My first grow

japanese steel

New Member
This is my first time growing and I'm just posting here to show you guys my progress and get some feedback. All 5 of these are a little over 8 weeks old and around 3 feet tall. I'm thinking about switching to 12/12 now but I'm tempted to let them ride it out until the season natural changes. I live in the Midwest and the light cycle won't change to 12/12 here till Sept 30th or so.

What do you guys think? Switch now or let it ride?

2013-08-21 11.27.34.jpg2013-08-21 11.27.59.jpg2013-08-21 11.28.37.jpg2013-08-21 11.29.03.jpg2013-08-21 11.29.28.jpg


Well-Known Member
If the weather outside is decent, move them outside now and they will transition to flower naturally

japanese steel

New Member
Forgot to mention that these have been growing outside the whole time. The weather has been up and down. A few weeks of good strong sunlight then a few days of overcast and rain. There is already a faint smell to them too.

I am thinking of switching now because they are already 3 feet and by the time they start flowering and stretching they are gonna get tall as fuck and will be a bit more difficult to hide in my backyard.

japanese steel

New Member
Welcome to RIU japanese steel. I would agree with Walter9999. good luck with your grow
Thank you. I have been pretty excited about this whole process. Growing is something I have always been interested in and now that I have tried it, I'm loving it and learning as much as I possibly can. I think I'm doing pretty good for my first time.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I have been pretty excited about this whole process. Growing is something I have always been interested in and now that I have tried it, I'm loving it and learning as much as I possibly can. I think I'm doing pretty good for my first time.
Yeah you go girl.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you in the midwest, I have a crop of 26 out there now, they are still flourishing even with the changes in weather, I just have to learn not to go crazy in the middle of a thunderstorm (mine are pretty well sheltered, unless a tree falls they're probably not gonna be damaged too much) If you put them outside, make sure it is a very good spot, you don't want your hard work to grow legs in the middle of the night (been there...) have they shown preflower/are the feminized? if not, keep them where you can easily cull the males, should any arise. your ladies look good (callin them ladies to boost your karma, hopefully it works and they're all female) What strain are they by chance? that will help determine how big they gonna get, smell factor etc. since you're relocating, watch out for big wild animals (deer, raccoons, groundhog, basically anything that can destroy your hard work, maybe get a small easily camouflaged fencing to keep them from trampling it

japanese steel

New Member
I'm with you in the midwest, I have a crop of 26 out there now, they are still flourishing even with the changes in weather, I just have to learn not to go crazy in the middle of a thunderstorm (mine are pretty well sheltered, unless a tree falls they're probably not gonna be damaged too much) If you put them outside, make sure it is a very good spot, you don't want your hard work to grow legs in the middle of the night (been there...) have they shown preflower/are the feminized? if not, keep them where you can easily cull the males, should any arise. your ladies look good (callin them ladies to boost your karma, hopefully it works and they're all female) What strain are they by chance? that will help determine how big they gonna get, smell factor etc. since you're relocating, watch out for big wild animals (deer, raccoons, groundhog, basically anything that can destroy your hard work, maybe get a small easily camouflaged fencing to keep them from trampling it

I'm growing in my backyard in the middle of town. The view into my yard is sheltered pretty good and I only have one neighbor that might be able to see them. No signs of sex yet which is troubling because I have read that around this time they should be showing. I had like 6 strains of seeds separated in a container but they got mixed up so I just picked 5 of the best looking seeds to plant. The only thing I'm really worried about is the height once they start flowering. Yeah I will get a bigger yield but they are gonna be a bitch to keep hidden if they get like 6 or 7 feet tall.

I think I'm just getting impatient for the payoff lol

japanese steel

New Member
I just went outside to admire my ladies (fingers crossed) and I do believe one of them is showing pistils. They are too small to get on my camera right now but I'm officially giddy lol Grow baby grow


Well-Known Member
hey man if you're worried about her gettin tall then tie her down, like pull the top down and bend her into a U shape


Well-Known Member
yes, LST is a must if you want a lower plant. your stalks look thin enough yet where you can do them. Get a stake and some twine, and bend the stalk over and tie it down (look it up before you do to be sure how, I'd hate for you to break something and lose a plant) I've noticed that the first pistils are a stark white against the marijuana green of the leaves and stalk, while the male pollen sack is green and blends in (and is round, not pointy) How close do your neighbors live? if they are anything but bag weed, you're gonna have a herd of skunks in your yard (my grow is at the end of the "yard" (2 acre or so field bordered on all sides by tall trees and miles of corn) and situated where the wind blows away from houses) if yours is like that then you're set, but if you have neighbors right next to you and all around, I'd think about moving them either indoors, or far far away


Well-Known Member
+1 on LST!

I'm also in the Midwest (although an indoor grower), and, yeah, the weather has been odd this Summer.

Your plants look lovely! I think they look like they want to stay outside.

Weather permitting, of course!

japanese steel

New Member
yes, LST is a must if you want a lower plant. your stalks look thin enough yet where you can do them. Get a stake and some twine, and bend the stalk over and tie it down (look it up before you do to be sure how, I'd hate for you to break something and lose a plant) I've noticed that the first pistils are a stark white against the marijuana green of the leaves and stalk, while the male pollen sack is green and blends in (and is round, not pointy) How close do your neighbors live? if they are anything but bag weed, you're gonna have a herd of skunks in your yard (my grow is at the end of the "yard" (2 acre or so field bordered on all sides by tall trees and miles of corn) and situated where the wind blows away from houses) if yours is like that then you're set, but if you have neighbors right next to you and all around, I'd think about moving them either indoors, or far far away

Yeah the smell is the other issue I was worrying about. One side of my backyard is 3 small trailer plots that are empty and overgrown, an alleyway going behind, and one neighbor on the other side. My yard is surrounded by trees so I'm not worried about visibility so much as smell. I can't really move them inside because I don't have any sort of light set up for them. I can bring them in during the night though.

To make it even scarier, there is an Elementary School right across the street from my front yard. THAT'S what I'm worried about the most.