My First Grow

I i have a rubbermaid 55 gallon box with 4 daylight 27wat cfls the box is incased with a crome heat blanket i have a small desk fan running 24hours and have a 16/8 light scedule i use mg organic choice potting soil and have drilled holes into the bottem of my 6 inch pots and am 1 week into it i have 3 plants sprouted with its begging leaves and the round shell leafs and are about 2 inches tall is everything going as it should


Active Member
Everything sounds pretty good man. You might want to start thinking about nutrients and once those babies start going crazy, that's not going to be enough light for 3 plants. You might be able to get away with it for vegging (they're just going to grow a little slower) but come time to start flowering, you're definitely going to need lots more light. Besides that, it sounds like you've got a pretty good home for your ladies.
much apreciated i want to continue to use cfls and i have room in the box for 4 more of the same light do you think i should just go ahead and ad them in or should i wait to a certain stage in there life


Well-Known Member
Your space and setup is very adequate. I'm doing the same thing pretty much, I'll provide you a pic of my grow under my bed (the pic in the attachment is about 1 weeks old) and I don't even use a fan. The indica strain seems to do better in that heat, which isn't too bad anyhow. The sativa is hanging on to life.

You can check this grow out in my sig, it's the first one out of the 3 sigs.



Active Member
You could go ahead and add them but if you can I'd up the wattage on the new ones maybe to 30W or so, and make sure they are 2700K temp. You want a warmer light for flowering, one with more red in the spectrum.


Active Member
The lower the Kelvin temperature, the "warmer" the light. The higher the Kelvin temperature, the "cooler" the light. Warm light = more red spectrum. Cool light = more blue spectrum. Plants use more of the blue spectrum for vegging and use more of the red spectrum while flowering.