My First grow


Well-Known Member
HAha yea i know but whens she just gonna stop....i mean i havn't even gotten fkn' buds yet and as far as i know they keep going vertical until buds start to show........that looks to be a ways off for me i just dunno.

She did perk back up significantly after watering, which i forgot to mention.

I feel like i could probobly start some from 12/12 and be done before she flowers lol.....but i dunno i'm still looking at 7-8+weeks before harvest even at this point.....unsure how many more its gonna even take......going at 2months from April 7th, so almost 2.5months so far.....Geeze


Well-Known Member
Well just checked on her, temps at 82F right now and climbing.

I feel like i need to do something about the Zn or Mg def, as thats her only visible signs of stress as of now.........


Well-Known Member
for the mg you can dissolve one tablespoon of epsom salts into one gallon of water and soak the root ball in it, or get a high-acid plant food such as Mir-Acid, which is made for rhodies, azaleas and camellias.


Well-Known Member
I Does Appear That The 1st Prob. Has Moved On To A 2nd!!! So I Do Feel Its Time To Nute Her Again. I Would Use The Lesser Of The 2, But I Also Feel That The N' In This One Is Still To High. She Is Prob. Lacking The P~k' Now due to the flushes, and getting her back. I would still stay away from the exotic mixes and just stick to the basic NPK. just my thoughts sorry for me absence ive been cloning. pics coming on that soon. along with a next run journal... DB.~TLB! :)
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the resposne guys, next watering which seems like it will be friday night or sat morning, 1 tspn of 15-30-15. into a 1/2 gallon, moderate amount of P, little more K, than i was giving, and alot less P.

I feel like her stems and all are lacking stength now because of the plummitting K levels. Since my PH is proper now, do you think molasses would be bad, say 1/2 tspn into a 1/2 gallon, to give some Mg and iron back?


Well-Known Member
Yes No Exotics On This Run Anymore Please, Lets Just Get It Out The Door, U Moved And Then We Guna Play Hard On Number 2 Or 3 Patience.... And I Know Your Prob. Sick Of Hearing It But, This Realy Is Like Watch Paint Dry And Then Getting The Results. Kinda Sucks,, But Great Life Lesson. Db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
Hehe ok no more exotics, i just want to puff them buds up though with some AJ or molasses when they start getting weight, and i feel i'll be missing out if i don't lol.

I'd really like to honestly know how much more they pack on as far as weight though with and without, but i'll surrender to your devilish ways and just stay with nutes and plain water :D For my next watering which nute, 10-52-10 or 15-30-15 should i use, i figure the 15-30-15 because of the moderated p and k amounts and how much? 1/2 tspn, 1 tspn per 1/2 gallon?

Thanks for being patient with me........I'm just hopeing at the end to get a quality smoke, the more the better, be able to part with a few 1/8ths to afford some good genetics/hps, and really the smoke, having some homemade is better than none, really wanting to make some quality hash too, have only had it once.....But i am using uvb, if thats any thing to wonder about. She seems to love it too, no burn at all.

I feel like i'm still 3 days into flower instead of the fucking ~50 almost 12/12 days, man i just messed that whole period up and could have been almost done by now mabey lol. So hillarious to me how bad i messed up and really hindsight is 20/20.
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Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me with any assurance how many days to weeks you would figure it would take from here on..........just to get an idea of finishing time etc. I figure 8 weeks is august 15th if everything goes right.

Shes gonna be massive.


Well-Known Member
Just a picture update for the day.

Shes getting taller, tonight or tomorrow i'm gonna have to break 3-4 of the longer stems and see if i can give her some more vertical room. Can i get a net and use that over the top tacked to the foam core scrog to keep her under wraps? Or will the nets just mess up the buds?

I got a good bit more hairs than normal though, and alot of the heads as seen in the picture are getting to 3leaf pairs, etc.....



Well-Known Member
haha a Few hrs pretty much.

Watered her 10am or so, checker her around 2, N problems, flushed her at around 6pm, Zn/Mg that night showed just before her bedtime.

Just checked her again.....shes about bone dry, and her stems are starting to curl over again from lack of water..........I think i'll water with 1tspn 15-30-15, in a few hrs, when she starts drooping more.

Its either the lack of water or something else, but seems to want to lean whichever way you put her now, dosent really flip back into spot like a resilient plant would.......i think she's withdrawing from lack of K, cause i was giving her so much for so long lol.


Well-Known Member
If it is a K deficiency, start looking for rusty spots on the plant as well as the leave tips curling and dying. The rusty spots shouldn't appear till later on into the problem.



Well-Known Member
Well one thing i know i should have done was keep closer tabs on leaf color, First sign of too much N is dark dark green leaves, then they start folding over cupping down, then the tips start curling over. Make sure to look at them under natural light, not EXTREEMLY intense light, even on alot of my early pictures i was toning the pictures down cause they were just so damn bright, and leaf color was no sign of N problems till it was too late.....But she looked so damn healthy before, very shocking to me how something so good turned so bad that quick........

Color is alot better now, but 90% of my tips are still curling now.....but showing more signs of Zn/Mg def than N now.

But PH was the bigger issue after the N was fixed.

Then i have a K def now then.......Got this from the FAQ

They look similar to this but not nearly as rusty on the outsides....And darker green on the insides so high contrast between the inner/outter areas. Should be able to be seen in the canopy shots.
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Well-Known Member
Your Avg. Run Time For Blm. Depends On Strain, And Conditions Ofcoarse.

But What I Know Is 8-10-12, Is The Marks That They Hit.!!! Lets Hope She Is An Eighter...!!!

I Want To Say, That The Last Full Pg. Pic, She Is Looking Better...or Is It The Lighting Again...??? Well Anyway I Hope U Are Feeling More That The Problems Are Behind And Yur Moving Forward...!!! Your There, Were 2d'
Db.~tlb! :) And Just Participate, And Patience, No Exotics, Master The Npk First Then Move On...!!! Just My Thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Db....

another little picture update.

Just finished watering her......1/2tspn 15-30-15 into 1/2 gallon.

Before i watered her she was sad.....

Another i took when i got her into the tub....

And took another after i watered her, about 25-30mins after, took some twist ties and tried to articulate them so i have some more vertical room, i have 1" left as it looks for vertical room, its gonna be fkn tough to keep her under control for at most another 12fkn weeks. All heads are almost 8" above the scrog if not more by now. I broke one and bent (mistake) it hopefully it'll be ok, i honestly have no freaking clue wtf to do if she gets any taller..................I would've had her under control easily if shit went right in the first place, and my time frame didnt' get blown away.......I knew it was going to happen, i basically called it.



Well-Known Member
Sat down for a little while tonight and figure out how i'm going to make this i dunno if its been done before but i'm going to try it cause i need a solution to a problem thats rapidly aproaching, height, so simple solution, do another far as light penetration i wonder, but i figure if i can control them fairly well and keep things very geometric and in right angles then i can make the most of my space......and try and see if i can get a nicely manicured row of

I dunno if anyone has tried this but i figure if i can arrange a 2nd layer 4-4.5" above the scrog layer now then i should be able to effectively control her

Now if i do this is she going to revert to more inner nodal growth (will these bud up or just become more leaves?, still confused as to what turns into what, other than main heads) or do you think she's still got ALOT of growth left in her and keep growing vertically, which means doing the same deal with the top layer that i did the bottom layer ( I've already made up the 2nd layer bracing. In the morning when she wakes i'm going to rig it up and start bending/leading them under it and hopefully this will control her, though i know thers going to be alot of leaf overlapping, so i'll pull it down vertically and run her horizontally. Size wize i'll say its about 2-3" smaller than the existing scrog so things are going to be a little more concentrated 4" from the lights....hopefully this will give maximux bud light exposure, and control her ass for the next 8 or more weeks :(. I might have a litte farm of buds sitting on top of my multi tiered scrog lol. Wish ful thinking though.

Few questions regarding budding...I've got so many heads in a small space.

1)Since i'm going to train the main heads horizontally, whats going to happen to the growths along the stems, they seem sorta stretched i think.....? will they just bud up next to the stem or are they going to be "branched buds, sorta like new heads protruding through this 2nd layer to the lights", if that makes any sense?

2)How much bushier is she gonna get, i'm afraid i'm going to be coverying up alot of leaf coverage and turning ALOT of leaves yellow below this 2nd tier, which makes up almost all of the foilage.

Anyone argue against it? Its not exactly simple anymore i'd say now.....she's outgrowing my box so this i feel is the only way to bring her to fruition.

I'm drunk and high sorry fort he ramble.
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Well-Known Member
id be worried about that first layer getting light, i hate to say it but i think your best bet would just to be to cut off some of the side leaves so you can move the biggest tops over to them

i think youre love for the screen is the reason your plant doesn't seem to progressing super fast, it must be hard for it to deal with the constant ties

are you going to scrog on the next one?


Well-Known Member
Just finished attaching the 2nd level, and yes i love scrog, i like how interactive it is, but i do worry it keeps redirecting flowering hormone to the new highest growths......but there not really horizontal so dunno how they will play out....we'll see.

Seems like it should work well, no tying really, just using the bottom scrog base to pull from, then just pulling a head 2 blocks over to theres tension on it, hopefully this will keep the canopy open enough to allow the lower budsites to give me something another. But pulling it that way the head should right itself in a couple hrs anyway.

But i do wonder about the light penetration, but there seems to be no real bud sites that i can see down there, granted there up and down the whole head length about ever 2", and moreso closer to the top, but this seems to be the only way and i'm not even sure if its going to keep her under control, but it seems very promising. I just don't want to slow her down anymore, only control her until she stops growing, while shes budding.

Anyway heres a pic of it attached, looks snazzy imo, cleaner than the bottom, i just hope she will stop growing after a good 2-3weeks.

She also seems to be exhibiting some browing on some tips.....New growth as you can see in the picture as well.

After putting her in i had to remove a tiny corner so my fan would sit down properly (top right of screen) fits like a glove ontop of the existing scrog and sits within 1-2" from all corners of the top clam shell box......this combination blocks about 90% of the light to the bottom of the glows BRIGHTly, below the 2nd layer no light lol..

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