My First Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. First thread started on here. Also total newb to growing. So if I mess anything up, please let me know. Thx. So I started a little late, but planted my clone July 1st. All seems to be going well as its a month into growth. I will dig up a picture. Please feel free to comment..suggestions welcomed as well. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Their doing very well, it looks a little shady along the side of the house but if their happy there leave em. How big is your pot?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure of the strain.. it was given to me by someone that was unsure, but he received them being told they are well suited for outdoor. And as for must be the time of the picture.. It get slammed with sun from 8am until around 6 or so


Well-Known Member
Im not sure the size in gallons... i actually bought a Japanese maple.. 6 footer or so that it came in, and re-used it to try my hand at growing erb.


Well-Known Member
Im using miracle gro organic soil.. and i cant remember the nutes...whatever i bought its 20-20-20... and i have fed it 3 times over the month with like a half to 3/4 strength mixture


Well-Known Member
I used miracle grow for my first couple of grows with good reasults, it's not the best because of their slow realize fertizlers but from what I see your going to have one tasty lady when your all done. As for the nutrients make sure you get a flowering one too, they still have a ways go of course but it's always good to be prepared


Well-Known Member
Well Im hoping for the best! Yeah i plan on getting a bloom nute when the time comes for sure. I just wanted to see if I could pull off a decent first grow.. I've seen buddies put too much care into the plant and kill it (ie. too many ferts and stuff) ... so im taking things a step at a time to see how she reacts and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
You hit the nail right on the head, that's what most first timers have to learn the hard way, they think more nutes=bigger plant. Which of course isn't the case, I'm glad to see that you ve done your research and it will pay off soon enough. The only other thing I would recommend would be a ph meter and figure out what kind of strain your dealing with so you have a general idea on how long it flower but I think you said it was a mystery. In that case it's always best to check trichomes, you ll be surpised how much weight your buds pack on in the last couple of weeks


Well-Known Member
Funny you bring that up..i actually grabbed a PH meter as well as a 100X scope w/ light on the weekend!


Well-Known Member
Its too bad really... i would love to know what strain it is... Mystery it will remain. Next time i will be sure to be more prepared earlier to know what I have to gauge my flowering times..and next time will be more than one plant. lol. Thanks for the advice though i appreciate any input as im very new to this.


Well-Known Member
As you can see, i tried out a little LST, just seemed to be the right way to go for my grow after researching


Well-Known Member
haha your all set then, I'm a very firm believer in lst, it's kind of one of those personal things but I like a bushier plant opposed to a tall one, those bottom branches get a lot more light then. As for your next grow have you considered buying any seeds?


Well-Known Member
Yes I would like to buy seeds next was mainly just the convenience factor of having this clipping given to me. That and the fact that I actually enjoy the whole growing thing and would love to learn more about it.


Well-Known Member
yes I grow all year round, currently I have 4 ak48s going in hydro and I'm about to build another grow room. I would grow outside but it's a bit risky in my area. I have in the past grown outside but have stopped due to being lazy and the shear price of gas( had to drive a little bit to the garden)