My First Grow ?


Hi, All

This is my 1st grow, and would like to know how it looks at 6 wks of vegging, all opions are welcome. my main concern of course, is the health of these little babies. Don't know the strain. the pictures may tell all, I hope. Please tell me what you see/think. of what it my need. Medium - MG potting soil with time release ferts for upto 6mo ? Ph is between 6.5 - 7.0 temps 75 -85* humidity 50 -55%. I just added a cool mist humidifier 2days ago average temp 80* 24/7 lighting using 8 - 100w cfl's in a closet space of 2'x2'x7'

IMG_0002.jpg6 wks.jpg

Well-Known Member
they look really good :) altho it looks like maybe a little nute burn going on? maybe someone more knowleadgeable would be able to pin it......but they do look eager to be flowered :) lol


Active Member
they look ok to me also, r you refering to the slight yellowing of them middle leaves ? if so go to the sick plant section n marry them up with the closest to ur problem and u may get some answers ! but all in all i wud be happy wiv them but i wud b flippin them to flower asap, coz there gonnadouble in size in flower so take this in to account, i only veg them for 4 weeks of so or till there roughly 14 inches and then they grow to 3 ft and as wide,,, good look any way man !!


No nutes yet, just water. the nutes are in the soil, medium MG potting soil. suppose to be good for 6mo. Height of plants 12 -14" my next grow I'll be using organic soil, mixed w/perlite, and sand.


Active Member
I used miracle grow once, i hated it, but i have heard some people get good crops from MG. I think your plants look good, post some more pics when the buds come through :)


I think this is a male but not sure, take a look it may not be clear let me know what you think. I'ts been 8 days in flowering stage. I'll try to get a better shot will post.
