my first grow


Active Member

I planted some seeds back in May I tried to germinate a lowryder and also an ultra haze seed which i was lucky enough to find in a bag of arjen ultra haze i bought from the greenhouse back in December. One of them have grown and is pretty healthy and i think i got it folwering too have a look at a few pics i provided and please tell me which of the two strains you believe it is. This was a lil experiment i tried and it seems to be going ok. I've got no lights just have been leaving it on the window sill then in the back garden recently i've been putting it in the outdoor toilet at 8 pm and putting it back out in the garden around 8am. fed it a bit of miracle grow but not sure what else i should do!!!! any advice would be great. Thanks



Active Member
Not a damn thing, don't do anything to them.
You may want to do some ferts but dont go over board. Make shure you have water and good water at that, mother nature will do the rest.
Kis thats what it's all about. Kis(keep it simple).
Remember this is a plant, dirt/water/sun. It will grow..
Looks great, post some more pic's.


Well-Known Member
Great looking plants, you're doing just fine. I don't know what kind of water you're using, but try and give them the purest you can manage. My tap water is horrible so I decided to go the reverse-osmosis route.


Active Member
Thanks, i'm thinking its a bit big to be a lowryder, i've been reading up and it seems i should wait till the hairs are going orange before i should think about cutting it and drying it


Well-Known Member
Thanks, i'm thinking its a bit big to be a lowryder, i've been reading up and it seems i should wait till the hairs are going orange before i should think about cutting it and drying it
Absolutely. Wait until about 75% of the hairs are red, then chop 'em down and hang them to dry.


Active Member
its been brought up on mineral water from my fridge lol recently i've been mixing a lil tomatoe grow with tap water and feeding it that and also getting the watering can over it all before i put in the dark for the night. i will try to get a pic of one of the bits wth the hairs growing up close on soon


Well-Known Member
I think its the Arjen because I am using Lowryder right now and they are flowering on day 18. If I planted in may, my plants would be done and thats why I dont think its the ryder.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking great. It's not Lowryder. Lowryder autoflowers in 18-21 days, finishes in 60 days (total) from seed to bud.
I'd finish out with some good quality Bat Guano (High P). Look for some in the range of 0-4-0 to 0-7-0. You can get some on Ebay, or Wormsway, a local Hydro Store..etc...
I use 0-7-0 to finish all my ladies. Organically Buds - Taste Best !!!
You can top dress it or make a tea (my favorite) and water it in. Two tablespoons to a gallon of unchlorinted water. Give each plant a quart of this tea, every week. Or use four tablespoons to a gallon & use it every two weeks.
Don't let the numbers fool ya.. 0-7-0 is the NPK ratio of soluble (immediately available - P) 0-7-0 actually has another 7-14 percent of P that will break down slowly over a couple of months. You can divide the crud in your tea between four or more plants or just throw it in the compost pile - to use later.
Nothing Beats Organic Soil Grown Buds.... Check out the Organic Threads for more info.. You'll be glad you did.
Keep it Real...Organic....


Active Member
hi i have just ordered some bat guama with the following stats:
N - 6%
P205 - 15%
K20 - 3%

will that be cool??

what do i do with it mix it into the sil and re-pot it into a larger pot?


Well-Known Member
Its definitely a girl, and its definitely the haze. lowryder is short and would have been done by now. everything looks really good right now, I wouldn't do anything to it.


Active Member
ok thanks i will keep it as it is. the bat guano will be on its way though!!! so i may try making a lil mixture with water when it comes and feed it once a week hopefully that will assist it a lil more. i added more pis but think i may have posted them already but i'm loving these pics it makes me so proud lol and my mates thought i would never pull it off with no lights or hydroponics!


Active Member
i've been puzzled to what strain this is as i tried to germinate a few together, turns out its low ryder no1!!! its 2 ft i didn't know they can get this big. it clicked to me yesterday when i saw a pic of low ryder on there own sight my main cola looks like the same as on their own site!

i got suspicious when it developed so fast the trichs are even starting to go amber a little i reckon there is a maximum of a week left til the main chop :)