My first grow


Active Member
Hey guys and gals, if any:D, here it is. This grow has been a project on and off for two years now. Lots of complications, set backs, and about $1500 bucks but finally got it up and running on 12/31/08.

Please feel free to comment and give my ANY suggestions or questions.

I have a total of 5 babies, 2 being Hindu Skunk and 3 being White Widow. I got all five for about 20 bucks at the Bluesky Coffee shop in Oaksterdam. NOTE: I planned on four but adopted a 5th (Just couldn't see it die on the streets :wink:), so that is why the 1st pics show 4

My setup consists of a 600w HPS lamp with the widest spectrum bulb I could find (Forgot the name sorry). I have it hooked up to a 440cfm inline fan that runs to a 6" carbon filter. I am growing Hydroponically using 100% perlite as my medium. My nutes are "Sweet & Heavy" and I must say they are the AWESOME!

My pics are from 12/31/08 - 1/27/09
I plan on posting some updates so stay tuned cause I don't have a camera right now.

