My first grow

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
What is this cat litter stuff about? Do you plan to mix it with the soil? If so, why? I wouldn't use Miracle Gro either if you can possibly help it. You want soil that doesn't already have nutes in it. Try Pro-mix #4. It is the best readily available soil for m.j.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
but I'm not looking at the shafts, just the heads. lmao
Ha ha.

Thanks mared, I needed that chuckle. The trichs are still cloudy/clear-amber when I put the scope directly on the buds, but I checked the trichs of a small bud I quick dried on the toaster (by far the best method I've found) and there were a couple really dark/black amber heads as you described. So, I guess it's still a bit on the early side, but perfect for me to start my comparison.

About the's a very easy method to quick dry without ruining taste/ it in the faq's. Basically, you put some foil over the top of the toaster, creating a little dugout within the slots for bread, and run the toaster on the lowest setting, allowing it to get hot for no longer than a minute. The foil blocks the slot and creates a significant amount of residual heat, which is why you only need to run it for a minute at a time. You then let it sit for 5-10 minutes and heat it up again. After about a half hour you've got a smokable bud, depending on the size of it. I choose very very small buds no larger than a bowl pack to test, so they dry quickly and rather evenly. Read the faq's for a better description of how it works.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by everyone else! I've got my cat's litterbox in the bathroom in which my grow room is located and it doesn't affect the plants. I wouldn't use it as a growing medium or mix it in with one.

Miracle grow pretty much sucks, but some people still use it and grow good buds. If you've got nothing else, it should be fine.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Enough about the cat litter already, lets get down to business. The buds I plucked the other day have dried, and the early returns are mostly positive. They got considerably smaller during the dry (loss of ~75-80%, as expected) but all three turned out different. Shorty's bud, which was the largest, has the "hay" smell...leading me to believe she has dried out too quickly. Conditions in the box are 81 degrees and 51% RH, and the fan only blows on the box indirectly. I'm going to harvest a couple more tonight and try again, this time with minimal fan breeze.

I sampled all three buds between last night and today, and all taste clean but a little hollow (if that makes sense...). It smokes as if the psychoactive chemicals aren't quite where they should be, which is good because I didn't think they looked very done. I was able to identify one or two amber trichomes on all the buds, but that's it. They just aren't quite ready yet.

Shorty tastes the best so far, with tall girl a close second. Wide girl still has some improving to do, but I'm not worried about her. It's been a few hours since I smoked last so I'm going sample wide girl again.

In the first stage of my "head" high vs. "body" stone comparison, I can safely say harvesting early DOES IN FACT PROVIDE MORE OF A "HEAD" HIGH. When I hit these early buds, I feel high but focused. It's almost like an incomplete high--I know I'm high, but I don't feel it the way I usually do, except in my head. So, we'll see how the rest of the high's compare. I should really take an early bud and cure it to compare with later harvested and cured buds...that will be step two I suppose.

I've only got one pic to include today...I've been slacking again, sorry. It shows the shrinkage of the buds compared to their first harvest. The older girls all look the same as they have for a week or so. I gave another feeding of water yesterday, this time filtered brita water from my tap, pH'd to 6.8. The runoff was decidedly more light yellow than the last two flushes, which I guess means its working.

Note how small shorty's bud got compared to the other day. Wide girl remained rather dense, while tall girl really loosened up and was surprisingly whispy. I took an early sample from wide girl, requiring me to cut her string. I just bent the stem and slipped it over the string.

I just need to make sure I can dry them evenly and slowly and I should be ready to harvest. Now I'm just waiting on those trichomes...

The teenagers are all doing pretty good. The lower leaves are yellowing up on the three identical girls, probably from nutrient deficiency (I haven't added any nutes really, so they've been living off the soil). The topped ones are having a difficult time adjusting back to the veg cycle. The leaves started to droop and grow a little wonky, but they should be back on track now. They too have received no nutrients, and probably could use a good feeding.

I like using this current batch as experimental...I've got a good idea now of how long the nutrients in my soil will last before I need to start adding (I've gone about a week+ over that line and it's starting to show). And the topped one's all responded well and look to have 4 main cola's, just growing slow for right now.

The one top I used as a clone is also doing fine, however it isn't really growing. It's clearly alive, and looking good, but it's just not getting any bigger. We'll see how the next few days go, but I'm sure she has rooted well by now.

I'll get some pictures up later tonight...


Well-Known Member
Now, you just know I'm going to add my two cents here--despite what others think. When you describe the "hay taste"....I'm thinking not enough of a flush. This is why I do a gradual flush---just doesn't make sense that you could properly do one all in one flush..
Personally, I find the best alternative to a "quick cure" for slightly up to par tasting is to just go through a quick series of steps. After drooling and tying my hands for so long--the day comes where I go for it. I'm with you......I like the more up buzz. I can't stand being "lazy." I don't use the measuring trichs, etc. The truth is, I just don't need it. My instincts are most always correct.
To "start off" the "tasters cure"........I place it on my window sill for at least a full 24 hours--flipping as needed. I figure the sun not only allows it to dry out more quickly, but also contributes to another days blooming period.
Note I've tried ALL of the "quick cures".......this I feel works best. I typically begin this process for a day in the beginning....and at night time hang them to dry in my mini cabinet with ciruclating air. If you find that the bud is still too moist after that period, you can "lightly nuke" the bud in the microwave. When I say "lightly"......I MEAN it. The truth is that the bud dried off its stem for a day is sufficient enough to dry "in part." It usually only takes yet another day of 3 or 4 times "nuking" in the microwave for only a few seconds at the LOWEST level-------AND wrapped lightly around at least 2 paper towels. (You know, I get antsy....particularly because I don't purchase the stuff.)
When I first made my attempts at tasting, I tried heaters, among a few other things. I say NATURAL heat is best to give you that "honest" essence.
Regarding your teenagers...I personally think it would be best to start them out with a very light feeding---say, fish emulsion. Build up from there.
One last thing to note--obviously, on my last grow, I was fighting fungus gnats with all my might. This just stunts the growth overall with them wreaking havoc. I decided to harvest early---trust me, it made sense to. I wish I knew how to upload pictures, but matters's the visual. I did my flush as normally any person would and I then ripped my plants from their home-------bare roots flushed OVER AND OVER. I kept my plants with only roots exposed in a strainer to continue its "final" blooming period---at which time I sprayed the hell out of it with the sweet running naturally. Like cooking, it is an art.
Brilliant instints to keep a bud off of each to the side to taste LATER. I did the very same thing. Take my word, it is well worth the wait.
You are absolutely's all about experimenting---DESPITE what you will be drilled with by fellow RIU members. :peace:


Well-Known Member
how messy wuz that pulln ur roots out and strainin them in the sink shower? Fk that. Garcia.. good luck on harvesting!


Well-Known Member
how messy wuz that pulln ur roots out and strainin them in the sink shower? Fk that. Garcia.. good luck on harvesting!
VERY messy, but I'm a clean freak.
Well worth the effort I might add to get rid of all that crappy soil loaded with larvae. It's been the battle from hell, but I'm almost home. When I start growing some quality seed, I'll be gnat free.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Jerry, that was a very good smoke report. Like yourself im new to growing, and your post got me thinking about the mind vs body high, and maybe ill let some of plants go longer now to see the difference.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Now, you just know I'm going to add my two cents here--despite what others think. When you describe the "hay taste"....I'm thinking not enough of a flush. This is why I do a gradual flush---just doesn't make sense that you could properly do one all in one flush..
Personally, I find the best alternative to a "quick cure" for slightly up to par tasting is to just go through a quick series of steps. After drooling and tying my hands for so long--the day comes where I go for it. I'm with you......I like the more up buzz. I can't stand being "lazy." I don't use the measuring trichs, etc. The truth is, I just don't need it. My instincts are most always correct.
To "start off" the "tasters cure"........I place it on my window sill for at least a full 24 hours--flipping as needed. I figure the sun not only allows it to dry out more quickly, but also contributes to another days blooming period.
Note I've tried ALL of the "quick cures".......this I feel works best. I typically begin this process for a day in the beginning....and at night time hang them to dry in my mini cabinet with ciruclating air. If you find that the bud is still too moist after that period, you can "lightly nuke" the bud in the microwave. When I say "lightly"......I MEAN it. The truth is that the bud dried off its stem for a day is sufficient enough to dry "in part." It usually only takes yet another day of 3 or 4 times "nuking" in the microwave for only a few seconds at the LOWEST level-------AND wrapped lightly around at least 2 paper towels. (You know, I get antsy....particularly because I don't purchase the stuff.)
When I first made my attempts at tasting, I tried heaters, among a few other things. I say NATURAL heat is best to give you that "honest" essence.
Regarding your teenagers...I personally think it would be best to start them out with a very light feeding---say, fish emulsion. Build up from there.
One last thing to note--obviously, on my last grow, I was fighting fungus gnats with all my might. This just stunts the growth overall with them wreaking havoc. I decided to harvest early---trust me, it made sense to. I wish I knew how to upload pictures, but matters's the visual. I did my flush as normally any person would and I then ripped my plants from their home-------bare roots flushed OVER AND OVER. I kept my plants with only roots exposed in a strainer to continue its "final" blooming period---at which time I sprayed the hell out of it with the sweet running naturally. Like cooking, it is an art.
Brilliant instints to keep a bud off of each to the side to taste LATER. I did the very same thing. Take my word, it is well worth the wait.
You are absolutely's all about experimenting---DESPITE what you will be drilled with by fellow RIU members. :peace:
Well you're probably right about the hay taste--I only flushed for like 4 days before I took the samples, so that is probably my issue. They taste nice though, all of them!

As for quick drying--I'm pretty content with my toaster method, as it provided the quickest dry with minimal destruction of trichs. I tried the oven method and fried those little suckers off in 2 minutes. The toaster method is much more regulated--still not perfect, but minimal loss for quickest dry in my opinion.

I've seen probably one gnat during my watering/examination periods...only a few in hiding and thats about it. No infestation, no visible larva in the soil...just one or two who like the sweet aroma (can't really blame them, right?). So I don't really feel the need to take decisive action, even though an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure :weed:

I checked the trichs again yesterday...still mostly cloudy heads, though I did notice a few of the STALKS began to turn amber, but the heads were still clear/cloudy. But it was only a couple and only on one wide girl. Either way, they've got a little while to go, which means they'll get at the very least one more water flush before the big harvest.

Sorry no pics, I ended up going out of town for the evening...but I'll make it up to everyone with a compendium of images tonight--well, maybe not a compendium, you already know what they look like (it really hasn't changed much in the last few days). I also didn't harvest any more last night (because I left right after the lights came on) so I'll be sure to pluck another few buds tonight.

how messy wuz that pulln ur roots out and strainin them in the sink shower? Fk that. Garcia.. good luck on harvesting!
Thanks for stopping by tilemaster!

Thank you Jerry, that was a very good smoke report. Like yourself im new to growing, and your post got me thinking about the mind vs body high, and maybe ill let some of plants go longer now to see the difference.
Experimentation is the name of the game...but I don't need to tell YOU that Mr. Pink Widow!


Active Member
Looking good gibrone, I haven't checked up on this thread for quite some time and your plants seem to be coming along just swell!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hello again boys and girls. My apologies again for being a slacker about my thread--life just gets in the way sometimes. Anyway, we're at day 67 of flower and my amber trichs are still seemingly AWOL. Again, lots of cloudy and clear and clearish-amber, but the solid amber heads are just not there. I worry maybe I'm not seeing them properly...maybe I need a better scope...maybe I'm just impatient and need to keep waiting...

I snipped 3 more little buds last night--shorty was 5.6, tall girl was 2.4 and wide girl was 2.6. Again, I went for the smallest buds I could find. Trimming these little things took just about an hour...I can't image what trimming the entire plant will be like--my eyes were already getting blurry by the end of the hour...

I got some new scissors from walmart yesterday (I hate shopping there, and as a rule I tend to avoid it, but I needed another thermometer/hygrometer and they have the cheapest at under $7). The scissors are awesome! They are Westcott brand titanium little scissors that have a curved tip. I thought the tip was going to be stupid, but boy I was wrong. These things make trimming much more precise, and really allow you to get into the bud and snip out those fan leaf stems. Still, its going to take freaking forever to trim them all...

The plants in the veg room are doing biggest topped plant's stems are turning purple, undoubtedly from a deficiency (I still haven't given any nutes...) and she just seems unhappy that I took her from flower to veg. She's probably been flowering for a couple weeks, was then topped and put back into veg. I think I waited too long to put it back to veg...oh well, it was experimental anyway. The other three seem to be doing better, but they will need some nutrients and larger pots today if I want to keep them alive.

One of the young plants in the flower room was staying really short, so I decided maybe I would try some supercropping on her--well, I over supercropped and snapped her stem almost clean in two. Whoops. I kinda put it back together and wrapped some duct tape around it. I don't really care about it, but it will be interesting to see how much stress a plant can really come back from. It looks funny now though with the silver duct tape. Otherwise, things are the same. The cloned top still is not growing, but looks healthy. The others are slowly yellowing, and will be given nutrients this evening.

Tall girl.

Some lower buds

A blurry top shot...sorry...

Middle buds

Wide girl

Her beautiful top

Her bottom branches...can you tell where I've been taking samples?


No small buds on this fine lady.

Little ones.

So we'll see where things go from here. I'll try to get some pics of the small drying buds up later :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Save this bud for me....

I say they are ready. That's about as many red hairs as I would ever want.
I'm just curious......why did you taste from the bottom, and not mid-way? Seriously, sample one from each site.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Save this bud for me....

I say they are ready. That's about as many red hairs as I would ever want.
I'm just curious......why did you taste from the bottom, and not mid-way? Seriously, sample one from each site.
There are a series of those middle buds on tall girl, so don't worry about that!

No real reason I've been taking from the bottom, just trying to find the smallest buds I could.

I gave them all another watering today. Also gave some nutrients to the younger plants. Three of the topped ones are almost back to normal vegging, but one just doesn't quite want to switch back. So I topped 2 of her colas again, giving 4 more I guess. We'll see if she can turn it around.

Still nothing on the amber trichome front. The plants don't look like they can be more ready, and I really don't want to miss my window of maximum THC. There are plenty of clearish-amber trichs, but they are literally so light they aren't easily distinguished from the clear ones. But they DEFINITELY have a hint of amber.

Next round of test buds should be ready tomorrow for my sampling pleasure.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I've found that the last days of a plants life you have to go completely against your instincts and let it die a slow death. In the beginning I kept wanting to have super healthy plants all the way until harvest but that is not natural and doesn't give the best results. Now I flush until my leaves look like a tree in autumn. Yellows and purples and blacks. The plant will actually bulk up the buds quite a bit more when feeding off of itself rather than the nutes from the soil. Don't be worried about yellowed and dying leaves at this point.