My first grow

Hi I am growing a golden goat clone I got from a dispensary. It's been about three days since I bought it. It's about three inches tall an I don't think it's grown at all but it looks healthy. Please give me advice and opinions on my growing..ill upload pictures to. Oh and I am growing with blue/white LED lights and using the SCROG method


Well-Known Member
your dipenserary charges for flowering clones.....lame

its going to take a but longer than normal since it looks like the plant was at least 1 week into flower when the clone was taken. dont expect alot of growth untill it cycles back to vegatative stage and you will notice where the pistols are you will get some deformed looking leaves for a little while, dont worry though this will straighten out in time and the bonus part is revegged plants tend to grow nice and full and bushy so you shouldnt have to worry about to much topping or training.

my 2¢

i have been revegging a clone for almost a month now and its slowly making its way...they take a while. Next time you spend money for a clone make sure it dosent have any pistols
I wil update for sure as much as I can and I'm out and about right now so I don't have that link for the lights handy but I will get back to you on that.. But how long do you think my plant will take from now till harvest?


Well-Known Member
that all depends on how long you veg it for, the longer you veg the bigger its going to get. i looks really sativa dominant so i would say around 12 weeks from flipping to 12/12 maybe less. They say Sativa doms take anywhere between 10-16 weeks for flower so its tough to say and usually about a week or 2 on 12/12 before the plant even cycles into flowering stage. If your going to grow patience should be your first purchase :) as this hobby requires quite a bit of it.
Well about how potent an much yield do you think I could possibly get if I only let it grow 3 more inches before switching to 12/12. And it is 80/20 sativa Dom.


Well-Known Member
i would let it re veg man switching it now you will be lucky to pull a few grams off it as its already in flower so it will just keep on budding and possibly not even stretch. give it 3-4 weeks under the 18/6 or whatever veg cycle your doing. you will be glad you did in the long run.

potency is all genetics for the most part.
Sorry it's taken me awhile to update this...the plant is still the same heighth and the lights have been on 24/ of the leafs kind of dried up and died so I removed your plant back in veg cycle yet? I'd like to know how your is going to


New Member
it needs some time for the roots to develop and catch up to the size of the vegetation.

i would switch lights to 20/4 or 18/6. stuides have shown that roots develop during the night time hours.

you should have roots within two weeks. keep the plant on that veg for 2-3 weeks, then switch to 12/12 for flower. start keeping track when you switch to 12/12.

make sure you medium is always moist, but never heavy and damp. roots like a moist, but very airy and pillow like medium to develop.


Active Member
Sorry it's taken me awhile to update this...the plant is still the same heighth and the lights have been on 24/ of the leafs kind of dried up and died so I removed your plant back in veg cycle yet? I'd like to know how your is going to
If I were you I'd just go to another dispensary and buy a quality clone with strong roots. If the clone was rooted when you bought it you should have plenty of new growth by now. Once rooted new growth is noticeable on all my clones on a daily basis. When you are out of the cloning phase try switching your lights to 18/6. Also no one has addressed the issue of your environment yet, which could be the reason you're having problems. If I were you I'd try something a little easier to grow. Sativa's can be tricky and take longer to finish flowering. Something with more indica might be easier.
Also I've never tried it but read that cloning from flowering plants is tricky and hard to get them rooted.


Active Member
it needs some time for the roots to develop and catch up to the size of the vegetation.

i would switch lights to 20/4 or 18/6. stuides have shown that roots develop during the night time hours.

you should have roots within two weeks. keep the plant on that veg for 2-3 weeks, then switch to 12/12 for flower. start keeping track when you switch to 12/12.

make sure you medium is always moist, but never heavy and damp. roots like a moist, but very airy and pillow like medium to develop.
it needs time to reveg not forbthe roots to catch up. its 3-4" tall kid not a mammo clone wiyh no roots and dying foliage. dont listen to a thing this guy says as he is as new as u are. leave ur light on 24 hours a day for 30-45 days at least or pike a post above says...get another clone. hell ill donate u one if ur in norcal. i have hundreds lol. u will see crazy curling leafs and lots of 1 and 3 leaf growth at first. wait till u see 5 or 7 point leafs as u can then be sure u are 100% reveged and ready to flower. yhe best part is the entire time it will get a crazy ass root mass and be able to eat flowering nutes like u wouldn't imagine. u gotta be patient bro
Shit I wish I lived in NorCal but I live in colorado.. I will keep the lights on 24 hours and see how it goes..but I am probably going to go buy another clone to...are you sure my led lights are working?