.... I'm just saying don't get your parents angry, if you're a kid.
Anyways, For that box you could go with one big plant, or 2 medium plants, suit yourself.
Which bucket? Just buy one that fits in there and takes up as much space as you want it to, you can build one yourself if you're a fan of diy or a cheap ass.
You're growing indoors so outdoor temp shouldn't make such a difference unless you don't have an a/c.
The space is about 15sq/ft, so you need to get a ventilation system that pulls atleast 7 sq/ft a minute, that'd be good, you'll need a more powerful if you want to use a carbon filter.
About seeds, You should definitely get a photoperiod strain for that space, something that you like, if you like couch lock, get an indica, if you like heady high, get a sativa ( Tho they flower a loooong time) OR get a hybrid. See what you can afford and what you like. Search on Attitude seed bank.


Well-Known Member
dont make excuses for your langues .. this is not school or a exame .. its a bord on the web ..

insted be proude that you more or less master atlest two langues ..


Well-Known Member
clone camper .. to be honest.. you need to do some more reading and research ..

your space is what 60x43 cm .. thats like a ½ sq. meter = 1 plant

you say you have full hight 193cm .. use that .. make shelf`s .. I reccon two ..
might even give you room for a small 3th room to start seedlings in to have ready ..

if them temps is what you have in the house ? you dont want to use big HDI lamps ..

maybe fit two of them


one on each shelf .. T5HO ... its the two feet model = 60cm
4 tubes around 10K Lumens ..

guess they could grow a small auto each in 60 days

and best of all they produce next to non heat .. can even hold the bulbs when its on ..

I reccon they like 70£ each .. if money is no problem you could also fit em on the side/back as tubes have to be with in 5 to 25 cm to provide good light (only real down side with tubes)

and with tubes you dont need big ventilation systems either .. the smallest 100mm canal ventilation with the smallest carbon filter will do just fine as it only need to controle odour and provide fresh air/co2 for your girls ..

sumthing like this:

(think that is the 125mm model .. but same kind) around 80-100£ I reccon..

at the top of your room .. then just a opening around twise the size (200mm) at the bottom .. physics will do the job as the ventilation pulls the old air out through the filter new air will automactily be pulld in at the bottom (bottom = cold air .. top = hotter air)

2 small clip on fans .. one in each room pointet away from the plants at the wall just to make some air circulation in ther ..

I bet that if you can make that DWG system to runn smootly and all the rest is spot on .. you can grow bigger/better plants then a nub with a big 600W HPS and high temps .. and if you want to scale up at some point (winther maybe) it is possible to fit a air cool 250/400W MH/HPS in one of the shelfs and use the tubes as extra/for clones) get another 100mm vent. for the cool tube ..

dont rush in to this .. do the research .. and use logic .. 35C is pretty high .. might be a AC your looking for as the fist thing if a HDI lamp is a must for you (Im in Denmark and Im strugeling)


thx man your post really helped me out!!! i do some thinking make some plans and post it here. i don't want to do double work you know....


Well-Known Member
that dont look so bad .. actualy I think that is right on ..

the intake hole in the bottom just need to be passive .. and in most case double the size .. so a hole the size of the outtake ventilation on each side at the bottom might work perfect (make sure they are light tight unless you do choose Autos ?)

also .. a thing I did .. and works pretty well .. I also have 2 passiv intakes .. but on one of them I did fit a 150mm tubeing and made it run up to my passiv intake over my window in the room (1,5M tube was enough for me as my room is near a window) that provide fresh air/co2 directly from the outdoors .. plants seems to love it .. did also make my temps go down 1-2C and I also love it as I dont have to leave windows open to provide fresh air .

actualy I also got a cheap (7£) bathroom ventilation..


to help pull even more fresh air in through the tube .. but one thing at the time ..

I reccon you want the two shelf then ..

and it look like you want a small shelf with a few T5HO to start seedlings (fist few weeks)
that also nice .. tho I bet you could still do two shelf and a shelf for seedlings (fist two weeks to cut the grow time from 8 to 6 weeks on the "real" shelfs)

but agin .. one thing at the time .. I bet that can work very well with just one shelf and one plant (two might be to croudy ?)..
and as I said .. it easy to shop and upscale later on when you have more experiance and money .. and know what you want ..

Im not to much in to LED .. but I know you want them 1W as they are the best/most effectiv I read .. dunno much more about em ..
just that some China made once is more toy then grow lights and some more expensiv big brands are realy good .. so dont go cheap on em .. do the research .. get some others have good experiance with ..

but yea Im sure LED and T5HO is the way .. if you have high temps and littel room ..

that system .. spot on ... with two LED shelfs (maybe with a extra T5HO fixture as side/back light) and the DWG running smootly and two nice Autos and I bet you can haverst +2 Oz evry 6 weeks .. if you at haverst have them 2 new small 2 weeks seedling ready from the small shelf ..

Ooh yea and make sure ther is about 30cm at the top of your room for ventilation and carbon filter ..

EDIT: thinking more about it and your space ..

60cm might just be perfect for two plants ...
if you choose small plants .. I reccon Autos would fit that purpose best .. also as they are fast .. and will give you less problems .. light leaks wont be a problem either .. just runn em 18/6 or 20/4 from start to finish like with the seedlings at top .. so no need to make that light proof either (would also be hard with one ventilation at the top)

if it was me ... with that set up .. I would try to find some 60 days wonders or another fast small auto strain and do it like on your picture with two small plants in DWG under the LED and when they are two weeks from havers I plant new seedling to have ready so they stay 2 weeks under the T5HO and 6 under the LED .. roughly ..


Well-Known Member

if you choose that set up with autos and veg for 2 weeks under t5ho and flower 6 weeks under the LED ..

then make sure the t5ho is mostly/all blu 6500K bulbs and the led is mostly red ..


Well-Known Member
Ooh yea .. I dont know much about DWG .. but was looking in to it at some point and did talk it over with one who knew what he was talking about ..
and one thing I found out is that Pumps WILL break down .. even expensiv once .. might just take a bit longer ..

so make sure you have spare once around .. sucks to be in the middel of a grow and have no backups ..

he said he just buy the cheap once (10£) he buy a few .. mostly last a few runns each ..

also with hydro PH and Ec is very importent .. need to get that spot on .. Im sure that is only sumthing you can learn by doing .. but a good PH/EC pen will be sumthing you need to invest +50£ in ..


Active Member
The first thing you want to get right with your grow box is the ventilation. The hot spot created by a light bulb in a small space becomes more of a percentage of the cubic meter volume than in a large grow room, so for this reason in mind your vent fan will have to be very powerful. For example, if you had a 250 watt metal halide lamp set-up in an 8 cubic meter volume room you could use just a 4 inch CanFan brand fan and this would be good enough to exhaust enough heat so that only 1 degree fahrenheit would be added to the room temperature above the ambient intake air supply temperature. On the other hand, if you were to put that 250 watt metal halide lamp in a small grow box of the size you specified earlier in this thread, you would need a 6 inch fan to keep temps the same as the aforementioned large room example.

This may not answer all of your questions but the ventilation is the first key thing you must get right. If the grow is to be stealth, you may need to place the vent fan in a wood and foam insulated box with silencer attached three feet in front of the inline fan to keep the noise of the fan to less detectable levels.


well i cant use auto flowering seed coz its kind of a big operations to get seed's here and dont get busted by the police...
Most likely i go for the "dutch passion Blueberry".
oh and btw i already thought a bout the pump problem- i know thats thay break up so i gonna build some automatic backup mechanism...


Well-Known Member
ahhh ok .. well about the pumps .. what he meant is .. that it dont pay off in the long runn to buy expensiv once .. just buy a few of the cheap once now your at it .. keep one or two in a the closed as back ups .. keep a eye on em daily (they do make some noise so I dont think it will be a problem)

and just go with the dutch passion now you got it .. can always get others later on when you got some experiance and got in all in place ..

but then keep em low .. train em somehow .. top/FIM and LST is nice tecnics .. tho in a small space like that a sea of green might be the way to go for you ?.. look it up do some research ..

but then I wouldnt bother with the cloning/seed starting shelf .. no need as you will have them other plants growing for +3 months down ther ..
I would mouch rather use the space to its full and make two growing shelfs ... and just start seeds on a table out side like I do .. wont need much the fist week a small CLF on a table in cups is fine if you want to have new once ready for haverst ..

but thats just me .. you do it as you like and so it fit you and your needs .. and as I said a few times before .. you can allways upgrade later on ..

about ventilation .. yes it is pretty importent .. specialy in small space .. but as you did´t choose big HDI lights and did go the LED/T5 way you will only need enough to keep a nice fresh air/co2 flow .. heat wont be that much of a problem ..

as I said .. get a nice small 100mm canal vent ..


dont go cheap and try to do with them small bathroom ventilations ..


but no need to go realy big with 150mm or so ..


here is how it surpose to work:


you will need atlest 30cm on top of your box for that .. unless you some how can mount it on top /outside .. but filter still need to be inside ..and yes it do make some noise .. can isolate it and inside the box it wont make that much sound ..


Well-Known Member
Ooh yea and as its not a Auto seed you will need TOTAL darkness doing flowering (12/12) so make sure that box is light proof .. the smallest light leake can screew up your girls pretty good in flowering .. even make em males ..

also why a cloning shelf might not be a good idea ..
unless you can make it light proof from the other room .. but then you will also need to make some light proof air holes as you will need the ventilation to pull air out of boath rooms ..

unless you then fit it low in the grow room and get that cheap bathroom one for the cloning room with the small T5 bulbs ..

that could also be a option ..

do what you find best .. and do some research and thinking .. and go slow .. no need to rush and waste money on the wrong gear ..

with your littel space you need to do it right .. I belive T5 and LED is the way for you ..

small space and high Temps will be a nightmare with a big HPS and MH light ..
you would mostlikely not just need the big ventilation and what follows .. but also a AC and of course cool tubes aso.

then rather use all them money on a nice quality LED fixture ( I would proberbly have more space and go with a 4 foot T5VHO 12 tube fixture)

and also safe all the power .. I would also feel more safe .. and heat wont realy be a problem ..

would might still be with a big HPS even after all you did and all the money used ..

just my oppinion tho.. I just hate to see Ppl. get the wrong stuff and get problems ..
like to do it right the fist time myself and I did had to scale up my ventilation Bc. of heat (80$ out the window .. well actualy use it to pull air in of that window so still found a use for it .. but still would hate to do sumthing like that agin just Bc. I try to safe a few bucks and a drive)


Well-Known Member
I think this might help you more and can show you a lot of what Im trying to tell you (also a pretty kool guy and vidios he make)



Thx man saw all this videos allready ;) i add vent for sure.
What i am afraid of is the temp of the water... As i understand its have to be 20-25 c ...