my first grow

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My #1 seedling has a curled leaf! Is this normal or am I under / over watering?? The soil I'm using has nutrients in it btw.

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My #2 seedling still has the shell. I dont wanna touch it but i do wanna help it shed . They are both 1cm and one day old

There fine.The shell should fall off,if not you can gently remove your self,but give it a chance to fall off it self first.You say your soil has nutes in it,so dont feed any for a few weeks or until plant tells you.I like to keep my light as close as I can when they are small to prevent stretching when using cfls.

While I agree with the light comment, keep em close, the pulling of the shell of that bean I do not agree, leave it, it's a pre-me, it'll be fine, let it do it's thing
I'm going to a hydroponics store today because I don't like not being in control of nutes with miracle gro. So I'm gonna make a soiless mix. Can I transplant my current seedling to the new soiless mix? If so, how?
I'm going to a hydroponics store today because I don't like not being in control of nutes with miracle gro. So I'm gonna make a soiless mix. Can I transplant my current seedling to the new soiless mix? If so, how?

Word of advice if this is your first trip to the store: either know pretty well what you want before going in, or set aside HOURS to wander through, just soaking it all in. Either way, sounds like you caught the bug already.
im sure your babys will do flawlesslly like mine did, im growing from seed too its 2 months and 1 week in and shes beautiful just did a finally transplant into a 5gal pot im gunna wait bout 2 weeks then mabe top or make a clone off her :D best of luck in your grow....... a little tip

growing weed is not as easy as it sounds or how people tell you, its all about trial and error and learning along the way and making sure you have the proper things a ph tester/adjuster is a MUST and some nutes and bloom for flowering proper lightings CFL's are fine under the right watts and you need good soil pot size and you should be set oh and a fan if your growing indoor and a humidity meter.
Day 5 . #1 (Debbie) looks healthy just over 4m tall. #2 (Felicia) is 4 cm too but lost a leaf when the shell fell off btw. ) Also I got some nutes and soiless stuff today. I transplanted Felicia into a soiless mix today. Hope she doesn't die.
nice dude they looks good and i got the same ph tester as you and those things are 100% accurate, id start feeding her around 4-5 weeks thats what i did to mine didnt start feeding untill a month after cuz im using fox farm soil. and now my plant is ROBUST as ever love it.
u dont need to water everyday .................. y are u transplanting so soon?............

I want a soiless grow so Im in control of nutes. I didn't know if when I eventually repotted if I can put the mg in a soiless pot so I just attempted a transplant. The other one is still in mg & It's doing great.